British Broadcasting Corporation
Group Numbers:
Bringing News and Interviews to Malton.
Recruitment Policy:
See Recruitment.
Our News Director
As fate would have it, the BBC was covering a story in Malton before the Quarantine. Now, those reporters trapped behind the lines are in position to bring you the stories from an insider's view. The News you trust, The interviews you expect! The British Broadcasting Corporation strives to uncover the stories that make Malton tick. The group has no bias towards Survivors, Zombies, PKers, Bounty Hunters etc. All sides will be covered with the journalistic integrity the BBC is known for.
ARTICLES/NEWS (Please see archive below for older stories and interviews)
JAN 05/13
DEC 25/12
DEC 15/12
DEC 11/12
Jan 29/11
- The BBC is back! We're looking for new eager reporters that think they have what it takes to bring Malton's news to the masses. Contact Les Nessman if your interested.
MAR 18/08
FEB 22/08
FEB 14/08
JAN 30/08
JAN 22/08
JAN 20/08
JAN 13/08
JAN 11/08
JAN 10/08
JAN 08/08
The BBC Sports team will be covering all Malton sports events, which basically involve PK vs BH Battle Royals.
Comedy, Literature, Drama. local entertainment from pub crawls and zombie tours to the latest gossip on your favourite UD personalities.
Zombie Chronicals #1 - The End
BBC reporters interview all walks of life! Zeds, Survivors, Pkers! If you want to interview with any of the BBC reporters, or have a story/event you want covered, get in touch with Les Nessman!
Presumed lost in the line of duty:
Get Breaking News Direct to your Wiki!
The BBC can now offer updates from around Malton, direct to your group or user page, enabling you and others to keep up with BBC reporting from the comfort of your own Wiki!. Simply type in {{BBCNewsBox}} anywhere on your wiki to get the following attractive news box!
Top News from the city of Malton B B C
The End Of Forks, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Santa Shot Down, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
A New Infestation, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
Protesters Protesting, From the Other Side, by Jack Ebbutt
the testimonial of the last man alive at the fall of fort creedy, Edited by Harvey Levin
A short interview with Alpharius of the Gibsonton Nationals, By Les Nessman
The Day the Love Died...Wedding crashed in Brooke Hills, from the associated press
More news from the BBC
So, You Wanna be a Reporter for the BBC?
If you fancy taking a less fully armed approach to UD, but with all the action, then the BBC is for you.
Ideal for Experienced Players, the BBC asks candidates to make a fresh alt from scratch with a clean identity. We ask this as, although most of the time in game you may be DEM, LUE, RR, ETC, the BBC is an impartial group, and therefore requires players with the contacts for stories, but without the baggage of reputation. Regular alt names will not be released to the general public, unless the player specifically asks for recognition.
A role with the BBC is for players that wish a change from the typical role playing styles of UD. You could be reporting on the DEM's efforts to bring order to Malton, you could be roaming with a large zombie pack or you could be following the devastation of a PKA attack. You could also be there on the front lines with a survivor group making a last stand...or you could be doing interviews. The opportunities are many within the BBC.
Your BBC Journalist will not take a hands on approach to UD. We don't go out of our to campaign against Zombies, Survivors or PKers, nor do we lend any direct assistance to any group, regardless of pulse. However, we have to make the XP somehow as well as defend ourselves as necessary, thus some 'kills' may be unavoidable. The preferred means of gaining XP are heals, revives and scans with Necrotech DNA extractors.
Your duties will involve using your contacts to allow your BBC Journalist to liaise with groups so we can follow stories and get interviews! You will then report your story to the BBC for the reading pleasure of our wiki readers or our radio audience.
You will also be working with other Journalists on stories, and in the event of War Correspondence, could be working in groups to get the best quality of coverage.
If you are interested, please talk leave us a message on our talk page and state your intent to pursue a career with the BBC! You will be required to provide the UDID of the character you will be using as your reporter.
The BBC seeks a non aggression pact with whoever we encounter. Being a non hostile group that depends on our ability to sift between groups without fear of reprisals to bring the news, we cannot afford to engage in either hostile or supportive roles for any group. We simply seek to be able to talk to you all, have fun, and report.
As of 29th of October, the BBC has it's first Non Aggression Pact!
- The Revolution - Viva La Revolution, and Viva La Freedom of Speech! The Revolution have stepped up as our first group of friends, and may it be the first of many!
- Red Rum - Well, it's not much of a pact, but they've assured us that they won't shoot us that much. Apparently, the gun still accidentally goes off occasionally, but I think that's about as close as we're gonna get. Cheers guys!
- DEM - We're currently in the process of obtaining a NAP, but we can't see it being a huge problem, seeing as they are the DEM, and we're a bunch of journalists who's most frightening asset is a clunky typewriter.
- PKA - After getting tipped off about the Samhain Slaughter, the BBC covered the large PKA event as our first major story. As a result, PKA members have agreed not to shoot reporters for now.
- Playing God - BBC Journalists can now go about their duties safer than before, as PK group Playing God have agreed (mostly) to not shoot our reporters.
- Flowers of Disease - The FOD have agreed to leave the BBC Reporters alone to do their work.
Ok, we don't have any Undead supporters yet, but it's early days. However, it is rumoured that the undead are in fact not dead at all, they are just ITV viewers. More on that story as it develops.
If you read this and want to join, please add BBC in Template Brackets to your group page and let me know.
BBC Supporter
This user or group has a Non Aggression Pact with the British Broadcasting Corporation, and therefore believes in superior programming and pays their license fees.
If you want to fluant the fact that you work for the BBC slap this trinket on to your wiki page