PR Skill New: Survivor: Zombie Hunter

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This page is for the storage of Suggestions that have passed Peer Review and have been considered Good and Worthy Suggestions. To qualify for this page, the Suggestion must fit the following criteria:

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Skill New: Survivor: Zombie Hunter


Geratology Expert (ID Rotters & Infectors)

Timestamp: 00:56, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)
Type: Zombie Hunter Skill
Scope: Survivors
Description: You can identify and target zombies (even in a crowd) with severe Brain Rot and the Infectious Bite skill due to visual clues you've learned from your zombie hunting (Geratology is the study of decadence and decay; And no, I don't expect this to be the game implimented skill title if it's ever used. :p ).

You CANNOT select individual brain-rotted/infectious zombies...unless only a single brain-rotted/infectious zombie is present in the current area or if they're in your contact list, but that goes without saying. The skill does NOT distinguish if the zombie has one or both of these skills. If there are multiple brain-rotted/infectious zombies in the mob, you will specifically attack/commit an action against the group of brain-rotted/infectious zombies in the fashion similar to regular mob combat selection.

The skill functions thusly: When the screen reads "There are # zombies here", a sentence follows stating that "You identify the tell-tale signs of decadence and decay" if any such zombies are present. Under the 'Attack'/'DNA Extraction'/ect selection menu, you will then be able to select 'a corrupted zombie' to do said action. This skill would be a big help to those trying to cure/protect others from the zombie menace. It could possibly cross over to zombies as well, but I don't see how they would benifit from this and as such do not suggest it as a feature of this skill.

Note: With this skill there isn't a distinction between Infectious Bite and Brain Rot in a zombie, you've got a 1 to 3 chance that they either just have Brain Rot, just have Infectious Bite (which doesn't effect DNA/Rez), or they have both. The fact that the skill doesn't QUITE make you sure is what I think balances it. - MorthBabid 19:55, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Notes: 8/8 Keep. The reverse ability to id those without Brain Rot/Infectuous Bite could be considered. Instead of color, set distinction by altering name displayed in dropdown: "Zombie" and "Zombie (Diseased)", or even distinguish between the Brain Rotted and Infectious as this skill isn't giving us enough of a benefit.
  • Was "Geratology Expert".
Left Queue: 21:56, 27 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Signature Weapon

Timestamp: 23:19, 25 Nov 2005 (GMT)
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombie Hunters, level 12 and up
Description: After the original proposition was shot down, I revised it and gave examples of how this skill would function.

"Signature Weapon" is a form of weapon specilization, designed to reflect a zombie hunter's preference for (and skill with) a chosen weapon. The effects of Signature Weapons are as follows:

1) +1 damage to melee weapons/+5% Accuracy for firearms. This reflects the skill a Zombie Hunter has gained with his chosen weapon.

  • Example 1 - Snake-Eyes, a Level 15 Civilian Zombie Hunter, decides that Signature Weapon: Knife would fit best with the concept of his character: a martial arts trainee who was attending tae kwan do and ju-jitsu classes in Malton when the plague broke out, and who relies on stealth and quick movement to achieve his desired goals: killing zombies and finding safehouses. With Signature Weapon: Knife, any further attacks made with Knives deal one extra point of damage when they hit.
  • Example 2 - Breaker, a Level 17 Military Zombie Hunter, decides that Signature Weapon: Shotgun would be a good choice. As he's already maxed out his Firearms tree, selecting Signature Weapon: Shotgun raises his chance to hit with a shotgun goes from 65% to 70%, while his Pistol accuracy stays at 65%.

2) Flavor text: If a zombie is killed with a player's signature Weapon, he sees flavor text describing how the attack killed the zombie instead of "You hit a zombie for X damage, killing it." However, if the kill is not made with the signature weapon, the flavor text does not show up.

  • Example 1 - Professor Plum, having chosen Signature Weapon: Pipe, manages to kill a zombie with a lead pipe.
Professor Plum sees this flavor text: "You swing your length of pipe and crush the zombie's skull, dealing 3 damage and killing it."
The zombie's player would see this upon logging in: "Professor Plum crushed your skull with a lead pipe, doing 3 damage. You are dead."
  • Example 2 - Mr. Green, who has Signature Weapon: Pistol, kills a zombie with a crowbar. Instead of seeing "You fire your pistol, dealing 5 damage as the zombie's head disintegrates in a bloody red spray", he sees, "You hit the zombie, doing 2 damage. It dies."

3) Mutually exclusive Signature Weapons: This reflects the Zombie Hunter's strong preference for his Signature Weapon above all others - given the choice between his Signature Weapon and any other available, he'll take his Signature Weapon every time. (OOC reason: As the Prime Directive of the Suggestions Page states: Uber Ninja Pirate Zombie Killers Stay Out!, so Signature Weapons are one to a customer.)

  • Example - Flynn Taggart took Signature Weapon: Shotgun two weeks ago, and recently decided he doesn't like his shotgun that much after all. He's scraped up enough XP and wants to get Signature Weapon: Pistol instead - but since he already has Signature Weapon: Shotgun, he can't take Signature Weapon: Pistol. He's just going to have to learn to love his shotgun.
Notes: 13/18 Keep/Total.
  • Axes overpowered - 40% for 4 damage compared to 70% for 5 - too much for no ammo.
  • +1 XP for kills made with a Signature Melee Weapon (Knives, Crowbars, etc.)
Left Queue: 05:20, 10 Dec 2005 (GMT)


Aimed Shot (Kill Zed at 8HP, no Headshot)

Timestamp: 20:35, 2 September 2006 (BST)
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombie Hunters
Description: You have discovered that not all of a Zombie need be destroyed to bring it down, and that avoiding superfluous body parts significantly reduces the damage needed to kill them. Unfortunately, the reduced structural damage to the Zombie in question makes it substantially easier for them to recover from your attacks.

Aimed shot would be a Zombie Hunter skill in the Headshot skill tree. You may only have Aimed Shot OR Headshot enabled at any one time. Upon aquiring Aimed Shot, you gain a 0AP button reading "Aim At Joints". Clicking this disables Headshot and enables Aimed Shot, replacing the button with "Aim At Head". When Aimed Shot is enabled, any attack that brings a Zombie to or below 8HP kills him/her immediately. Because the Zombie ends up taking less actual structural damage, an Aimshot zombie requires 5 less AP to stand up (to a minimum of 1). A Zombie cannot be both Headshot and Aimshot at the same time, for obvious reasons.

  • Why is this good for survivors?
  • It increases the number of zombies an individual can clear in one login. This would make it easier for Survivor groups to attempt to take back heavily ransacked suburbs, as it reduces the number of Survivors required to clear a building for repair. There would also be an impact on Sieges, as it would increase the Critical Threshold required for the Zombies to gain an overwhelming advantage. Metagamewise, it would also marginally accelerate the leveling of the Survivor in question, as he needs to do 8 less damage to gain the 10xp kill bonus(assuming there is a large local supply of zombies).

  • Why is this not too good for survivors?
  • Given that Aimed Shot has Headshot as a pre-req, anyone killing a Zombie with Aimed Shot is (effectively) "Gifting" the Zombie the 5ap Headshot would have otherwise taken. If the Zombie lacks Ankle Grab, this goes up to an effective 10ap. So while Aimed Shot can kill 6 newbie zombies for the cost of 5, each of these killed zombies will have 10ap's worth of extra barricade smashing than they would have if Headshot. For Ankle Grab + Bodybuilding, the numbers change to 8 for 7, and 5ap each.

  • Why is this sometimes good for Zombies?
  • Because as a newbie Zombie, logging in to see a 15ap stand up cost is horribly disheartening. As an oldbie Zombie, 6ap is still pretty irritating. With this implemented, sometimes Newbies they would log in to find it only costing 5ap to stand up, giving them up to 45AP to spend in one go. And everyone wants to help Newbies, don't they?

  • Most importantly of all: Why is this fun?
  • Because tactics equal fun. Survivors now have a choice: Do I want to kill this zombie quickly, or do I want to think more long term? Do I want to risk running out of AP/Bullets before I run out of zombies, or should I deal with them all now, knowing they'll be stronger tommorrow? And newbie zombies would greatly appreciate the occasional extra-productive day.


  • The only difference between this and the original submission is the threshold has been reduced to 8HP. See the discussion page to see why.
  • You do not gain 8XP for the 8 damage you do not have to do.
  • The name still sucks. Any suggested alternate names will be included as a Note if this gets Peer Reviewed
Notes: 21/28, well accepted as is. Although some thought it was overpowered and broke.
  • Was "Aimed shot V1.0000002".
Left Queue: 14:18, 23 September 2006 (BST)

Both Barrels (12/15 dam. for 1AP)

Timestamp: 19:34, 1 May 2006 (BST)
Type: Skill for shotgun use
Scope: Survivors
Description: Double-barrel would be a skill--either in the military tree, under Shotgun Training, next to AST, or else a Zombie Hunter skill. This skill allows you to shoot a zed with both barrels of a shotgun at once (thus using both shells), for one AP. The catch would be, it'd do only 15 damage at your normal shotgun accuracy. The idea is that it'd actually do less dam/AP than single-barrel shotgun use when you average in reloading and finding ammo--though not really a lot less--to counterbalance the obvious tactical advantage of being able to deal a lot of damage quickly if you have them preloaded. The math, courtesy of our mathy friend John Ember:
You have about a 16% chance of finding a single shell (including those already
 in shotguns when found) in a mall with Bargain Hunting. (This is pre-April 29,
waiting on data since the game change). Works out to be 12.5 AP per  2 shells. 
Add 2 AP for load and 1 AP for fire; total is 15.5 AP per two fired rounds. Each
double-shot has a 65% chance of doing 15 damage--9.75 average. Thus, overall
average damage is 9.75 hp per 15.5 AP, or 0.63 MBR. Compare to current shotgun at
0.79 MBR and pistol at 1.22 MBR. It's actually a step down overall, but that's
compensated for by the ability to do extra damage in a shorter period of time
when the combat hits.
Notes: 21/26 Keep/Total. Well accepted as is.
  • Was "Double-barrel".
Left Queue: 11:07, 29 June 2006 (BST)

Lock and Load (Reorganise Ammo)

Timestamp: 12:37 2nd April 2006
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombie Hunters(Players above Level 15)
Description: I've read all the other suggestions and the critisistion that they got, I hope this suggestion is ok. The zombie hunter skill tree is a bit dull at the moment, and only focus's on damaging zombies(which I'm not complaining about) but I think there should be a skill to enhance the Zombie hunter as well. The Gun loading skill could only be purchased by a player who has headshot and is over level 15. This would make sense, as they would be used to preserving his bullets. Anyways, the actual skill would allow all bullets in all guns to be relocated to the guns at the top of the list, costing 10Ap. The Ap cost is justified, as the player would have to take each bullet out and relocate it, taking time. Sorry if anythings wrong with the set out of this suggestion, its my 1st one.
Notes: 17 Keep, 4 Kill, 21 Total.
  • Kills were mainly due to high AP cost
  • Many Keeps think it wont be used.
  • Was "Lock and Load".
Left Queue: 15:05, 18 April 2006 (BST)