Murder Incorporated
Murder, Inc.
Group Numbers:
Top confidence
Cyrill Shumilyn [coordination]; Managent [management, contracting]
Contract murders
Recruitment Policy:
The qualified assassins not below 11 level
Use the our forum or wiki discussion page
History & Description
After disintegration of Soviet Evil Empire Russian mafia has distributed the influence worldwide and together with the rests of famous american [1] Murder Corporation have formed new powerful international Murder, Inc. Recently to the "town under quarantine" Malton have arrived some of the M,I. agents, those who disappears from justice of all other world.
Now Murder, Inc. is a group of assassins, whose targets are little сriminal objects and high priority individuals/groups that are chosen by our client.
Recruitment policy & Rules
To join us you must be a person with brains, headshot skill and advanced pistol/shotgun training. In any case you must have a revification syringe for revival of the fallen comrades, radio and mobile phone for communication. Remember:
- - If our agents do something bad, they do it with style!
- - Our agents kill only targets from BluE BooK and anyone who stands on their way.
- - Our agents don't leave their vendettas behind.
- - Our agents should be dressed in business clothes, not ripped and bloodstained rags (a pair of mirrored sunglasses, a red tie, a white long-sleeved shirt, a black coat, a pair of black trousers and a pair of black leather shoes - perfect variant).
Names of some agents are not disclosed. Most known agents:
Cyrill 'SuiciDo' Shumilyn. The Russian ex-spy, after resignation He was considered dead many times. Nobody knows where He now is, but sometimes He can be met in pubs or cheap motels of Malton City. Famous owing to his love to public executions. Prefers easy fire-arms.
Harry 'Happy' Maione. In dark past He was one of italian mafia bosses, but He had to leave family and become a contract murderer. Arrived in Malton to hide from InterPol, but found some work even there. Never smiles, hates weak people and likes rats. Fried ones.
William 'Captain' Blake. The insane man, suffering a dual personality. The poet, the assassin, the follower of 'the flying spaghetti monster' cult. During time free from murders this handsome man composes beautiful verses. Why "Captain"? Nobody knows.
Ares 'Zed' . He was a zombie from the begining, but we known he is a man. More dangerous than a zombie. After final transformation into human He has joined M,I. to hunt for other zombies in a human appearance.
Managent. You shake his hand to approve our deal. And then all the might of this hand collapses on the heads of your foes. Viva La Muerte!
BluE BooK
[01.09.2007-~] - Some Murder, Inc. agents send away in short-term holiday.
little objects:
Every time you offend our agent, a kitten dies!
The owner of this page wants these motherfuckin snakes, off this motherfuckin plane!