Flowers of Disease
This page is about the historical FOD group. For the rebooted version, see Flowers of Decay.
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Historical Group |
This historical group is no longer active. However, its wiki page is preserved to reflect the group's significance in Urban Dead history. Please do not edit this page or the corresponding talk page without good reason. |
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Punishing those who have lost their way...If you look like flotsam and smell like must BE flotsam. And if you are, we'll be seeing you soon....
Daisy Pusher, Rob Collick, Hibernaculum, Puki, Ben Harding, Paul Wisby, Kalenium, Darlocke, Skilbey, Karth Salvage, Jimmy Dank, Chansama, Almighty Power, Pierre Crowe, Jacque Blanc, Pvt.Boldman, Dog Burger, Kent Twinblade, Valerian Disease, Bootsy Funk, Boyd Mitchell, Denver Randleman, Gluttonman, Bobby Pegleg, Peter McGrady, Aesir Motz, Skyvia
THE FOD STORYSo you've found us...and you have questions. Who are we? How did we get here? Although some of the details are sketchy, the basic story goes something like this. One night, some time ago, Rob Collick found himself in Dunningwood at the Skarin Row PD to reload for another round of battle with the undead. Here he found himself amongst the Cult of the Stuffed Crocodile and was appalled as he watched these lunatics turn a blind eye to the horrors around them. One by one, innocent civilians were dragged into the street kicking and screaming while the Cult, who numbered 20+ members worshiped their stuffed crocodile in ignorance. This got him thinking about the rest of Malton. The trenchies in the forts. The squatters hiding in the malls. The ninnies. The Walts. The useless cults. The flotsam that he saw everyday who took up valuable resources but did little else. Disgruntled, he told his tale at a local pub. And while most of the patrons nodded in agreement, few were willing to do anything about it. As he was about to leave, Daisy Pusher and Hibernaculum approached with their own thoughts on this. It was then, at that moment over many Pints that the FOD was formed. The trio left and with crazed terminator like fury burst into Skarin Row PD. There they began their trademark justice on the Crocs. Soon after, others joined their ranks. Skilbey, Pierre Crowe, Karth Salvage, window jumping Kalenium, Almighty Power, Chansama...they too decided they had enough and were ready to add their bullets to the cause. From here, the details get hazy. We know more members joined the crew. Bootsy Funk and Roland, two of Malton's best trackers came on board. Malls were hit. Other groups who had lost their way were given grim educations. The FOD's infamy began to grow. A stellar showing at the Samhain Slaughter earned them the respect of the PKA, whom the FOD maintain diplomatic ties with to this day. The future looked promising. Another solid performance at the Silent Night Slaughter further cemented the FOD's reputation as a group that can get the job done. But the cracks began to show as the evil 'Real World' began to claim members. The leadership of the group was weakened by the loss of Daisy Pusher, Karth Salvage and Rob Collick to that menace. Left to steer the ship alone, Hibernaculum found himself in over his head as he was more suited to administrative duties. The cohesion that was an FOD hallmark began to come apart. Other members left. And still a core group soldiered on. Month's of simmering animosity towards the Philosophe Knights began to boil over. Words were exchanged on both sides that soon turned to bullets. Although the FOD did well against the PK, the divisions within the group could no longer be overcome. Due to members being claimed by that 'real world nemisis' and a lack of direction amongst the remaining members as to what to do next, Hibernaculum dissolved the FOD. THE REBIRTH...but like a Phoenix, the FOD has arisen from the ashes of their implosion, weakened, but otherwise in good spirits. Some of the lost members, having escaped the clutches of the 'real world', returned to find an empty house. And so they put out a call to the others. Some returned, some did not. But enough returned that we now wonder, Perhaps there is some life in this corpse yet? First the heart begins to beat slowly and the blood begins to flow. Dormant arteries protest this new found vitality but expand anyway...Movement is restored to the limbs. An eye opens. A thought begins to form. Lungs exhale the fetid stench of stagnancy and take in a fresh breath. There are those who hope that this isn't happening. They hope that this cannot be. But it is happening. And it can be. The FOD are back and ready to start their campaigns anew. Flotsam, squatters, the ignorant, walts, cults and trenchies...they will be found. And now there are those who tremble. And those that shake. And they know they will not sleep easy again for a long time.
From the BBC