Malton Urban Militia/Mission Statement

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It Takes a Village to Raise a City of the Dead


Throughout recorded history, from the Tower of Babel to the Trojan Horse, to the Allied effort in World War II, one inescapable truth resounds: Unity leads to victory. Singularity of purpose is the factor which has been present at the turning tides of all great battles, and absent during defeat. The battle to reclaim the streets of Malton will be no different. We may lack the strength afforded by great numbers, we may possess only limited resources, and many of our number have only limited military experience. Dare I say, our militia does not even have the most charismatic leader of all time. Whatever we may lack, there is no substitute for loyalty and common purpose. Stand together for your city.

Remember to monitor 28.29 MHz for broadcasts and updates. This has been your mayor speaking. M.U.M.'s the word...

--Mayor MC Cheese 14:40, 2 February 2008 (UTC)

Malton Urban Militia

Objectives of the M.U.M.

M.U.M. Information Centre[1]

M.U.M. Forum[2]

know what you are talking about Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.

Frequency: 28.29 MHz

Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This group supports the Sacred Ground Policy.