Suggestion talk:20080425 Memories of Life NT Requirement Update

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Memory of Life NT Update Requirement

Timestamp: Tselita 18:14, 22 April 2008 (BST)
Type: Skill Requirement
Scope: Zombies
Description: Okay, this is a very simple and direct suggestion, so it's not my usual 20 page novel. Currently, when people turn into zombies, if they have NT Employment, they can recognize NT buildings even when zombies. That doesn't make sense. They can't remember how to open a door without Memories of Life, but they can remember which anonymous-looking building is NT and which is a normal office building? I propose a simple change in the requirements for recognizing NT buildings while a zombie. Instead of needing just NT Employment, you would need both NT employment -and- Memories of Life. This won't affect many people most likely, since many people just use the wiki anyway, and many people who have NT Employment probably already have Memories of Life, but it just makes more sense.


Discussion (Memory of Life NT Update Requirement)

Dupe. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 19:23, 22 April 2008 (BST)

Link? I just search through Peer Reviewed AND Peer Rejected (as best as I could).--Pesatyel 04:58, 23 April 2008 (BST)
I had looked before I made this suggestion and I couldn't find anything like this. This is not a dupe.--Tselita 09:12, 23 April 2008 (BST)

Makes sense to me, I do find it annoying how zombies are meant to be shambing, mindless creatures (opening doors, unable to communicate) yet at the same time capable of priortising targets, forming attack stratagies and other complex functions. --Kamikazie-Bunny 19:27, 22 April 2008 (BST)

Zombies don't do that, players do. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 19:41, 22 April 2008 (BST)
I don't see how you draw a distinction in this situation. It is not necessary to rely upon knowledge of metagaming to observe the tactics of organized zombies; the strategizing can be clearly discerned from their in-game actions. - Grant (talk) 19:46, 22 April 2008 (BST)
As a pure ingame zombie, teach another zombie how the ?rise tactic works. Zombies don't form these strategies or communicate them, the players do. -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 19:50, 22 April 2008 (BST)
That's what I'd call a technique, not really a strategy. And it's not really what I was talking about. My point is this: You can tell what the zombies are doing by their in-game actions. You can see the strategies that they are using without using forums, IRC, etc. So even human players who never metagame or even check the wiki will be able to observe intelligent, organized behavior on the part of zombies. At the very least in their organized striking, collective movement, prioritizing of targeted suburbs, buildings and individuals, and the occasional gesture or death rattle used to communicate or give specific instructions. - Grant (talk) 07:22, 24 April 2008 (BST)
I find it annoying that many/most zombies will ignore food in the building they stand up in, and calmly wait in line at a cemetery until they are revived.-Grant (talk) 19:43, 22 April 2008 (BST)
Grant, that's why I play a Dual Nature zombie. I never wait in a cemetery. Ever. I consider it non Romero-esque. If I'm a zombie, I'm going to attack you. If I'm a human I'm going to kill zombies or cade up to get away from them. The only exception is I will tend to revive zombies who are at a cemetery first, since many zombies players do not seem to know how to actually 'roleplay' as a zombie and I can forgive someone wanting a revive since so many zombies act just as un-zombie-like by being so organized in their attacks and using spies and stuff like that. --Tselita 23:48, 22 April 2008 (BST)
I play that way too. But bear in mind, most SURVIVOR players don't. At the same time, I don't see how that even matters in this suggestion.--Pesatyel 04:58, 23 April 2008 (BST)
Most survivor -and- zombie players don't. Especially when they're part of groups. It's a shame really. I started playing this game after years of playing on MUSHes so I was a bit let down about the lack of roleplaying. And you're right, it has nothing to do with this suggestion - we've just gone off on a little tangent :) --Tselita 09:14, 23 April 2008 (BST)
Players here tend to poo poo "roleplaying" type suggestions anyway.--Pesatyel 02:04, 24 April 2008 (BST)
Yeah... I guess this shouldn't be called a MMORPG, it should just be called an MMORAAKSAROBBE (Massive Multiplayer Online Run Around And Kill Stuff And Ruin Or Barracade Buildings Endlessly) game --Tselita 18:32, 24 April 2008 (BST)
LOL, Good Ol' H&S!--Pesatyel 06:43, 25 April 2008 (BST)
Damn, that comeback was so good it should have been mine! -- To know the face of God is to know madness....Praise knowledge! Mischief! Mayhem! The Rogues Gallery!. <== DDR Approved Editor 19:49, 22 April 2008 (BST)

This will likely get shat on by people who get a hardon from calling out dupes but I like this suggestion. Adds some realism and a nice mechanic to consider in developing a new zombie without being a significant nerf.--ZARDOZ 19:39, 22 April 2008 (BST)

Why do people do that, anyways? --BoboTalkClown 01:14, 26 April 2008 (BST)

It makes sense to me. I think Memories of Life needs to be improved anyway. I mean it's called Memories of Life, not Memories of Doorknobs.--Pesatyel 04:58, 23 April 2008 (BST)

Not that big of a deal really, I'd prefer some way for zombies to recognize NTs that didn't require a survivor skill, even if it was a child of MoL, to reduce cross-class dependence for zombies (body building, flak jackets, NT Employment) so it could be bought on the other side like scent blood/diagnosis. --Riseabove 17:57, 23 April 2008 (BST)

What you're saying has merit, but my reasoning for why I made the suggestion this way instead of as a sub-category of MoL is that I felt that Memories of Life should let you have access to certain... memories .... of when you were alive.... which would explain how you'd remember your NT employment information as a zombie. I'm personally against using Bodybuilding for zombies and think there should be some separate zombie equivalent instead, but I haven't made a suggestion about that, and I doubt it would pass if I was to. At least stuff like bodybuilding and flak jackets don't rely on the zombie remembering stuff from his survivor days, whereas NT employment does. I find that a change to current rules might be more readily accepted than forcing zombies to buy an entirely new skill to do something they've been able to do until now. --Tselita 18:23, 23 April 2008 (BST)
How about a new zombie skill called something like Lab Escapee? You were abducted early on as a zombie and imprisoned in the underground cells beneath a Necrotech Towerblock. Though you escaped you still remember the distinct odour of the necrotech labs and buildings Something like that?--SeventythreeTalk 18:32, 23 April 2008 (BST)
Actually that's a good alternate idea, but I think it's harder to get a new skill past peer review than a small rule change. I have no problem with the fact that zombies can remember certain things from life with Memories of Life. I just think they should have Memories of Life before they can do so. --Tselita 19:15, 23 April 2008 (BST)
How about zombies can recognize NT buildings because they have a big freaking NT logo on them? Little kids can recognize logos. Zombies can, too. I never worked for McDonalds but I recognize their logo*. I'm pretty sure I would if I became a zombie too. *needing to work for a place to recognize it is dumb. --DCC 19:07, 23 April 2008 (BST)
DCC, there are no 'big NT logos' on NT buildings - that's just the point. They are indistinguishable from non-NT office buildings from the outside. It even says that in the wiki about NT buildings! And the descriptions of NT buildings from outside are the same as office buildings. The ONLY way you can tell if a building is an NT building is if you go inside. You need to work for them to know about them because they are a secretive corporation. They don't advertise their locations like McDonalds. There are no logos. Please show me a SINGLE screenshot of an NT building which as the logo on the OUTSIDE of the building. I dare you. --Tselita 19:12, 23 April 2008 (BST)
Here's the question: Are you saying you don't want zombies inside NT buildings to know they are NT buildings unless they have MoL/NT Emp. or are you saying you don't want the players to be able to look at a fucking map and realize that that building is an NT? If you are suggesting something along the lines of the latter, then let's just close down the wiki, too, while we are at it. We wouldn't want players not totally RPing their characters and actually using resources available. If you are suggesting the former then I restate my previous comment. --DCC 23:14, 24 April 2008 (BST)
I think he may have been trying to be sarcastic. I don't think he's ACTUALLY suggesting nerfing the skill. Maybe.--Pesatyel 02:03, 24 April 2008 (BST)

Generally there are two schools of thought.

  1. Things are fine. Having a "pure" zombie have to get some survivor skills (since they'd go after flak too) is fine, why change it?
  2. Zombies should NOT have to get revived just to "max out" so there should be zombie equivalents to the survivor skills they can use. For example, Scent Blood and Diagnosis. They do the same thing, but Scent Blood is actually BETTER because the zombie can detect infection. Basically, if we can come up with "zombie equivalents" to Body Building, NecroTech Employement and Flak Jackets, zombies won't ever need to "go fresh".

Having Memories of Life as a prerequisite, I think, is good. Likie I said above, the skill is Memories of Life (as in stuff from when you were alive) not Memories of Doorknobs.--Pesatyel 02:03, 24 April 2008 (BST)

I think he wasn't being sarcastic. I think he literally doesn't realize the details of the game he's been playing. Willful ignorance, maybe? I'm totally okay with removing 'survivor skills working for zombies and requiring zombies to get their own new skills to mimic survivor skills, but I don't think that will ever pass - so sometimes I try to make suggestions which have more of a chance of actually getting into Peer Reviewed. I totally agree with the fact that it's Memories of Life, not Memories of Doorknobs. --Tselita 18:32, 24 April 2008 (BST)
I'm just tired of suggestions that try to control how I play my character. Suggestions that take the player out of the equation by forcing certain things on them. (like that stupid starvation suggestion or ones for zombies not being able to understand the radio/tags/speech) As a player I know that fucking building is an NT. What purpose does it serve to make my character not know it? Seriously, what is the use of making it so my zombie doesn't know it is an NT? If I was going to "RP" like you fags expect, it wouldn't matter if I knew or not because I would "RP" the character that way. --DCC 23:26, 24 April 2008 (BST)

Sarcasm? Nah, now he's just being a dick.--Pesatyel 06:22, 25 April 2008 (BST)

Thanks, I needed a laugh :) Hey DCC, while we're at it, you know how to talk in real life too... what purpose does it serve to have your zombie unable to talk with normal words? And you're able to use a radio in real life... and a gun too! And an axe! Your zombie should be able to as well! Lets stop all this silliness about playing a game - this should be about DCC. We'll call it Urban DCC. Yeah! I must say that your use of swearing and calling people a negative slang word truly have swayed me to your way of thinking! You are such a wonderful orator, sir! A keen master debator! (I'm not gonna say more about that)... Yes DCC, you're making perfect sense. Of the non kind. Get it? Non Sense. See? I made a jo-oh never mind, you don't have any sense of humor anyway. --Tselita 00:09, 26 April 2008 (BST)
I like how you react when you are losing an argument. You can't face the fact that your suggestion is shit. Oh, I'm fucking sorry, I meant sh*t. - forgot this was Romper Room and bad words hurt the kiddies. I like how you didn't answer my question either. Way to further discussion on your idea.
And while you are having your little tantrum, I'll humor you. Zombies shouldn't be able to talk at all. They should be able to use a radio and weapons.

I must say your mastery of being a douche has convinced me to give ALL of your suggestions the attention they deserve. - X

Oh goodie! I get to be on an idiot's radar! :) I feel blessed. Normally I'd need to have a very in depth focus group to discover what the functionally retarded think of my ideas. --Tselita 03:09, 26 April 2008 (BST)

I put this in voting today --Tselita 00:09, 26 April 2008 (BST) I didn't understand at first either. What he means is, the suggestion says that, in order for a zombie to use a survivor skill (necrotech employement) they must have a zombie skill to "access" it. As a survivor equivalent, survivors can use Scent Death but they aren't required to have a survivor skill to "access" it.--Pesatyel 05:43, 26 April 2008 (BST)

Discussion above the line is from Talk:Suggestions and is no longer active.

Discussion on Voting

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Discussion on the suggestion page

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Confusion about Karek's explanation

Because you don't need NecroNet Access to Scent Death as a human and there is no parallel zombie skill to seeing NTs.--Karekmaps?! 00:44, 26 April 2008 (BST)

"If you don't even know what I'm saying then why are you commenting on my vote? You're proposing zombies need MoL to use crossover skills while survivors still don't, you're proposing making it that much harder on low leveled players because you don't think it's fair that zombies can see NTs, you're proposing we don't let people find syringes without metagaming or having to spend a huge amount of XP at the point where they need those skills the most,see all the level 1 scientists who now can't find revives."

I'm commenting because you wrote it in a rather difficult to understand manner and I couldn't understand the sentence structure. I tend to like to understand the reasons why people are voting. It helps me with figuring out how they think. Your elaboration is a bit clearer - thanks. Now I can respond to it. I'm not proposing anything of the sort. I'm proposing that zombies would only be able to see the NT if they have Memories of Life and NT employment, instead of just NT employment. Survivors don't need Memories of Life to remember information from when they were alive because um... because they are still alive. No metagaming needed, actually. If you have NT Employment and are alive, you can see NT buildings. If you have NT Employment -and- Memories of Life and are dead, you can see NT buildings. And frankly, Memories of Life is a darned useful skill for a low level zombie, especially if they're not with a horde. They'd otherwise spend a ton of AP to break cades down to be blocked by a door. This encourages them to get it sooner.
Low level zombies can still get revived. Cemeteries and Revive points and graffiti leading to revive points are -everywhere-.
The only reason that a low level zombie would need to be able to find an NT building for a revive instead of relying on revive points, cemeteries, combats and good ol' random revives, assuming that they're not with a horde who are already attacking an NT building in the first place, and assuming they aren't metagaming in the first place, would be if they had bought Brain Rot before they even bother to get Memories of Life.... do you know many zombie players who do that? --Tselita 01:23, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Incorectness is incorrect, only time anything you mentioned would work is near a mall, oh, and when you already know about the SGP which requires metagaming. Finding Necrotech buildings is the quickest way to get a revive in the city, it always has been, all RPs are centered around them, all revivers are in them, and in areas that aren't next to one of the larger malls in Malton knowing where NTs are is the only way to get a revive. That means using a map(read metagaming) or being able to see NTs. When you're a low level Scientist who just got killed you not only need the information to get a revive you need that information to know where to go after getting the revive.--Karekmaps?! 02:03, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Where the heck are you coming up with what you're saying? The only time that requiring that zombies have Memories of Life to use a skill which is from memories from their life is when you're near a mall? If you're a low level scientist who got killed and needa revive, you go to a cemetery. You don't need to go to an NT building - low level zombies almost never have brainrot before MoL. --Tselita 02:55, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Stop thinking you know everything and the answer will come to you. Right now you're gibbering on about crap because you feel the need to reply when you don't even know what I'm saying or what the hell you're trying to talk about.--Karekmaps?! 03:02, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Or you could follow the local graffiti to a revive point, or someone could just tell you in game about the policy. --PdeqTalk* 04:17, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Yes Pdeq, that is possible, but that is making game play and advancement dependent on other users, which is already is enough with the requirement for a revive, it is something only doable in an area with active groups and even then you can not be sure that information is correct, current, or even useful. There are some things where being forced to trust in a spray really really does not help and that's exactly what this suggestions does.--Karekmaps?! 04:21, 26 April 2008 (BST)
As for the crossover thing, would you prefer that I make a second suggestion where survivors get to benefit from skills they bought as a zombie? Do you want survivors being able to sense wounded and near death people? You see.. that's the part of your sentence I just don't understand, and that's why I'm commenting on it. --Tselita 01:25, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Inform thyself.--Karekmaps?! 02:03, 26 April 2008 (BST)
okay... my bad... I thought you understood sarcasm. I already know which survivor skills are useful to zombies. You were saying that there needed to be more zombie skills which survivors can use, and that made no sense because 1) has nothing to do with my suggestion and 2) I can't think of any other zombie skills that survivos would -need-. Meh... --Tselita 02:55, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Read the discussion above, you obviously have no clue what the hell you think we're talking about, stop, it's embarrassing for everyone involved.--Karekmaps?! 03:02, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Yes. The concept is bewildering. Memories of life being used to remember something from life. Truly, it is one of the great riddles of our time --Tselita 03:06, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Wow, you can do sarcastic, confused, and idiotic all at the same time, impressively bewildering. Not everyone who plays is an expert on how to find revive points run by groups that don't maintain them. Most people also aren't stupid enough to use Realism to justify screwing casual players or, even, as the main basis of a suggestion for a game about a zombie apocalypse.--Karekmaps?! 03:09, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Well, listening to what passes as your logic can confuse anyone. Not sure where you got 'realism' from in this suggestion, since I never said anything about realism. In fact most of your sentence there has nothing to do with anything I said. Did you forget what we were talking about? aww. --Tselita 03:16, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Relative realism is still realism you whiny troll.--Karekmaps?! 03:21, 26 April 2008 (BST)
Not sure where you got 'realism' from in this suggestion, since I never said anything about realism.

I believe it was right here in your little temper tantrum on the talk page: Hey DCC, while we're at it, you know how to talk in real life too... what purpose does it serve to have your zombie unable to talk with normal words? And you're able to use a radio in real life... and a gun too! And an axe! Your zombie should be able to as well!

Wow, you're a master of the selective edit aren't ya. --Tselita 03:31, 26 April 2008 (BST)
What the hell are you bitching about now? Because something got lost when I got Edit Conflicted, I'm not DCC, we don't even get along most of the time, the common factor here is you. Ironically, this is only the second time we've had any real interaction and you managed to insult me and run around complaining because I responded in kind. This wiki isn't the place for a little kid who can dish it out but can't take it and the suggestions namespace is not the place for someone who can't take someone who doesn't like their suggestion for reasons they can't understand. --Karekmaps?! 04:12, 26 April 2008 (BST)

I actually had a non-profane constructive comment to leave here, but then I remembered it was still your suggestion. And you are still a fuckhead that likes to whine and carry on even when you are wrong.--DCC 03:25, 26 April 2008 (BST)

I swear you can't possibly be making up statement this dumb on your own. Oh yes, when you swear it makes you sound so persuasive! I feel like I'm debating Bertrand Russell! Never mind you won't know who he is.... let me think of something more simple for you as a comparison.... I feel like I'm debating Bluto from the Popeye the Sailor Man cartoon. And as for me being a troll? You're the one who's said you're going to 'troll my suggestions'. God you're such an infant yknow? --Tselita 03:29, 26 April 2008 (BST)

I didn't understand at first either. What he means is, the suggestion says that, in order for a zombie to use a survivor skill (necrotech employement) they must have a zombie skill to "access" it. As a survivor equivalent, survivors can use Scent Death but they aren't required to have a survivor skill to "access" it.--Pesatyel 05:43, 26 April 2008 (BST)

Why he couldn't just say that instead of getting all gutter-mouthed is beyond me --Tselita 05:56, 26 April 2008 (BST)
You seriously don't understand what's going on here. THIS: I didn't understand at first either. What he means is, the suggestion says that, in order for a zombie to use a survivor skill (necrotech employement) they must have a zombie skill to "access" it. As a survivor equivalent, survivors can use Scent Death but they aren't required to have a survivor skill to "access" it.--Pesatyel 05:43, 26 April 2008 (BST) is refering to KAREK. I didn't have that complaint about your suggestion.

My question is: Are you saying you don't want zombies inside NT buildings to know they are NT buildings unless they have MoL/NT Emp. or are you saying you don't want the players to be able to look at a *bad word removed* map and realize that that building is an NT? Which you never responded to. Check the discussion.
I like how you made yourself look like a complete ass though by getting all snippy with Karek. You really should learn to how to intelligently defend your suggestions. --דקק Gunen.pngThe Malton Globetrotters#99 06:18, 28 April 2008 (BST)

Actually I think the way you and Karek react by cursing out people who you can't debate maturely shows who the real jerks are. Nuff said, you can stop talking now - you've already shown in the past that you're incapable of rational discussion, DCC or X or Dalet Qof Qof (DQQ in hebrew) or whatever you're going to call yourself in the next day or two. Call yourself Winky the wonder squirrel for all I care, it's not going to change that I'm going to regard anything you say as infantile and beneath my concern - I only respond to you anymore because it amuses me to see what stupidity will pour from your fingers onto the keyboard next. --Tselita 07:26, 28 April 2008 (BST)
And yet you still respond, be as much of a bitch as you can be, and don't realize why some people choose not to put up with it for long. +10 internets for you sir. If you don't want to get insulted or "cursed out"( which I didn't do, at all, I called you a troll and the closest I came to "cursing you out" were these two edits which were in response to insults and general bitchiness from you) don't assume you know better than everyone and don't throw a childish hissy fit every time someone doesn't agree with you or share your point of view, they probably see something you don't, that's what the Suggestions discussion is for, it's not for you to get personally offended every time someone doesn't like your idea, like you seem to tend to do. Hell, you go so far as to dismiss the opinion, on everything, of someone who you started an argument, on this very suggestion, with(see me) regardless, of course, of the fact that other users share my opinion on this matter(the suggestions). Keep acting like you're not the cause of your own problems though, it amuses me that you can't seem to see where you might be or might have been wrong or where other users might be right. --Karekmaps?! 08:35, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Poor little munchkin. Like I've said before and will say again, if someone acts civilly to me, I act civilly to them. You haven't. You've acted like an infant. I didn't start an argument with you - I stated I didn't understand your reasoning, and asked about it. Then you got snippy with me, and so I responded in kind. You've also cursed me out and namecalled various times when we don't agree on things. And you'll note, despite everything, I haven't cursed you out like you have to me. As for Winky the Wonder Squirrel, aka DCC aka X aka Dalet Qof Qof, he's more than earned my responses. You've been as delightful as a summer's rain compared to him. --Tselita 08:43, 28 April 2008 (BST)
Haha! Noses on Dowels.--Karekmaps?! 08:56, 28 April 2008 (BST)
h'okay..... Just when I thought you couldn't get wierder.... --Tselita 09:54, 28 April 2008 (BST)