List of Families of Malton/D
- This is a partial list of Families of Malton, whose surname start with the letter D
- For more families, see Families of Malton
The List
The Dabinett Family aka the Dadson family.
The Daley Family aka the Dalley family.
The Dalzell Family aka the Dalziel family.
The Dane Family (see also Danversbank )
The Dark Family aka the Darke or Darch family. (See also Dakerstown )
The Darvall Family (see also Darvall Heights )
The Daunt Family aka the Daunton Family
The Davers Family aka the Davey, Davie, Davies Davis, or Davy families.
The Deacon Family aka the Deakin family.
The Deed Family aka the Dedeystere family.
The Dennett Family aka the Denney or Deny family.
The Denton Family aka the Denty family (see also Dentonside )
The Dibben Family aka the Dibbin or Dibbings family.
The Dibsdale Family aka the Dibsdall family.
The Dickin Family Dickason, Dickenson, or Dickinson families.
The Dike Family aka the Dyke family.
The Dimon Family aka the Dimond or Dymond family.
The Dinan Family aka the Dinham family.
The Dix Family aka the Dixon family.
The Doben Family aka the Dobin, Doble, or Dobson family.
The Dodd Family aka Dodds, Doddimeade, and Doddington family.
The Dollen Family Dollery, Dolling, or Dollis family.
The Domet Family aka Dommett family.
The Don Family aka Donn, Donne or Donnan families.
The Donagan Family Donegan, Doneghue, Donoghan, Donovan, or Donoran family.
The Doon Family Doone
The Doran Family aka Dorlan family.
The Dore Family aka the Dorey or Doroy family.
The Dorvell Family aka the Doswll family.
The Douch Family aka the Doutch family.
The Douglas Family aka the Douglass family.
The Dover Family aka Doveton family.
The Dowdney Family aka the Dowdall or Dowell family.
The Downe Family aka Downes, Downing, or Downs family.
The Ducat Family aka the Duckett family.
The Dudd Family aka Dudden or Dudman family.
The Dufferin Family aka Duffill or Dufty family.
The Dugan Family aka the Duggan family.
The Duke Family aka the Dukes family.
The Duley Family aka the Dulles family (see also Dulston )
The Dunham Family aka the Dunlap or Dunning family (see also Dunell Hills and Dunningwood )
The Dunstan Family aka the Dunsdon, Dunster, or Dunstone family.
The Dupe Family aka the Duport family.
The Durston Family aka the Dustan family.
The Dury Family aka the Drury or Durie family.
The Dye Family aka the Dyett family.