Logans Run Challenge
Logans Run?
What is The Challenge?
In numerous sci-fi movies we find the hero/protagonist required to flee not only overwhelming odds but dedicated pursuers as well. In an effort to create some excitement for my own devilish designs (and 36 hours w/o sleep inspired me as well) I came up with this Idea.
Although I personally think I have plenty to do in this bleeding game (trying to set up a Militarized Zone, Attract new members and deal with not 1, not 2, not 3, but 5 active Zed incursions over a six suburb area, and don’t forget the large group politics...), others do not. In an effort to improve the game play and generate some additional challenges for players of all kinds, I thought I'd try this out for a bit.
Duration of the Challenge(s)
Each Challenge will have a different time limit, but most will be 30 days from the Start of each round. The Start of each over-all rounds will be declared below. At the Time of Declaration those contests with specific targets (i.e. Whack-A-Mole) and List-Targets (i.e. The Shopping List) will be posted under their specific headings. Points will be awarded based upon dificulty of the Challenges and upon completion of the round an Over all Winner will be declared.
Round One
Will Begin at some time on 14 August BST. 21 August BST
(DOH thanks for pointing the descrepency out Chopper)
The Challenges
Assassins Shopping List
Kill the in-game leader of each of the Top 20 Groups (as listed on the Stats page at the beginning of each round. You must find out who that leader is, track him down and kill him/her. Screenshots may be asked for evidence, keep a record of whom, and when the killing took place. Duration 60 Days. The first person to complete the list will be the Winner, or should time expire the player with the most number of completed kills will win. Tie-Breaker shall be the highest leader terminated. Should two (or more) players have identical kill records, the time and date of the highest ranked leader killed will be the final determining factor.
Survivors Shopping List
As the Assassins list only the leaders of the top 10 Zombie groups are the Targets.
Zombies/Death Cultist Shopping List
As the Assassins list only the leaders of the top 10 Survivor groups are the Targets.
A Character will be listed here, and the Player who kills the Character the most number of times (either Zed or Survivor) wins, In addition to having bragging rights, the Winner gets to select the Next name on the list. Duration is One week.
Bingo for PKers
In Each Mall, you must kill a 38th level or higher player. First Person to complete 6 Kills in 6 malls wins.
Foxhunt for Zeds
The Highest Ranked Survivor on the Leader Board is your Target, first person to find the leader and put him/her down wins. When a new round begins, the highest ranked Character who has NOT been a target already will be the target on the Next Round.
Foxhunt for Survivors
The Highest Ranked Zombie on the Leader Board is your Target, first person to find the leader and put him/her down wins. When a new round begins, the highest ranked Character who has NOT been a target already will be the target on the Next Round.
Escalation of Violence
For Levels 10 through 30 only. You must kill 10 Charachters that are higher in level than you, in Progression. Your First Target must be 1 level higher than you, the Second two levels higher etc...
Widespread Violence
You must kill targets in each of Ten Suburbs. The Ten Suburbs will be listed at the begining of the round but will they will include the four corners of Malton and 6 others.
The Secret Santa Round Robin of Murder
Details will only be posted at the beginning of the round. Duration will be 1 month.
Limit 1 Character per player per challenge and that Player must declare which Challenge the particular character is attempting at the time of sign-up. Example below:
- User:Condraka Conndraka using Conndraka : Whack-A-Mole.
The only exception is you may also sign up for the The Secret Santa Round Robin of Murder in addition to any other of the lists.
You should register with the UD Leader board if you have not done so already...
1. Bragging Rights. 2. It's something new to do. 3. If you so wish, I will use what knowledge and resources I have to create a custom wiki page for the winning character. Optionally (here is hoping...) someone with better wiki skills than I, will volunteer to do so.
Round 1
- ShinobiSlider , using ShinobiSlider: Zombies/Death Cultist Shopping List & Round Robin Secret Santa - give me all the info i need on my talk page
- SirensT RR, using SirensDiscord: Round Robin Secret Santa
- Karloth Vois, using Karloth Vois- Death Cultist Shopping List and round robin (could I get the info for that one? Cheers.)
- Chopper, using ChopperReid: Foxhunt For Survivors sounds good for me ^.^ Just so I know, this has already started right? (14th August).
- c138, using c138: Assassins Shopping List and Secret Santa Round Robin of Murder, please. :D
- Dog Deever T•Nec, using Bella Bagley :Whack-a-Mole & Secret Santa Round Robin of Murder
- Pathetic BiII, using Pathetic BiII :Bingo for PKers
Round 1 Targets
Except Where Noted, The Challenges are cancelled due to low participation. Perhaps Round 2 will see more activity.
Whack-A-Mole Target: General Reptileus (Since you only chose the Round Robin you can sign up for this one as well if you so choose.)
Assassins Shopping List: Are the leaders of the following groups. Ridleybank Resistance Front,Malton Fire Department,Dunell Hills Police Department,Caiger Mall Survivors,Malton Police Department,Creedy Defense Force,Channel 4 News Team,The Shining Ones,Malton Civil Defense Unit,Feral Undead,The Fortress,Dead vs Blue,Upper Left Corner,RCDC,The 4-H,Minions of the Apocalypse,Zombie Squad,Friends of the Featherstone Library,Necronauts,Black Berets.
Survivors Shopping List: Ridleybank Resistance Front, The Shining Ones, Feral Undead, Minions of the Apocalypse, Undeadites, The Apocalypse Horde, Pwotters, Eastonwood Ferals, Drunken Dead, The Big Bash
Death Cultist Shopping List: Malton Fire Department, Dunell Hills Police Department, Caiger Mall Survivors, Malton Police Department, Creedy Defense Force, Channel 4 News Team, Malton Civil Defense Unit, The Fortress, Dead vs Blue, Upper Left Corner.
Foxhunt for Survivors Experiment 211 of the Eastonwood Ferals http://www.urbandead.com/profile.cgi?id=333696
Round Robin Secret Santa of Death: Each of you will receive a name from the others listed in the Round Robin of Death, when a target has been confirmed “killed�? you will receive another name. Killing the person targeting you does no good, you can only hope that the person hunting them puts them out before your assassin gets to you. E-Mail me at jason.bowles AT gmail.com to get your name.
fyi: In case there is an Issue, I am the leader of the DHPD and the Character you are looking for is khannoir. Conndraka was retired in March. Conndrakamod T CFT 12:27, 21 August 2006 (BST)
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Logan's Run Winner |
Karloth Vois hath proved his Malevolent Talent by winning the first round of the Logan's Run Round Robin of Death. |
Round 2
Since the RRToD was the (by far) Most Popular part of the LRC, it will be the only part offered in Round 2.
Each entrant will as before be assigned a Target from the other entrants. Targets will be randomly assigned. Only One Entrant Per Player. so there is no confusion:
Each of you will receive a name from the others listed in the Round Robin of Death, when a target has been confirmed "killed" you will receive another name. Killing the person targeting you does no good (other than buying you some time), you can only hope that the person hunting them puts them out before your assassin gets to you.
E-Mail me at jason.bowles AT gmail.com to sign up. please provide your name, your charachters name and profile.
Round Two will last until there is only one standing.