Monck Auto Repair

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Monck Auto Repair
No data since 2020.
--VVV RPMBG 03:30, 15 July 2024 (UTC)
Monck Auto Repair

Vinetown [88, 60]

the Meatyard Building
the Hanne Arms
the Theirs Monument
wasteland Monck Auto Repair Standfield Towers
Pearson Road wasteland wasteland

Basic Info:

  • Auto Repair shops have no internal descriptions.
  • Auto Repair shops can be barricaded normally.

Monck Auto Repair (88,60)

Monck Auto Repair is a Auto repair shop in the suburb of Vinetown.

Monck as it looks today. Part of the roof has collapsed, allowing access to freerunners.


Outside You are standing outside Monck Auto Repair, a large concrete building, covered with graffiti.


Monck Auto's was a troubled business, having four owners in nine years. The area around the building was full of salvage yards and empty buildings. Rumour persists that the business was a front for a criminal gang, but nothing had been proved before zombies made the investigation irrelevant.

Barricade Policy