Quartly Study Group On Tour/Reganbank dialog

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Hey. I'm here on behalf of Clan Hometwig to warn you about your planned activities in Reganbank. We've heard you're heading over here to do your library thing. While we're happy to allow people to pass through and stay in the area, we can't allow you to remove the barricades at Downing Library. We also do not want zeds being encouraged to move into the area. If you absolutely must use a building in Reganbank, please use one away from Downing Library. I would rather we didn't fight but if you remove the Barricades at Downing Library, we may attack you at our own discretion and without warning. Puustrian 06:34, 16 August 2007 (BST)

Well can you suggest another library not so important to your defense? also it's only for a week. so whats the real harm? we run it as an indoor revive point. so we will be reviving and healing your members also. i must warn you if you attack us you might bring down the wrath of other groups not dedicated to education and drinking. i'm sure we can come to some arrangement amicable to both our fine groups.----Sexualharrison ה QSGTStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 15:21, 16 August 2007 (BST)
When Mr. Harrison says "other groups not dedicated to education and drinking" he may mean: "Other groups not dedicated to violence-free education and drinking". After all, Drinking is the poison of the mind, promoting Ignorance and distracting the mind from its studies. Clan Hometwig be warned: The Philosophe Knights will not stand by if their ally the Quartly Study Group is attacked. Our retribution is the thing legends are made of. -- DT 18:06, 16 August 2007 (BST)
I'm sure it won't come to that, however. Our Open-Air policy on the tour, to date, has resulted in more revives and healings than anyone being killed. I have personally witnessed rogue zombies who wouldn't abide by the nonviolence rule put down, I've seen those survivors who did get killed revived within half an hour... (Not that such things happened often--most zombies who came respected the Rules). We take care of anyone staying in one of our 'cade-free libraries. It's not as dangerous as it sounds, Puustrian. Honest. Try it, you'll like it. --Sirkus
Not dangerous at all, and loads of fun. On more than one occasion I've slept outside in order to become a zombie and dance indoors-- I've always been revived before I could finish dancing and singing. Buddhagazelle 23:10, 16 August 2007 (BST)
If you wish to stick to your route, I'd go to Farthing Library or Hewish Library about five squares north of Downing Library. It's a bit more out of the way and not as central to Reganbank, but on the plus side it's a fair bit closer to Tidball Library, so Hewish Library would be best. As long as you don't remove the Barricades at Downing Library it should be fine.
Normally we'd have little problem with you passing through but unfortunately you chose to visit the exact building we need for our own purposes. It's difficult to procure resources here as well so we're cautious of any passers by.
As long as you're not acting against the interests of the Clan, I'm even willing to spray a few promotional signs around area to direct people to your event, if you so choose. Reganbank is hardly the most stimulating place to be based in at the best of times.
"Our retribution is the thing legends are made of." And what thing would that be? Lies? Hyperbole maybe? We brook no threats based upon the perceived fame or power of other groups nor do we change our policies based on such. Do not presume us to be the uneducated proletariat you may be used to dealing with, DT. Puustrian 10:03, 17 August 2007 (BST)
thank you for your suggestions but you still need to retract your threat.----Sexualharrison ה QSGTStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 13:55, 17 August 2007 (BST)
Which threat? It's just a warning. If we were to come to one of your Libraries in your area and barricade it despite your wishes, I'd fully expect retaliation. We're not going to let people breeze on through and do what they want but we're not trouble starters either. We're not going to attack you, or even care if you decade any other building (except St. Max's which is the only TRP in the area). We need to keep Downing Library 'caded for our own reasons. It's your call. Puustrian 15:07, 17 August 2007 (BST)
And I quote "if you remove the Barricades at Downing Library, we may attack you at our own discretion and without warning. Puustrian 06:34, 16 August 2007 (BST)" thats not a threat? you are the one fighting over a building you don't even activelly hold. nor maintain a presence in on the wiki. How many HQ's do you have or need? take a look at the barricade plan, it's a entry point. we are going to continue with our planed party for the week. Maintain the building as a indoor revive point. if your gonna attack 20+ people over barricades your a fool. And If you ever got tired of cowering and actually made all the way to "Rotwood" and caded our fair home we would just laugh at you, remove the cades and continue drinking and reading. Violence is saved as a last resort. if you attack us we will defend ourselves. it's that simple. again we would rather you join in the festivities.----Sexualharrison ה QSGTStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 16:49, 17 August 2007 (BST)
You ask what retribution the P.K. has brought down upon the Ignorant, Puustrian? Dedicated survivors have thrown themselves from buildings in order to stop us from "getting the satisfaction of {us} killing {them}". We have one such quote on our wiki page, and I am sure I could dredge up all sorts of alarms caused to survivor groups due to our presence in their area, as well as relate to you tales of our suburb-cleansing operations, but I have no stomache for such self-congratulatory things, and I fear they would prove to be counter-productive to these talks anyway(and really, if you are curious to know, simply ask bounty-hunters or other frequenters of the Rogues Gallery to tell you about us).
The Knights have no desire to see the QSG's tour fall to ruin due to the pride of one group or another, and my earlier warning was meant as a cautionary device rather than a malevolent threat. The QSG's open-air lecture-series tend to attract many feral zombies, who may at first glance see it as an opportunity to feed, but are usually corrected through verbal means, and join in on the non-violent fun provided by the librarians. Now I have heard of very little zombie activity in Reganbank, and though I know of a little bit of presence by one large horde, and continued occupation by a smaller group of zombies, I do not think that one de-barricaded library presents much of a threat to you. The factory to the north, or the pub to the east can provide as much shelter from these undead as the library, although you can be certain that staying in the Library with the QSG is almost certain to assure you security as well. I spent over a week in the Quartly, mingling with dancing, singing, and otherwise active zombies, and never received so much as a friendly nibble.
Your concern over the library is understandable, yet is still an over-reaction. Once the QSG is ready to leave, they will ask the zombies to disperse and return to the few resource buildings they had been attacking before, and then barricade it behind them. Have a little faith in them, for they know what they are doing. My advice, as a long-time diplomat for the Knights, would be for you to recant your earlier declaration of hostilities should the QSG de-barricade, and let the matter die. The librarians will take care of the books inside, and will clean up after they are finished with Downing Library. -- DT 18:47, 17 August 2007 (BST)
As a more pacifistic member of CHT, I don't really care to kill other survivor groups to protect our HQ. However, at the same time, having a throng of zombies inside our "special place" would be.... not very nice. I'm all prepared to compromise and help set up a library next door at the Whitmey Arms, by carrying books over and what not. After all, cooperation makes for not getting our asses killed. If you must be determined to dismantle our defences and allow zombies into our home, I'm afraid I must recourse to peaceful protest. In particular, while I will not raise my hand to my fellow survivors, I will continue to raise the barricades even as you dismantle them (unless I'm doing something else at the time). I will urge my fellow members to also adopt a similar, and more peaceful policy. On a final note, while I'm sure your group could dismantle barricades far easier then we could rebuild them, nevertheless I will be there alongside you, occasionally taking the desk you have returned to the proper place and putting it back by the doors. In hopes of either compromise or a peaceful protest - Suttonius. 22:21 GMT 17th August.
See now thats nice. thank you but no. we are going ahead with our plans. it's an entry point. and should be maintained at VS+2 according to the suburb barricade plan. if you want to waste your AP go ahead. what are you so afraid of? it's not like the zombies can free run? and there will be 20+ heavily armed librarians defending the building, providing revives, healing, mixing drinks with parasols etc etc. I'm sure if you spend a few nights with us you will see how safe it is. we have been doing this for over a month now. not one of our members have been killed. 90% of the zombies we have encountered have respected our no kill zone. and stick around for some harry rotter readings, cocktails, or got bored and leave. the other 10% we kill and threw out the doors. now I've already added all of your profiles to my contact list. none of you have been playing very long. try something new you might enjoy yourself. why take such a narrow view of the game? try living a little. we are still waiting for an apology, this conversation is pretty much over until we receive that. you have stated your position it has been noted. Suttonius thank you for trying a different tact. had your leader started this tirade with a friendly welcome instead of threatening us, I'm sure we would have picked another library. but your leader pushed us and we will push back. and here we are, see you sunday.----Sexualharrison ה QSGTStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 01:22, 18 August 2007 (BST)
I would like too extend the apologies of the clan (whether they like it or not)to you and your group. I regret the harsh words that were used in our first contact but im sure you can understand our wariness of any groups or players we are unfamiliar with, especially as we only recently joined the game, which you pointed out. Also i would kindly ask you to choose another library as even though we currently do not maintain a presence at Downing Library we still consider it our home. From reading your replies to my clanmates I have great respect for what you do and are trying to do but as previously stated we would appreciate it if you used another library for your work. As peace a offering for if you do not choose to use our library, I promise the support of the Clan Hometwig in maintaining the kill free zone and any future ventures ou embark upon.However if you do use Downing Library not all of our members may choose to help you in the future, though you do have my support. I offer this as a way of a mutually beneficial solution for all parties concerned.--Sgt hales 01:59, 18 August 2007 (BST)
Apology accepted. we will have our party at Hewish Library [18, 52] please drop by.----Sexualharrison ה QSGTStarofdavid2.png Boobs.gif 03:25, 18 August 2007 (BST)
I too, am pleased by this peaceful resolution. I'm glad that reason and compromise have prevailed, and that cooler minds came to the table. Have a wonderful time, QSG librarians, tag-alongs, members of Clan Hometwig, and other local partiers. Praise Knowledge. -- DT 20:18, 18 August 2007 (BST)
Well, all I can do is apologise. Obviously my views were only representitive of an unwisely thought out section of CHT and not in our best interests. I also think I sounded a bit more threatening than I intended, judging by the subsequent replies to my original statement. I was originally trying to keep people away from the CHT HQ without giving away the fact that it was our HQ. We've had bad experiences PK-er groups and organized zombie attacks, but obviously I went the wrong way about it keeping it quiet. Guess I'll have to make a diplomacy corp and exclude myself from the number. Again, I apologize for the threatening tone, give you our thanks for using another building, and I put forwards my hopes that we can work together to the betterment of survivors throughout the city. Puustrian 13:23, 19 August 2007 (BST)