Talk:Dulston Destruction Tour
All communication takes place here. Were not very secret, really, but if need arises, we´ll whip up a temporary forum somewhere.
General Information
Interesting. Dulston is up to yellow from green now. It seems something is finally happening. FreakyM 21:00, 17 May 2007 (BST)
Dulston Alliance
They have taken note of us. There is no way to back out of this now- we can´t disappoint the breathers and walking shooting range targets, can we?
Maris Viridis
Hey, can we help? We've got a vendetta against those bastards.
--SgtBop 09:40, 30 May 2007 (BST) (I swear I signed it the first time...)
Unfortunately, our members have disappeared from Dulston at this time. Leave a message at our discussion board, and we'll get back to you when we are done partying. --SgtBop 22:09, 3 June 2007 (BST)
Red Rum
Right now most of RR's active players are busy causing havoc in Rolt Heights, but I've posted up a message on our forums to let 'em all know they're invited to a party nextdoor. --c138 RR - PKer 14:19, 19 April 2007 (BST)
Awesome. Stay tuned, well start the show once we get some feral muscle to back us up.FreakyM 15:46, 19 April 2007 (BST)
Unstable Frying Pan has gone live in Dulston. Current kill count: 6 Humans, 1 VSB Cade. Amazing how many people just hang around outside buildings, two or three at a time. We need more ferals! Pan 05:43, 28 April 2007 (BST)
Dead Air
To assist in the noble goal of reclaiming Dulston, an alleged Dead Air member has destroyed the generators in Parrott Towers and silenced Dulston's mobile phone mast. May it stay silent! Parrott Towers is apparently FOXHOUND HQ, but there were no members present during the attack, only 5 groupless surviviours huddled in the corner. Salbek 16:26, 1 May 2007 (BST)
- Ha! Thank you for your "contribution". :P --
T 23:56, 1 May 2007 (BST)
- Ah, a grand contribution. Though the Treweeke Mall has no phone mast, that racket those 4 generators are making are causing me a horrible headache.. I´d sure appreciate if someone snuck in and silenced those 4 anti-barhah distractions. Someone, meaning, about 300 zombies, and "sneak in" meaning "build a living siege tower with our own bodies, crush the building with the sheer weight of rotting meat and mercilessly devour all cerebral tissue within the mall complex". FreakyM 07:06, 4 May 2007 (BST)
We'll be glad to help you out when we get there. --ZuluDeacon 14:57, 11 May 2007 (BST)
Ahh, the Devivification Experts. You were a PKer group, yes? Technically, the tour started the second my zombie arrived in Dulston, so if youre in the mood for some messy wetwork, go ahead =D FreakyM 06:23, 14 May 2007 (BST)
- Re: We're a little zambah horde that looks at the lighter side of zambah life. We're wrapping up with Lumber Mall, so we'll be on the move north shortly. --ZuluDeacon 14:33, 14 May 2007 (BST)
The Experts after a very long detour, have arrived in Dulston. We're joining the fun the northern part of the 'burb for now, but if you folks ever get the idea for a strike on Treweeke, please drop a note on my talk page. --ZuluDeacon 03:02, 25 August 2007 (BST)
Shamblin' Crooners
I'm shocked, shocked to find you're ignoring the only Zombie Group registered in Dulston! --Darth Sensitive W! 03:07, 12 May 2007 (BST)
- I thought you guys were inactive... --
T 04:10, 12 May 2007 (BST)
- We're less active then we were, never large to begin with, but we're still out there. --Darth Sensitive
W! 04:10, 16 May 2007 (BST)
- We're less active then we were, never large to begin with, but we're still out there. --Darth Sensitive
- Inactive? I saw a member serenading the inhabitants of Anne General Hospital with accusations of zerging. He was justified, and it was rather funny. I'm a human resident of Dulston, and I like you guys a lot better than the random ferals and PKers that used to be regulars in Dulston. You guys give us a bit more challenge, and now I don't have to walk all the way to South Pescoside to find some action, and I thank you for that. Feel free to take all the sheeplike and paranoid players, you'll have a better time eating them than we will listening to them whine. Don't really take this as an endorsement, and to any human player reading this, I am not a zombie spy, I just hate boredom, sheep, and paranoid players. --Ryan Marsh 06:05, 14 May 2007 (BST)
- Your truly just found some brains lying outside the Northwest Corner of Treweeke. I have been shambling around in Dulston for some time now since the Mall Tour ended, and I plan to stay for a long while. Thanks, Dulston, because last week I bought my final zombie skill, flailing gesture. Some people over there actually sleep out in the streets. And Quess what? The secondary purpose of the DDT, primary being self-explanatory, is to bring some action into the game, because all too often do I hear Dulston referred to as Dullston. FreakyM 06:22, 14 May 2007 (BST)
- Heh, I think the one pointing out zergers was me... Do you remember what the zed sang? (And yes - Dullston has survivors sleeping on the streets, as well as trenchies who have nothing better than headshot zeds out on the streets.) --Darth Sensitive
W! 04:10, 16 May 2007 (BST)
- All I really remember was something about HARMAN HAMBARGARZ and RAMRAM!!! and a lot of pointing at the zergs. To be honest, we WANT you to take the zergers and whiners all away. At least this zombie horde doesn't whine and complain like the RRF Gore Corps. Oh, and by the way, I'm not so much a trenchie, but I do go out and tag the occasional zombie or two. Especially when they're attacking street sleepers, duty to the people and all. Things have gotten a little bit more interesting nowadays though, so thank's for the wake up call. - --Ryan Marsh 22:08, 17 May 2007 (BST)
And YES, this is an official apology to the Shamblers, for forgetting about you. You in, brathars? If yes, you mind spreading the word a bit, maybe changing group descriptions so we can finally get on the stats? FreakyM 06:22, 14 May 2007 (BST)
Infected Swarm
We will be more than happy to lend a rotten hand to the cause of destroying Dulston. We just finished with Earltown and currently we are at Treweeke Mall for the buffet. I don't think Dulston survivors will be sleeping in the streets anymore. Limpy larry 02:46, 16 May 2007 (EST)
- Indeed, havent seen a piece of ham lying on the streets for a while now. I actually miss those times. What have I gathered now, 880 xp from since I came to Dulston? And that doesnt count the two last skills I had before I came to live in Dulston- that means about 1100 experience from Dulstonian ham. FreakyM 21:04, 12 June 2007 (BST)
You should put the suporter groups in the main page. that way we (and those that are undecided speccially can apreciate the momentum this is getting. add 0:00 of course--♠ Che ♠-T GC X 10:12, 30 May 2007 (BST)
Ok then, feel free to add yourself, groups! Each group leader should add the info of their group themselves, as to avoid confusion. FreakyM 20:57, 12 June 2007 (BST)
You guys still around?
-I am still here, getting back to UD after a long-ish hiatus. While I was gone,you brathars sure messed up the city good, and thus the DDT was kinda unneeded. Now Dullston is Dull again,so maybe they will appreciate us coming back. 09:52, 13 November 2007 (UTC)