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This page is for suggestions that have 50% or more Keep votes vs Total Votes, but not more than 66% Keep votes, which would qualify them for Peer Reviewed page. These are good, but not quite good enough Suggestions that could (and probably should) be reworked, refined, and resubmitted by a willing, knowledgeable party. Before doing so, please perform the proper research; reading the votes and the associated Talk pages, and adjust your new submission. State on the submission that you are not duplicating, but have revised and are resubmitting for approval.

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April 2nd, 2006

Radio Broadcasts

Timestamp: 7:32, 2 April 2006 (GMT)
Type: skill
Scope: Survivors in powered phone mast buildings
Description: Anyone within a building with a powered phone mast, and the ‘Broadcast’ skill (100XP – representing technical expertise required to operate the radio technology) can, for the price of 10AP, send out a message (the size of an ordinary spoken bit) which everyone else in the suburb in a building with power, will hear. The ‘Broadcast’ button would look like the ‘Manufacture syringe’ or ‘Necrotech Access’ option in powered Necrotech buildings, but with a box to write in like the ‘Graffiti’ option. Would appear when you wake up as “A voice on the Radio said: ... [time]�?
Notes: Refer to original votes on the appropriate vote page
Left Queue: 16:46, 7 May 2006 (BST)

April 4th, 2006

Bandoleer 2.0

Timestamp: 11:55, 4 April 2006 (BST)
Type: Item, revision of Bandoleer by MrAushvitz
Scope: Survivors
Description: Bandolier, bandoleer, shell webbing, cartridge belt: many names, same thing - a pocketed belt for holding ammunition. Commonly used by soldiers since the 16th century – a great way to carry loose bullets.

Shotgun shells carried in a bandoleer are easier to organize – so you can carry more. No more rooting around at the bottom of your pack bag looking for shells while you’re having your brain chewed on!


  • Found: Can be found in: Fort and Armory 3%, Mall: Gun Store (1%/3%), Police department (1%)

Bandoleers are coded like shotguns (2 inventory spaces, receive shotgun shells), however they cannot fire. Bandoleers can carry 6 shotgun shells and follow the logical reload pattern of shotguns – when you click a shotgun shell first half loaded shotguns are reloaded, then empties, then part loaded bandoleers, then empty bandoleers.

When you click a bandoleer it takes a shot from the bandoleer and uses it to load a shotgun (or another bandoleer if all shotguns are full). There are no limits on how many bandoleers you can carry (other than your normal carry weight).

Why do we need this? We don’t. This isn’t high on the list of “things needed for the game‿ but if it shuts up MrAushvitz then it’s a good idea in my book.

How does this help survivors? Well it lets you carry more ammo, and that’s usually a good thing. The shotgun is an AP battery, you “charge‿ it by searching for ammo then use it when needed. Think of this as jumper cables.

How does this help Zombies? Using a bandoleer to reload means using twice as much AP – 1 AP to load a shell into the bandoleer, 1 AP to load the shotgun from the bandoleer. AP spend reloading is AP not spent on headshotting you, barricading, healing or searching for items.

Who would ever use this? Basically, this uses a third of the inventory space at the cost of twice the AP. Given that in most cases, Survivors just go into the malls etc to restock on ammo, this item might seem of limited use. It is. It does, however, allow you to stock up on ammo which is useful when you find yourself needing to flee from a siege. From an RP POV, that’s when you’re most likely to stock up on as much as you can carry. The bandoleer is NOT a good tool for going on kill frenzies as you still have to spend as much AP on reloading as you would if using single shells – so it’s still better to have your 25 shotguns and an axe (and unloading all 25 shotguns is 50 AP anyway).

In short, this is a tool to aid survival and role playing. It is not “ninja speed loading‿ or a “Munchkin sack of unlimited carrying capacity‿.

Notes: 8/15 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:02, 20 June 2006 (BST)

April 10th, 2006

Small Surgery Change

Timestamp: 17:19, 10 April 2006 (BST)
Type: Small skill improvement
Scope: Survivors with surgery inside hospitals
Description: Just a small change to make buying Surgery more worthwhile. When using a First Aid Kit inside a hospital with a running generator and the surgery skill, using the kit heals 15HP and gives 10XP. This was written in response to some people's claims that the surgery skill was more or less useless, as it healed the equivilent of 3FAKs without the XP bonus that was needed as an incentive.
Notes: 11/19 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:05, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Dismantle Barricades

Timestamp: 23:21, 10 April 2006 (BST)
Type: Skill
Scope: Zombies
Description: (I actually checked and did not find something like this).

Unlike my previous suggestion (Virulent Infection), this one will be quite short. It's a skill that appears under memories of life, and gives you +5% (a number that I judge not overpowered... could be higher though) chance to knock barricaded down a notch when attacking. The logic is simple: If you can remember how they are made, you can remember how to 'unmake' them. The description would go like this: Dismantle Barricades (Under Memories of life): Remembering how barricades were assembled, you now have a better insight on how to destroy them (gives you +5% chance to destroy barricades)

Notes: 13/23 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:05, 20 June 2006 (BST)

April 11th, 2006

BodyBuilding Modification

Timestamp: MrAushvitz22:36, 11 April 2006 (BST)
Type: Punching bonus
Scope: Slight punching benefit to bodybuilding
Description: I looked, didn't find anything about this relating to bodybuilding (didn't look for too long.)


I propose in addition to it's +10 to maximum HP, that it also grants a +10% bonus to hit with punching. (Only applies to your human character.)

This may seem like a lot, but hey, if you're out of bullets and you have bodybuilding and can spare the AP.. well drill some zombies in the face, by all means.

Besides punching only deals 1 HP, when you're all out, use the body.

Notes: 8/15 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:06, 20 June 2006 (BST)

April 12th, 2006

Enhanced Extractors

Timestamp: 19:03, 12 April 2006 (BST)
Type: Skill / equipement improvement
Scope: NT's and possibly DNA extractor
Description: This change would allow an NT to attempt to revive the zombie they just scanned. In effect, reviving would be integrated into the extraction process.

In game: after successfully scanning and seeing the data, immediately following the data would be a question: Do you wish to attempt a revive? and an action button (Revive this zombie 9AP) ... That button would disappear if the NT performed another action.

I chose to reduce the AP cost by 1 as the NT is already sticking a zombie with a delivery system (the extractor). Could possibly keep at 10 AP.


As an equipement mod: Mk II DNA extractors now have slots to insert MkII syringes. (Edit: Clarification, each extractor has a single slot for a syringe - there are only 2 votes at this point... feel free to remove this clarification edit if it is breaking the rules.)


As a skill, Necrotech Equipement Technician. The NT is able to integrate syringes into their DNA extractors.

Option: a MK II Extractor can hold up to 5 syringes (as ammo).

Notes: 17/28 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:07, 20 June 2006 (BST)

April 16th, 2006

Radio Stations (v2)

Timestamp: 05:46, 16 April 2006 (GST)
Type: Addition
Scope: New Skill, Equipment, Buildings
Description: OK, MrA's idea wasn't bad. I'm going to expand it:

Set up radio stations in the city (at least five, "Central", NE", "NW", "SE", "SW"; but more if desired), replacing generic "buildings". If a radio station is powered by a generator, any character inside with "Broadcasting" (a new Civilian skill) can broadcast a message (let's call it 3AP for now, it can be adjusted as needed). This message will be broadcast to anyone in the area who has a Radio turned on, and will be prefixed with "<character name> announces over the radio:".

Radios can be found in the same places as Cell Phones, with the same percentage to find (to keep things simple). They aren't in Police Stations, Armories, etc. because these are just normal civilian radios. Using the Radio turns it on or off (it appears in the inventory as "Radio (on)" or Radio "(off)".

This could be a great way to quickly disseminate information - one person can "call in" information to the station via cellphone, the DJ can broadcast it, and everyone that hears it can repeat it to their neighbors (if it's worth repeating). Anything a person notices that's worthwhile can quickly be spread to everyone in a 25-block area. It also gives another good place to fight over generators.

One of the things that makes this a neat idea is, if you get sick of spam messages, you can just turn off the radio! You can also recognize the broadcaster, allowing you to ignore known troublemakers. Plus, there are multiple "cut-outs" that will keep spam from being spread - the DJ can decide not to pass on crap messages, and the listeners can decide not to repeat them. Of course, someone could try to send false information, but that's part of the game.

Notes: 15/29 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:08, 20 June 2006 (BST)

April 21st, 2006

Athletics (Real Short Version)

Timestamp: MrAushvitz01:33, 21 April 2006 (BST)
Type: Civilian Skill
Scope: Increases bat, pipe hitting accuracy
Description: As per voter's mention.


Appears under survivors skills tree as a seperate skill, this skills' bonuses also apply to your zombie character.

You are a big fan of sports and have excellent physical fitness and hand-eye co-ordination. You have +5% to hit with baseball bat and length of pipe.

Notes: 6/12 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:10, 20 June 2006 (BST)

April 24th, 2006

Deadman's Switch

Timestamp: 16:14, 24 April 2006 (BST)
Type: GPS Unit feature
Scope: Dying survivors
Description: Summary: Revive points are a user-invented strategem and are easily undone by determined brain rotters. I'm proposing a way for players to signal to their comrades when they need a revive, if both parties have GPS units and have each other as contacts.

Mechanics: A player with the Civilian skill Deadman's Switch is able to "arm" his GPS unit as a caution against future emergencies. The player need only click on the GPS unit once, for the cost of 1 AP. The player sees the message:

Your GPS unit's deadman's switch has been activated. Mutual contacts will be notified of your demise.

Then, when you're killed (by humans or zombies), the GPS unit fires off a signal to everyone on your contact list. Only contacts who have GPS units themselves and also have you as a contact will receive this signal. They do not, however, need to have the Deadman's Switch skill themselves.

Those who receive the signal see this message:

You receive a distress signal from PlayerName, indicating a location 3 blocks to the west and 4 blocks to the north.

That person now needs only to proceed to the location and look for a zombie which he recognizes. Since the dead man is on his contact list, he'll be able to pick him out and stick him with a syringe. The revived player will need to arm his GPS unit again if he wants it to signal next time. (I didn't want to make this too automatic, so there is a 1 AP cost every time you want this to work.)

Should anyone get tired of receiving these distress signals from their more hapless comrades, they need only remove such people from their contact lists.

Net result: Instead of waiting in an impersonal revive queue, you'll now be waiting for one of your known associates to come and give you a hand. This seems more in keeping with the spirit of Urban Dead than revive points. While it means you're less likely to get stuck by a "career reviver," it also means you're less likely to be held up by a mischievous brain rotter.

Notes: 12/24 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:12, 20 June 2006 (BST)

April 26th, 2006

Hunting Rifle (Final Version)

Timestamp: MrAushvitz22:40, 26 April 2006 (BST)
Type: New Ranged Weapon
Scope: Largest current ranged weapon, deadliest overall firearm in the game, but has many reloading/search/skills required & carrying restrictions
Description: Many thanks to all for their support, constructive criticism and suggested "tweaks" to come up with the finalized version. This, I think, is what we intended for this weapon's use in UD.

Hunting Rifle

Search Accuracy:

  • Hunting Rifle - Mall Gun Stores (1%/1.5%), Armories (1%), Police Departments (1%), Mansions (4%)
  • Box Of H.R. Ammo - Mall Gun Stores (2%/3%), Armories (2%), Police Departments (2%), Mansions (6%), Junkyards (1%)
  • Max. To Hit: 70% (with all 5 skills, 1 of which is basic firearms training)
  • Damage:7 HP (6 to those with a Flak Jacket)
  • Capacity:7 Rounds
  • Weapon Inventory Size: 4 Spaces (Largest ranged weapon available)
  • Box Of Shells: 1 Space - 8 Hunting Rifle rounds per ammo box

Hunting Rifle Skills Tree: Civillian weapon, so all of it's skills are under the civillian skills tree.

  • Starting Skill: 10% Accuracy (Pistol and Shotgun start at 5%)
  • Basic Firearms Training:35% Accuracy (adds 25%)
  • 'Rifle Training:'40% Accuracy (adds 5%) (New Skill)
  • 'Advanced Rifle Training:'50% Accuracy (adds 10%) (New Skill)
  • 'Expert Rifle Training:'60% Accuracy (adds 10%) (New Skill)
  • 'Marksman Rifle Training:'70% Accuracy (adds 10%) (New Skill)


  • Can only be reloaded when no zombies are at your location (opening the breach or carefully reloading the clip, not easily done under duress with larger high caliber rounds. Not a fast loading combat weapon like the pistol.)
  • Reloading rate is just as costly as the shotgun, 1 AP per round put into the weapon. (7 AP to fully reload!)
  • Whenever you search and find a hunting rifle, it is never loaded! (Comes with zero ammo, so it will cost 7 AP to fully load each new rifle you find. This is a balance to counter getting too "lucky" and finding several rifles, you still need the ammo.)


This weapon's intent is to provide a highly damaging round, with a higher degree of accuracy. However, this weapon deliberately costs 3 more skills (compared to the pistol and shotgun) to get it's accuracy up to that maximum.

Noone masters the rifle very quickly, it takes a lot of practice, patience, self control, and skill. So this firearm is the "middle" weapon between the pistol's easy reloading / lower damage, and the shotgun's expensive reloading / massive damage potential. There is, of course, also the flare gun, as a 4th "firearm", but it's useage is mainly for more gameplay enjoyment.

This is not a very good "newbie" weapon, even if you know where to look for it. This is however, the "sniper" weapon so many have been looking for. (But we're not going to do any of that shooting at nearby locations, as proposed by other suggestions, keep it fair and simple.)

This weapon's larger size (requiring 4 inventory spaces apiece!) means that few players will be carring several fully loaded hunting rifles into battle. That and the combat reloading limitation, means a player who uses the rifle should probably have another weapon on hand (probably a pistol and a few clips or a decent hand weapon), just in case things start to go badly. However, it is the largest available firearm, and has the largest fully loaded ammo capacity. (But pistols reload so much faster, and unload rounds that much more quickly.)

The payback for the obvious combat limitations of the hunting rifle is, when you do find an ammo box, it doesn't take up very much inventory space (compensation for rifle's sheer size, and reloading restrictions.) In this regard it has one advantage over the shotgun (but if you prefer to carry several loaded shotguns, that is also a preference, or if you just prefer that much damage that much sooner, needing less skills to max. out.) An ammo box shouldn't take up more inventory space than a pistol clip, but again, reloading a rifle would be 7 AP.

Another reason for it's combat limitations, this is a hunting rifle, not a combat rifle.. it is a very accurate ranged weapon but not something so well suited for enemies up close (or wearing a flak jacket!)

It does make for a wonderful weapon for "zombie hunting", and it does make for lovely headshots.

Edits: For those of you who liked or were concerned about the 1st version, this one has had it's ammo capacity reduced from 8 to 7 rounds. It's inventory required space size increased from 3 to 4. And the amount of ammunition per ammo box reduced from 10 to 8. It's maximum accuracy was lowered from 75% to 70%, but it still has a beginning hit accuracy of 10% (35% with basic firearms training.) All of these were done to bring it's XP per AP rating to lower, more acceptable levels.

The major, and most serious gameplay change made to this weapon is it's availability. This weapon is not so easy to find in malls as the 1st version. Survivors have everything they need in a mall already, if they have the proper skills: FAK's, weapons, ammunition, etc. Having this weapon too readily accessible in malls would make malls even more defendable, and that is not fair to the zombies, or nessesary. It also would seem very unlikely that almost every survivor in a mall would have one, or even several rifles on hand.

This weapon's ammunition is now easier to find in armories and police stations (S.W.A.T.), and the best place to find the hunting rifle is in a Mansion. The logic behind this is the assumption that when the zombie infestation 1st began, frantic citizens scrambled to find all of the heavy weapons and ammunition they could get their hands on. So a number of the larger firearms can be found at mansions (where the richer citizens ran to for protection), and in many instances at the police stations and armories (where people immediately "enlisted" to help with urban defense, and were often chosen because they had a decent firearm on hand.) Besides, the very rich always seem to have several firearms in stock, just in case.

Notes: 17/31 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:13, 20 June 2006 (BST)

April 30th, 2006

Gruesome Spatter

Timestamp: MrAushvitz01:19, 30 April 2006 (BST)
Type: New Zombie Skill
Scope: Your zombie dies messily, on occasion covering spraypainted messages in blood, entrails and bile.
Description: Gruesome Spatter

Appears under zombie skills tree just under memories of life, has no benefits for your human character. Has no additional prerequisites.

Your zombie has this tendancy, on ocassion, to die rather messily. There is a 1% chance whenever you die to a pistol shot or a fireaxe, and a 3% chance when you die to a shotgun blast that your character's death leaves a disgusting spray of blood, bile and entrails all over the nearby spraypainted message. Rendering it unreadable.

Player who just killed you reads: "Your killing blow inadvertently coated the nearby message in this zombie's blood and entrails. The message is now illegible."

Your zombie reads: "With your death, a message of the living has been lost!"


It isn't really needed, but just a very disgusting way to rid the streets of the "STREETS". I did some research, many zombie anti-message skills have been attempted, this one is more in genre. However, it is a messy way to mess with human non-verbal communication.


Notes: 25/41 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:15, 20 June 2006 (BST)

Useful Flare Idea

Timestamp: 09:20, 30 April 2006 (BST)
Type: Skill
Scope: Survivors
Description: Here's an idea to make flares useful by color coding them. The idea of color coded flares has been suggested before but here's a new take on an old idea. A survivor with the skill Signaling is skilled at using flares to communicate, and better at knowing where to find them. This doesn't translate to an increase chanced of finding flares, but when they do find a flare they find additional cartridges, allowing them to fire multiple colors of flares (although they'd only get the one flare message, and the flare gun would be used up as normal). Next to the button to fire a flare there would be a small text box they could input up to three letters into. They could enter R for Red, Y for Yellow, G for Green, B for Blue, W for White. Up three of these could be inputed in any order so you could have RYG, B, YWR, RW, GY, GGW, etc. This would hardly cause any clutter, being incorporated into the current message like this: A flare was fired 2w 4s (RWG).... If you don't enter any letters and fire the flare the current message is sent out without any colors specified. This would allow survivors to send coded signals to each other without adding spam. To prevent this from being used to signal to zombies (for instance if the code (RRR) was established to mean "survivors here, come and eat") we can assume zombies might have trouble discerning the color of a flare they see just for an instant and in lieu of any letters zombies would just see asterisks. So (BYW) would appear to zombies as (***), letting them know a code was sent and the location but not the contents of the code. This change should be simple to implement and would make flares useful. And for the record this wouldn't change how flares operate when used as weapons at all. You couldn't color code them then.
Notes: 9/16 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback.
Left Queue: 11:15, 20 June 2006 (BST)