Squad G.I.A.
Hey. Im Daniel (Squad Leader) and this is my squads page. We are a part of a elite military force that was going to be dropped off at the main train stations so we could laser designate them for airstrikes. The problem was that our Mk4 sea king was shot down near Fort Creedy by a SAM missile after a identification incident. Most of the 25 solidiers that were with us were killed or are now missing in action. Now we are patroling the suburb of Pitneybank until the military gives us a ERV.
Assuming they do!
Squad G.I.A. | |
Abbreviation: | GIA |
Group Numbers: | 3.14159265359 |
Leadership: | Daniel Camburn |
Goals: | Kill Zombies, Rave |
Recruitment Policy: | Come To THe Hq |
Contact: | Daniel Camburn |
H.Q.(The Cantle Building)
Were usually mooching about in or around the builing. Dont Over Cade It. We usually have medics on site but are running low on suplies so we may not be able to provide health-care, but we will if we can.
Our Desciptions -
Internal - You walk in and theres a note wrote on the wall. It reads'How About Floor 15'. You walk over to the lift and look inside the lift shaft. A ladder runs up the shaft. Climbing up you begin to hear noises. When you reach floor 15 there is a receptionists desk. A guy with a white doctor's coat, is stood behind it, he’s cooking something which smells strange, your tempted to look but decide not to. Also on the desk is a crowbar and some lighters. There's holdalls on the floor that are stuffed to the brim, one that is open seems to be filled with glowsticks. In the corner of the room to the right a solder is sat, he’s wearing a full set of DPM's, in his hands and on the floor around him are parts for a Sniper rifle, some look real badly damaged. You walk past them into the corridor. The first office room has a load of camping beds in it. The person you see in the first bed appears to be sleeping. Under the window another bed has some-one led in it, reading a magazine, he looks warm wraped up inside his combat jacket and thick green trousers, despite how cold it is inside. On the floor some SA80 mag's are piled up, all are empty. Walking back out into the corridoor you see a slit of light along the floor walking to wards the door you look in. Inside the second room there is a radio transmitter and two long tables. On a screen a music video is playing [1] sat at the table on the left three guys with bits of DPM clothing on are drinking out of dark bottles (most likely beer). One guys chair has a crowbar leant against it. On the table two handheld radios are sat along with a CD player. On the other table there are some mugs, a shotgun with spare shells littered around it, sat on one of the chairs are 2 SA80's nither have mag's in. You take a seat and one of the guys offers you a coffee. He has a brown leather jacket on with two scalpels sticking out of the breast pocket. You take the coffee and drink it while you walk around. Looking into the the oposite room there is a lot of tables. Three of the tables have been pushed up against the window. Two guys are lead on the tables looking out the window with a M16(s). One says 'That sucks, theres almost a 10,000% chance theres more than ten zombies'. The other guy hits him and continues to look through the scope, you look into the transprent magazine, he only has ten rounds left. You finish the coffee and thank the guy in the leather jacket for it. You walk into the last room which is a toilet room. Some of the toilets have been removed, and replaced with some realy makeshift looking showers. Theres some mirrors over he sinks, which are loaded up with toileties, one has been wrote on. 'Stop stealing my damn anti dandruff shampoo, unless you want me to BLAST you, Prick.’ Is the message. You walk back to the room with the beds and look out the window. Smoke plumes apear all over the city, and the military wall is just in view.
External - You walk up to the building, the area is littered with corpes. The door is secured but a low level window is open. Around 15 floors up there is a window that has no glass in it, a rifle barrel sticks out of the hole. On the other side some of the windows are silightly iluminated, shadows move around inside.
Squad members
- Major Camburn [2]: Squad leader, Raider.
- Captain Littlefair [3]: Tech Guy, Surgeon.
- Lieutenant Hillman [4]: Scout, Raider.
- Michel stone [5]:Civilian doctor, Guard.
- Captain Carpenter [6]: Builder, Raider.
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Short-wave Radio Info |
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: 26.75 MHz MHz |
To enter your will need at least one item of camo clothing. One weapon that you should have good training for. One specialization.
To join try and find Camburn around Fort Creedy, Giddings Mall or of course the building.
To help write player description and for R.P. perposes this is the gear our unit was issued when flying over the city (some is stashed in out H.Q.)
- Pistols:
P226, Browning L9A1, Walther PPK.
- Rifles:
SA80 - L85A2 or L86 LSW, M4A1, L96A1.
- Heavy:
LAW 80, MINIMI (light machine gun), M2 Browning, Benelli M4.
Also on the helicopter were some grenades, a grenerator, radio's, loads of GLOWSTICKS (WOO), Spare clothes, demolitions gear and tools.
- We're looking to set up our characters skills at the moment.
- We have set up a H.Q. which will provide medical facilitys to help all survivors(if FAK's are on site).
- Finaly use up most of the glowsticks in a masive rave.
People we 'dislike'
DrWankel[7] -Hes a RKer, GKer and PKer.
If you find any of these people kill them and nail them to our Hq.
Extra Info
Yes this is mostly templates that descibe us. But thats not the point.
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DUDE! It's a Template! |
This user has been known to say the word "Dude" from time to time. |
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Battle of Giddings |
This user or group was among the living that fought honorably against the Big Bash 2 in the one month long Battle of Giddings. |
Needs Generator | |
This user requires a generator for maximum usefulness. |
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Sacred Ground Policy Supporter |
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points. |
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This user is currently hiding from zombies and is using the best disguise ever! |
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Pistol Ninja |
This user is a pistol ninja He shall bring headshots to barhah!. |
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Cookie Thief |
This user is not safe around unguarded cookies. |
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The Almighty Crowbar |
Wooden crates beware, this user has a crowbar. |
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This user only uses their powers for good, and for tipping over small babies. *No small babies were harmed in the making of this template* |
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This user likes boobies! |
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This user is frustrated by the sheer amount of stupidity and crap on the wiki. |