Lexicon:Illicit Smuggling

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This page is a part of the Infection Lexicon. The information here is fan-created and should not be considered in-game canon. Please do not edit this page unless you are certain that the Lexicon has been completed.

From what I've know about Necrotech in Malton everything seems to point to the theory that they're behind nearly all illegal items going in and out of the city. For some reason though they've refused to move anything larger than audio recordings. Now they've probably got a few million dollars of lethal diseases, chemical agents, DNA, and medical supplies just sitting in warehouses. Those important items are usually hidden among mountains of empty cardboard boxes, in a few dusty crates tucked in a dark corner, or (due to pre-quarantine SWAT raids) some warehouses were already emptied long before the outbreak. Thankfully nobody finds these things thanks to the fact that warehouses are completely devoid of anything useful to survival and because of that they are never searched.

I mean think about: you're being chased by zombies or even worse it's some cannibal hobo. If your life is in a risk no chance you'll waste one second sifting through boxes instead of going to the roof and jumping to another building. It's that uselessness that made me confident enough to lead a team of Necrotech scientists to recover some lost supplies. After the two leading scientist; Dr. Smith and Dr. Norhd confirmed that the dozens of vials stamped Ebola and Cyanogen Chloride were secured Norhd told me to lead the way back to the lab. I turned to go when suddenly four gunshots rang out.

Even after collapsing on the cold cement floor it took me several seconds to register I had been shot. I just layed still and watched as a pool of blood form around my waist. The nine scientists were hustling towards the door; carrying cases in each hand, and just before the last few left I pulled a pistol from my waistband and fired. The shot hit Smith right at the base of the skull and he along with two carrying cases fell to the ground like a heap of trash. Nordh turned sharply and fired two shots that tore into the right side of my chest.

As I faded into unconciousness the she shouted, "Don't touch those cases, something might have broken. Lets just get back to Angerstein."

References: Feeding Groans, Midnight Police Raids, Death Cults, Unregistered Employees, Infectious Disease

--Pariah01 02:00, 20 February 2007 (UTC)