Talk:Concerned Citizens
Red Cresent Research Facility and Frohman
I have taken the liberty of mentioning and creating a template for the Frohman here. If you would rather I remove the section and template, make a mention here and I will A.S.A.P.--G-Man 07:11, 6 August 2008 (BST)
Black Mesa Alliance
This is Kymac of Black Mesa. I was curious if your group was still interested in an alliance between our groups. --Kymac 09 December 2007
- Jeez, sorry. I didn't realize my account uses my old email address. I hadn't checked this page in a while and just now got around to salvaging old emails.
- Yes, we're still interested in an alliance. I'll update your profile on our forums to make you an ally representative. Again, sorry for the delay. -- BackBraker 03:26, 22 December 2007 (UTC)
The HECU endorses an alliance with Concerned Citizens
Sorry about the long wait, I hope the novelty and excitement hasn't worn off. --Yellow Audie 11:15, 17 September 2007 (BST)
- No problem. I just stopped checking regularly and popped by the wiki once in a while to double check. -- BackBraker 03:22, 19 September 2007 (BST)
Join the Revolution
It is time for change, join viva la revolution! --Darkmagic 01:56, 27 March 2007 (BST)
It would be nice if you didn't come here JUST to advertize. Thanks for stopping by though. --BackBraker 03:13, 28 March 2007 (BST)
- i'm trying to get groups to join so that i can actuly impress others and actuly have a group, so wanna join?--Darkmagic 03:18, 28 March 2007 (BST)
- In other words… you’re trying to make an Organization or alliance? We aren't too worried about impressing others, but we won't rule out alliances and such. For the moment though, we're still getting our early development cycle worked out.
- i'm trying to get groups to join so that i can actuly impress others and actuly have a group, so wanna join?--Darkmagic 03:18, 28 March 2007 (BST)
- You might want to post a message on our Forum so the others can debate it. It couldn't hurt. --BackBraker 01:12, 29 March 2007 (BST)
- which forum on that board?--Darkmagic 03:00, 29 March 2007 (BST)
- Off topic would probably be best. But be careful to post a full and formal message and not just a short snippet like you did above. It looks a bit like spam and might draw bad responses. -- BackBraker 01:25, 30 March 2007 (BST)
- i think the notion of calling myself by cody6, my username, is a bad idea every time, thats why i changed the documents to call me covex lol. --Darkmagic 01:42, 30 March 2007 (BST)
- Off topic would probably be best. But be careful to post a full and formal message and not just a short snippet like you did above. It looks a bit like spam and might draw bad responses. -- BackBraker 01:25, 30 March 2007 (BST)
Fan Topics
weird and strange coincidence... i just recently found and read all of this webcomics... and now i just found your group. he. hope you guys keep the good name of gordan frohman1 --People's Commissar Hagnat [cloned] [mod] 04:34, 4 April 2007 (BST)
- which group--Darkmagic 04:48, 4 April 2007 (BST)
- I'll slide this down under a new sub header so it will help. I think Hagnat is refering to our group, The Concerned Citizens. We're a group of fans from the Concerned Forum. Concerned is a Half-Life 2 fan-made web comic. We are fans of that comic and decided to make our group here much like there is a VGcats forum group. -- BackBraker 16:12, 4 April 2007 (BST)
Words of advice
"Former Royald Guard:
You will not rest. You will not sleep. You will be forever hunted by us, or at least by me. Everytime you run out of AP, we will be there. Everytime you get revived, we will be there. Everytime you raise as one of the ghouls... we will probably be away... because we hate the smell of the undead. Seriously, take a shower. Anyway, we will kill you."
Hmm, your theats are silly. You better watch your back. I've already made several of your members at one time eat dirt. && I'll do it again. You better lock your doors CC.(& Yes I was one of the co-founders of SARG.) --Deaths View 02:37, 15 June 2007 (BST)
- Oh please. This from the very player that ran to Red Rum to try to con his group into their good graces and "report" us. Ha!
- "basacly the same clan". Oh brother! This speaks volumes about your zerg filled ranks.
- "they gave us threats saying that the "Red Rum" Feral undead and several other groups are pissed at us." To my knowledge, no one mentioned red rum of our side. But you sure riled up the Heathers, RRF's Gore Corps and Group 0, and the Feral Undead. Congratulations on an overwhelming thrashing.
- Understand this... you claimed a war with us, and we held you at bay without even realizing you existed. You aren't on our enemies list because we take you seriously as a group. You're there because you managed to aggravate Moxx with your cheap zerging and efforts to black list us with other PK groups.
- RPing... yeah right. Your group seems hell bent on inflating your own collective ego.
- -- BackBraker 13:24, 15 June 2007 (BST)
Held us at bay ?
Right, If it wasent for the "Heather" to get killed and to gring RRF and Feral undead. At first yes we all thought, that it was CC who made the threats untill we looked into it further.
We claimed war with your group and too be honest there isn't one time in that one day war that you or any of your group members did anythign to stop us. We dominated your HQ (Sawday arms) at the time.
If you want to take this up any further you can tell me where yall are hiding out at and I can give you a personal vist.
=]--Deaths View 16:49, 17 June 2007 (BST)
- Like I said, we didn't even know you were there. Domination is hardly the word I'd use for it. Nor would I call it a war. In all that you did, you PKed one of the VGCSU and, I would assume, destroyed the generator. Hell, most of both CC and VGCSU were on the way to Fort Creedy and you still didn't capture the Sawday Arms. You guys can't even agree on if it was 1 day or 4 days. To us, it never even happened at all.
- But I digress...
- ColorBlue showed up and whacked two of your zergs easily and made it clear that it was okay if you PKed him for it, so long as you understood that your so-called RPing wasn't welcome (so you can claim you PKed two of the VGCSU). The truth is, PKing is a part of the game (I have a slasher alt on the other side of the city myself), but you guys (and by that, I mean your group and particularly your leader) are taking it too far. It falls well beyond poor sportsmanship.
- This zerging business is the real reason I don't care for your group. When you were "just" pking, it seemed like a good challenge to launch a concerted mission. Have a little fun. But since then you guys have pushed beyond that to making what could be more then a hundred zerg accounts (just blindly estimating based on what I've seen so far). That isn't game play. That IS cheating.
- Now, to your credit, I don't believe that you personally are zerging. That's good, but your group IS. If I were you, I would have taken that offer from Red Rum and left this zerg group behind altogether.
- On a side note (I guess I didn't "digress" very well)... you do realize that not everyone is online at the same time right. You said "...there isn't one time in that one day war that you or any of your group members did anythign to stop us." Did it ever occur to you that those of us still at Sawday probably weren't online during your so called "domination".
- Blaming the Heathers for your failure won't diminish the fact that you failed. It only adds to the fact that you managed to pick a fight with the largest two groups in the game (Feral Undead and RRF) and their friends. The Heathers didn't bring the RRF into the mashing of your group. The Heathers took care of you all by themselves. It was the "proclamation #11" that encouraged a visit from the RRF. They were looking for a suburb to attack, and your proclamation volunteered Raines Hills.
- Quite honestly, I don't care to "take this up further". Our location has been discussed publicly already. But I won't repeat it here just so you and the twin TexasXdooM accounts and the 57 plus Kevin accounts and the Puddle accounts and the Ian accounts and all of SooP's accounts and all the others can try to claim some self-righteous gratification by attacking and then running away screaming "we're just RPing, you can't get rid of us!" I won't discuss our location any more then you would discuss your group's location. You want to face me... go to Farbrother and wait for me.
- -- BackBraker 19:19, 17 June 2007 (BST)
Well for one your a little late on the farbrother war. hat has came and passed. I yes was there and i was pking. but the war is over and I left.
Okay well i'm guessing your at Fort Creddy since you don't tell me. I'm in Paynterton. & I'm not going to pull a little kid game saying you come here and me saying no you come here. If you want to find me you can come find me. but I suppose I'll be making my way to Fort Creddy. & oh yes we may ZERg but we've got real members. Not one man can make all these accounts. I'm pretty sure You can take it up with me on aim codwin123
Or Texas on his aim texasXdoom
--Deaths View 23:49, 17 June 2007 (BST)
- First, I don't use AIM. I don't really use any messenger that much. 56k connection and lack of interest, coupled with a strong dislike of AOL.
- Second, Why would I want to continue this discussion? You and TexasXdooM and SooP have all made it clear that you aren't interested in listening. So why should I keep trying to talk? I'll simply point out the appropriate links once more over here... just in case any casual observers want to know what zerging is.
- -- BackBraker 05:43, 18 June 2007 (BST)
I think BackBreaker wins. So DeathsView, GTFO.
--Chickeen 05:56, 18 June 2007 (BST)
There is nothing you can do too stop us from ZERGING.
There is millions of proxys. Untill the day when all of them are blocked come talk to me.
Wait too bad thousands of proxys are made every day.
--Deaths View 06:20, 19 June 2007 (BST)
- I still haven't said I would do anything to stop you... just pointed out the violations for anyone that wasn’t aware. But don't be so arrogant as to think you can ignore the rules of the game without some penalty. There are more ways for Kevan to stop you than proxy bans if he so wishes. He might not care one way or the other... but make no mistake. It IS his game.
- As for me... I don't intend to stop you from zerging. Nor have I ever made that proclamation. And... well... I've already been over all of this nonsense with you lot before.
- Stop giving me stock replies, it wastes my time.
- -- BackBraker 08:00, 19 June 2007 (BST)
Here's just a quick note to point out that I've rebuilt/cleaned our group page. The original referenced quote by DeathsView is now viewable on The Allies Page.
-- BackBraker 13:16, 4 July 2007 (BST)
Thanks To Axe27
Hey, just a quick note to say thanks for adding the subpage catagory to our news, allies, and members pages. Personally, I didn't even know there was such a catagory assignment. -- BackBraker 21:45, 4 July 2007 (BST)
The Great Radio Group Massacre
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Group Active? Request. |
In order to maintain the wiki as an up to date source of information groups are occasionally removed from the Radio pages when they are no longer active. Is this group still active? If so simply confirm here by writing something below. If not it's frequency will be removed from Radio pages in 14 days. |
Hi there, folks. I know this may seem a rather strange request, but it's for all groups, regardless of size, to help keep the wiki up to date. --Jen 01:50, 15 December 2008 (UTC)
-- Linkthewindow Talk 04:10, 29 December 2008 (UTC)