Neo-Warseers | |
Abbreviation: | (=][=) |
Group Numbers: | <10 Individuals |
Leadership: | Colonel Gravis |
Goals: | Survival of all Human |
Recruitment Policy: | Apply Within |
Contact: | Wiki Contact |
The Neo-Warseers are a second group of survivors from the Warseer forums split from the original Warseers organisation due to various events torwards the close of the summer of 2006. They are currently mustering in the suburb of Eastonwood. A currently very small group of well organised survivors comprising of a number of moderate to high level characters. They currently operate without any fixed HQ, merely residing whereever required in Eastonwood.
Caiger Mall - 10/11/06 The Neo-Warseers retreat from Caiger Mall as all hope lost as the Mall is cracked open by the Shacknews Zombie Horde and assorted other groups. Falling back in good order they regroup and rearm for in their absense the situation in Eastonwood appears to have gone from bad to worse - they will not go quietly into the night.
The Campaign Begins - 21/09/06 Having established a semi-permanent safehouse in the warehouse, the Neo-Warseers begin doing the thing most dear to them taking back Eastonwood. In one night the buildings at the center of the suburb are cleared of zombies and barricades raised, though not numerous enough to defend these buildings it is a start and a sign of things to come.
Founded - 11/09/06 Internal strife plagues the old Warseers, a small number of members removes themselves from the parent organisation that the work of freeing Eastonwood and ultimately Malton as a whole may continue uninterupted. Neo-Warseers attempt to maintain links with the Warseers and prepare to set up a stronghold within the center of Eastonwood.
Motivation and Organisation
The motivation behind the actions of the Neo-Warseers is clear cut, to defend the survivors of the outbreak, whoever they may be, to free Eastonwood and ultimately Malton as a whole of the outbreak that holds the city in its grasp. Any who might oppose these ideals come under close scrutiny, examination by the Inquisition - few found wanting escape the cluthes of the Inquisitors, fewer still survive.
The Neo-Warseers has no organisation per se, rather it is a coalition of like minded individuals be they soliders, scientists or civilians who see the sense in these goals, men and women who put this higher purpose above all else, their own lives included.
The Neo-Warseers dont claim territory in the traditional sense, Eastonwood as a whole is their stomping ground however. The only semi-permanent safe house maintained is simply referred too as the warehouse, a sturdy building in central Eastonwood with easy access to many of the suburbs facilities.
One of the major differences between the Warseers and Neo-Warseers is their faith in the old legends. While many Warseers continue to cling to the belief that legendary characters from the organisations history might one day return and lead the Warseers on a fresh crusade to bring light to all Eastonwood and indeed Malton as a whole - the Neo-Warseers do not. Neo-Warseers believe that none will come to save them or indeed any other survivor, and so that it is only through the efforts of all survivors that we might one day halt not only the zombies but the outbreak itself.
(=][=) Charges and Executions (=][=)
In the course of defending Eastonwood The Warseers found it necessary to deal with various subversive and or destructive individuals whose presence constitutes a danger to the safety and wellbeing of Eastonwood's inhabitants, the Neo-Warseers share this belief. In order to expedite the pursuit of justice, The Warseers established a uniform procedure for the handling of such cases, something Neo-Warseers have carried across with them. Most cases will be presented before an inquisitorial tribunal following a full investigation. In instances where immediate action is required Inquisitors may be forced to take unilateral action and present their case after the fact.
Once the accused has been found guilty, he or she will be confronted by one or more Warseers, who will read the charges and verdict to the accused before carrying out sentence.
The standard format for listing charges in various cases is as follows:
- For Generator Smashers:
- (Name), you have been charged in accordance with Inquisitorial mandate (Inq 1894.567) of crimes against humanity. You have been found guilty of heresy, treason, willfully endangering your fellow citizens, aiding and abetting the minions of Chaos, and of the destruction of Imperial Property. The penalty for these crimes is death. May the Emperor have mercy upon your soul.
- For Spies:
- (Name), you have been charged in accordance with Inquisitorial mandate (Inq 1259.502) of crimes against humanity. You have been found guilty of heresy, treason, willfully endangering your fellow citizens, cavorting with daemonic powers, and of aiding and abetting the minions of Chaos. The penalty for these crimes is death. May the Emperor have mercy upon your soul.
- For Player Killers:
- (Name), you have been charged in accordance with Inquisitorial mandate (Inq 4279.097) of crimes against humanity. You have been found guilty of heresy, treason, murder of the following Imperial citizens. (names of victims). The penalty for these crimes is death. May the Emperor have mercy upon your soul.
- For any non-Neo-Warseer caught using the (=][=):
- (Name), you have been charged in accordance with Inquisitorial mandate (Inq 6945.212) of crimes against humanity. You have been found guilty of heresy, treason, Impersonating an Inquisitorial officer, and of the defacing of Imperial Property. The penalty for these crimes is death. May the Emperor have mercy upon your soul.
- For Zergers
- (Name), you have beencharged in accordance with Inquisitorial mandate (Inq 3984.549) of crimes against humanity. You have been found guilty of heresy, treason, and practicing the forbidden art of cloning. The penalty for these crimes is death. may the Emperor have mercy upon your soul.
Those who believe they have been wrongly accused or who wish to appeal a conviction may do so by contacting the Warseers. Appealed cases will be reevaluated by an Inquisitorial tribunal and appropriate action will be taken.
+++Inq Record WS3779.513 (Ref: EW5869.478, UD3482.556)+++
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Sacred Ground Policy Supporter |
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points. |