Murder and Kosher - Interveiw with Malton Rabbi
by --Jeremy'Paxman 14:56, 18 September 2007 (BST)
BBC Groups Correspondent.
Interveiwee --Malton Rabbi 14:46, 18 September 2007 (BST)
One of the most unsual groups in Malton is Queer Jew. They have pioneered an image that is loved by many as well as earning respect from groups and players in the Dowdney Mall district. Over the last several months however Queer Jew has gone through many changes, from the original Queer Jews several splinter groups were formed. These were a new Queer Jew seeking to restore the group to its former glory. Queer Jew Renegades a group entirely opposed to the way Queer Jew was run so decided to fight there counterparts and of course 'The Malton Rabbi' who claimed neither of the groups were truly Jewish and sought to destroy them both in a plight to restore the Jewish faith in Malton.
JP - Malton Rabbi what can you tell us of Queer Jew Prior to its Splinter.
MR - Well it was a fairly non-existant group. It's members had scattered all over Malton. I was in fact the only person in Heytown calling themselves a Queer Jew and it was my call on their wikipedia page that promoted a re-union in Chaffney Alley Police Department, their "spiritual home"
JP - So you organized a reunion for the entire group would you say this was a success and what did you think of your fellow group members after actually meeting them?
MR - Knowing the strong standards of the BBC and it's quality assurance, I would like to ask before I answer how profane I'm aloud to be?
JP - You may speak in your own words, but bearing in mind we are before the watershed some of your responses may be ommited.
MR - To be frank, those people were ******* morons. They wern't true Jews, they wern't even queer. The whole organisation was rediculously run and full of foolish egotisitic idiots who wern't interested in anything other than patting themselves on the back for being queer and jewish, neither of which they were. It was a joke, but not in a Woody Allen or Mel Brooks way.
JP - So this was the time you seperated from Queer Jew. But you werent the only person to realise this i understand... Queer Jew Renegade was formed who murder the original Queer Jew members. Did you ever think of joining up with them or did you always intend to go it alone.
MR - There wasn't much difference really. The splinter group may have had slightly different attitutes but all the members were equally bad. It was an insult they called themselves Jews, they spent the whole time eating bacon sandwiches and killing zombies on saturdays. They probably fight zombies on Yom Kippor! I was ashamed I had ever called myself a Queer Jew.
JP - So it was because of your very jewish beliefs and their love of bacon that you decided to go to war with them.
MR - That was a very important part of it. I wanted to bring about a pure jewish monotheism from the ruins of Malton, the problem wasn't in the athiests but in the curropting influence of Queer Jew and it's twisted faith, it had to be wiped out if there was to be any hope. Also I believe I've made it clear that I didn't like them, that was another important part of it.
JP - So to your knowledge as your obviously not a member anymore, What is the state of Queer Jew at this very moment.
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