Kinch Heights Roadbuilding council

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The Kinch Heights Roadbuilding council was a society of fat men who essentially bribed the city officals to allow them to name roads in Kinch Heights. The society consisted of roughly 12 unnamed men, reputedly addicted to the MMORPG "Globe of Gloommold". This led to odd naming of several streets. The city officals managed to block most of their names, citing historic people and heroic events-- It is rumored that several streets, named Warlawk Lane, Cheet'o Crescent, Zalgorak Drive and Ogrepwn Plaza were sucessfully blocked. Regardless, the names Taylour Lane, Vranch Walk, and Vile Crescent still passed, as they were less odd. The council was, eventually, disbanded the year before the outbreak. Its members were reputedly zombified when the outbreak hit. Very few people in Kinch Heights knew about the council, as they horribly feared that they would be discovered and pelted with eggs and taunted by the "populars". The Roadbuilding council did do one contributing factor--it provided evidence on the location of Keith Payge, a robber in the Harmsworth Massacre.