South West Alliance/Archive/Operation Open Season

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Operation: Open Season


In the beginning, the southwestern area of Malton consisted of random, unaffiliated groups and sexy sprawling lawns and auto repair shops. As a result of mild provocation, a bold scheme was first concieved by Tikhon Medical, who had a propensity for pulling off their pants and other articles of clothing.

The ambition and scope of Operation: Open Season was such that it lead directly to the birth of the SWA. To commemorate the event, we present the original article, plagiarized and unedited for your perusing pleasure.

"The genius of you Americans is that you never make clear-cut stupid moves, only complicated stupid moves which make the rest of us wonder if there is something to them which we are missing." - Gamal Nasser, Egyptian president circa 1956-1970

Creator: Elbert Gray, with strong support from other SWA members.

Goals: Through a show of force, encourage all local PKers to leave the southwestern suburbs - or turn them into minor zombie hordes.

Outcome: Success! Yeah, we chased off a bunch of PKers, and they stayed gone a long time. We'll keep the success in mind if we need to sweep the trash out of the southwest again, but generally we just revive around PK activity.

Summary: A PK hunt to demonstrate the power of this fully operational battlestation.

Local player-killer activity was increasing, in number and frequency. It started to become an issue during the Second Big Bash, as PKers would target players defending against the horde, sabotage generators and barricades, shooting them in the back and generally being pests.

Following the Second Big Bash, southwestern suburbs recovered quickly with survivor groups working together. This coordination was formalized with the creation of the SWA - local groups sharing resources and information.

We wished to test our effectiveness as a unit. The murders of two Tikhon Medical personnel inside Tikhon Prime, and especially the crushing of a Cheesy Poof gave us our purpose. Lists of known PKers were made. Not one PKer. Not one PK group. All PKers in the southwest are targets. (Note that this has nothing to do with DEM or its Rogue's Gallery. DEM bounties may or may not be claimed, at the discretion of the individual SWA member. This is an operation to tap certain undesireables on the shoulder, and convince them to leave.)

SWA members traverse the southwestern suburbs in the course of ordinary activities. When a PKer is encountered, they deal with the threat, or call out the location on a forum if ammo or AP is low. A "cleaning crew" is then dispatched to deal with the problem resident.

Additionally, the SWA member groups/gaggles run the most efficient revive systems in the southwest. PKers found getting revives harder - one SWA group knew not to revive certain individuals that had been plaguing another SWA member. PKers died faster, and had to travel further for revives. With this organization, we can kill PKers - and keep them dead a long, long time.

PK activity against innocents in the southwest has greatly diminished. Most PKers and PK groups have fled the vicinity, claiming they have business elsewhere. Whether that is true or convenient coincidence is of little importance. The SWA model has proven effective, and is being refined daily.