Insane Asylum
Welcome To The Ward."...The terms genius and insane have become interchangeable..." The Malton Mental Health Care Facility is idyllically located on scenic and poetically storm-lashed Absenterra Island. The Insane Asylum is the perfect place for unwanted relatives and friends who are (as we experts say) 'not quite right in the head'. Our patients enjoy the most luxurious and modern facilities (straw on cell floors changed twice each and every month). Welcome to the "Malton Insane Asylum", or the MIA for short. Feel free to admit yourself or anyone else for that matter. We offer free transportation, room and board. It's a nut house, do you really need any further information? We Are The Patients"...Insanity is just an alternative way of thought..."
How Can I Become A Patient Of The IA?"...Crazy people do not realize they are crazy, they believe everyone else to be..." Becoming a member is simple enough, there are a few requirements though.
Let your darkside take control of your bright side and come on over to the Grayside for you are now not in your right mind. Disclaimer: