This page is for suggestions that have 50% or more Keep votes vs Total Votes, but not more than 66% Keep votes, which would qualify them for Peer Reviewed page. These are good, but not quite good enough Suggestions that could (and probably should) be reworked, refined, and resubmitted by a willing, knowledgeable party. Before doing so, please perform the proper research; reading the votes and the associated Talk pages, and adjust your new submission. State on the submission that you are not duplicating, but have revised and are resubmitting for approval.
This is not the place to put new Suggestions. The Suggestions Page is the queue for new Suggestions to be voted on and suggested. Any Suggestions that have not been voted on will be removed from this page.
Notes for Editors
Those who are placing Suggestions on this page should do so under the following procedure:
- Take the entire template and paste it into this section.
- Remove the entire suggest_votes field.
- Add the field suggest_moved, and then timestamp it with ~~~~~.
- replace "suggestion" with "psuggestions".
- Please note under the suggestion, briefly, what the controversy was about. It would be good for people to know when revising suggestions and deciding whether to submit a new version of one of these. Because these are necessarily subjective, please sign these sections.
So, the new template should look like:
===Suggestion Name=== {{psuggestion| suggest_time=Old Timestamp| suggest_type=Original type| suggest_scope=Original scope| suggest_description=Original description| suggest_moved=~~~~~ | suggest_notes=Notes about the discussion about the skill. | }}
Aug 4th, 2006
Thrash V3.0 (Tear V6.0)
Timestamp: | Paradox244 18:05, 4 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Skill |
Scope: | Zombie attacks |
Description: | This will be a zombie skill under Infectious Bite.
Thrash- You can go into a wild feeding frenzy, attacking with both teeth and claws. You may infect the target or consume some of their flesh. This would open up a new attack, seperate from bite or claw, that would cause 8 damage with a 10% to hit. It would be affected by tangling grasp, for a total to hit of 20% and an MBA of 1.6, greater than that of bite by less than that of claw. It would have a 35% chance of infecting the survivor. It would also have a 35% chance of triggering digestion. These chances would be seperate, so you might infect but not digest, digest but not infect, do both, or do neither. This is sort of a zombie flare gun, an attack for zombies who want a powerful attack with status effects, but the risk of them not kicking in. The percentages for the infection and digestion are negotiable, so don't kill because of that. |
Notes: | 15/25 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback. |
Left Queue: | 07:58, 24 August 2006 (BST) |
Aug 11th, 2006
Looting Malls
Timestamp: | Rhys Parker 00:20, 11 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Slight Modification |
Scope: | Survivors with the shopping skill. |
Description: | The survivors with the shopping skill find it annoying to have that large eyesore of all of those shops, why not put the shops you want to loot in a drop down bar to save space?. |
Notes: | 5/8 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback. |
Left Queue: | 12:50, 29 August 2006 (BST) |
Aug 18th, 2006
NecroTech Security (Redone by Canuhearmenow)
Timestamp: | Canuhearmenow 14:57, 18 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | New Class. |
Scope: | Fighting class for Science! |
Description: | First off, I would like to thank MrAushvitz for the general idea, it just needed some tweaking. The NecroTech Security officer is a Science class that has; Basic Firearms Training, a loaded pistol (No Clips) and a FAK. This is not only Flavorific (Remember that Corporation in Robocop? Thats like NecroTech.) It is also for those who want to fight back as a scientist. With Science skills at 75 XP and a combat skill, it will aid in Scientist Survival. |
Notes: | 12/22 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback. |
Left Queue: | 06:51, 14 September 2006 (BST) |
Aug 20th, 2006
Flare Pistol (My Version)
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | "New" ranged weapon |
Scope: | Holds "flare gun" rounds |
Description: | They've been around for at least 40 years, mainly used on boats, helicopters & planes. Primarily for signalling, visibility in disasters, bad weather, traffic accients, etc. Most "emergency" buildings and airports have them, just in case.
Flare Pistol
Intended Game Effect This pistol's one and only use is that it allows you to carry more "flares" in your inventory, if you enjoy using the flare gun. Each flare pistol you own can hold 4 rounds, so 5 fully loaded flare pistols would be 20 rounds at your disposal, 10 would be 40, and so on. The mall sporting goods store currently only has 1 item that can be found for use in the game (baseball bat.) Now it would have a second item on display for the discriminating zombie hunter. If it tickles your fancy, for RP purpouses you can say you're using a flamethrower, molotov cocktail or some godawful homemade demolitions of some sort. Perhaps there may be a number of firemen who enjoy using just their emergency equipment for deal with the zombie emergency: The fire axe, and the flare pistol.. "Burn 'em out boys!" |
Notes: | 12/20 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback. |
Left Queue: | 19:16, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Aug 26th, 2006
Organ Harvest
Timestamp: | MrAushvitz ![]() |
Type: | Zombies may stop to feed on a recent victim... |
Scope: | If the survivor you just killed is alone, you may feast! |
Description: | "Organ harvest" doesn't just mean brains, your zombie could be particaular to hearts, kidneys, livers, eyes, tongues, etc.. your specific tastes are up to your zombie's specific dietary needs!
Organ Harvest
Whenever your zombie kills a survivor and there are no other survivors present, you have the option to stop.. and feed! After you kill a lone survivor: a button is available which says "Feed".
Notes: | 11/21 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback. |
Left Queue: | 20:10, 10 October 2006 (BST) |
Aug 31st, 2006
Head smash
Timestamp: | 17:52, 31 August 2006 (BST) |
Type: | Flavor, sensibility |
Scope: | Zombie hunters |
Description: | This is a very minor change. Currently, you can "Headshot" zombies with a baseball bat. A disturbing picture. I say that the game stays the same, but instead of saying X hit you with a Pipe (or other non-gun weapon) and Headshot you, it says You took a Headsmash from X the Zombie Hunter! It will take an extra 5 AP to stand up! It just makes sense. Pistols and shotguns are not affected.
No I did not take this out of the Bash suggestion. The Bash suggestion just made me realize I hadn't posted it yet. So all credit goes to Nob666 for reminding me. |
Notes: | 11/18 Keep/Total. See original votes for feedback. |
Left Queue: | 20:45, 10 October 2006 (BST) |