South Blythville Militia

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Out of commission

The South Blythville Militia is now out of commission. The owners have moved on, to bigger and better things. Thank you all for staying with us.

South Blythville Militias Founding

South Blythville Militia
Abbreviation: S.B.M
Group Numbers: Classified
Leadership: Classified
Goals: To protect South Blythville and surrounding suburbs
Recruitment Policy: Must be dedicated to protecting South Blythville from Zombie attack
Contact: S.B.M online

Not much is known about the beginning of the Militia. One told story is that the South Blythville Militia started in the early outbreaks of the zombie threat before the quarantine walls were put into place. The young men, the "Founders" where part of a strike force situated on the west side of Ridleybank. They were holding off a medium sized zombie horde when they got a call over a small hand held radio tuned to a secure military line. The call was for all military personnel to evacuate Malton immediately, quarantine walls are being built up and their helo’ was awaiting immediate departure.

The small group of soldiers made their way south without much trouble. they got to North Blythville when they ran into a large group of zombies. Realizing they couldn’t get through the mob, they attempted to make their way around them. The gathering of zombies was bigger than they anticipated and they knew they had to hurry. They tried to take a short cut through a gap in the horde when they where spotted. In quick haste the sergeant ordered them to garrison in a nearby building. They set up a barricade overnight. The make shift stronghold wasn’t enough to keep the hungry dead from their brains. The group needed to get out and make their way down before it was too late. They snuck their way out through a back window and where greeted by a not so nice mob of zombies. They ran through the pack as quickly and as forcefully as they could and they got through the horde with what seemed to be relative ease.

Unknown to the other soldiers of the squad, that two of their fellow members was bitten on the way through. They got on top of a tall 5 story building to survey the area. It was night by then and they could only just make out what appeared to be a tall wall on the outskirts of the city. They were to late.

The soldiers realizing that they would probably spend the rest of their life here, also understanding that their "rest of their life" could only be but a few weeks away. too tired to continue the squad decided to rest.

This rest was only temporary as the previous bite victims succumbed to there infections and died, only to wake up as un-dead and hungry. The fresh corpses bit all but 2 squad members in the room before they promptly had their heads blown off by the remaining soldiers. Quickly dragging their fallen brothers out of the building before closing off the doors and securing the building. The last two soldiers slept for what seemed to only be minutes before they heard screams of terror outside that soon turned screams of pain that then turned to cries of death. Knowing they couldn’t do anything to help they tried to get to sleep but they couldn’t get what they had just witnessed out of their minds.

The next day they knew that their lives depended on gathering survivors and creating a small but effective force and make South blythville one of the only remaining bastions againced the zombie threat.

The South Blythville Militia

Founded on the 30/11/06.

"We are focused on the protection and preservation of South Blythville and the outlying suburbs" Cleanse, Purge, KILL.

Recruitment Policy You are eledgable if you wish to keep South Blythville and surrounding suburbs safe from zombie attack. We are seeking all types of survivors.

Allies We are currently allied to: The Renegades


23rd January '07: Our HQ is back and fully operational. Its caded aswell. Everything looks good now. Brother Elestor 04:45, 23 January 2007 (UTC)

22nd January '07: Our classified hq was broken into by a group of 5 or so zombies. It has been reviewed and classified as a random attack by un-related zombies. No zombie group seemed to be involved. Current condition of HQ is Vs+2 barricaded with no generator or radio. Brother Elestor 07:39, 22 January 2007 (UTC)

18th January '07: South Blythville is now a 'safe' suburb again. With very rare break-ins aside from preston NT and no hostile zombie groups present South Blythville is a place for the family again. PK'ing is still a problem but the majority of the offenders are dealt with swiflty. Brother Elestor 07:01, 18 January 2007 (UTC)

17th January '07: Our new HQ has been finalized and a transmitter set up. we are entering the final stages on our alliance request with The Renegades and we hope it all goes well. Brother Elestor 03:55, 17 January 2007 (UTC)

16th January '07: A Base of Operations has been declared for the South Blythville Militia. Its location is classified although our doors are open to the public in need of a place to rest. An alliance request has been sent to The Renegades and we are in alliance talks now. Brother Elestor 05:59, 16 January 2007 (UTC)

Current Operations.

Operation Stinger Sweep.

We are holding frequent sweeps of all buildings in the south blythville area searching out threats in the community and eliminating them. Keep an ear out for locations of wanted criminals. Cleanse, Purge, KILL.


This list states the SBM's most wanted persons. They include people wanted for PK'ing and GK'ing If you are on the list you may plee your case in the discussion part of this page. (KoS requires no warning prior to the execution of the criminal. Anyone labled as N/N are considered Non-Negotiable, KoS and may not be removed from the list unless stated otherwise.)

Bashta ti 658808 Wanted for murder of a South Blythville Militia Member. KoS

Cantaloupe 618516 Wanted for the serial murders of four people in the marven mall N/N

Danson Tapiro 169316 Wanted for numerous Pk'ing's. N/N

E Genius 246703 Wanted for the Pk'ing of a SBM Member. KoS

Gina McTavish 632570 Wanted for multiple Gk'ings.

Ischa 692651 Wanted for the Pk'ing of 2 SBM Members N/N

KillKiller 203626 Wanted for numerous Gk'ings in the marven mall.

Madlatvian 456350 Wanted for numerous Gk'ings and Pk'ings in the marven mall. N/N

MisterHat 656861 Wanted for numerous Pk'ings. N/N

Prvt Donut 597694 Wanted for multiple murders. KoS

Virus002 304262 Wanted for multiple murders in the marven mall. KoS

Zombie Mistress 632524 Wanted for multiple pk'ings in the marven mall area. KoS

All criminals not marked under the 'N/N' must be warned of there stature and given time to plee their case. If still wanted after 3 days they may be killed and taken off of the wanted list.


Current status: Searching for members

  Current objective - See Operations Stinger Sweep.                 

Graffiti Tags

Spray the following on buildings:

South Blythville Militia. Clearing the area for YOU
South Blythville Militia. Cleanse, Purge, KILL!
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)