Talk:Extinction Expansion

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Expansion structure

Hail Supreme Commander!

Edited a bunch of stuff from the forum discussions into the expansion. What do you all think? I'm trying to go for a Zombies!!! kind of game expansion for UD. What else do we need? It goes from simple standing orders anyone can follow to the Boot Camp expansion for basic troopers.

Maybe we can start an "Advanced Tactics" section for the players who want to go further than basic training? Just cut and paste tactics from the Different Straights topic and elsewhere.

If I get time I'm going to add a Special Operations page off this one for the mail list and real time chat stuff.

--Zeug 22:52, 11 April 2007 (BST)

With the wiki expansion structure I've made it so the Game Plan: Standing Orders is all most Extinction troops and allies need to do the mass loose coordination thing. They'll be the bulk of the army, hard to control and hard to keep focused.

Boot Camp is for those who like what they've seen and want to put more effort into their gameplay.

Then comes Advanced Tactics for those few who get even further into the whole idea of sieging and then defending NT's, salting the land and becoming part of the command force.

Last is Special Operations Command for the elite few that might be into the real time squads where you email one another to meet up online at a certain location and time then use chat to coordinate an assault in real time.

That last one is fun, especially once you get to know your squad members a bit.

--Zeug 00:18, 13 April 2007 (BST)

A draft section structure for Advanced Tactics - Battle Tactics


1. Primary target - Locate a barricaded NT and lay siege

2. Emit feeding groans

3. Extinction Operations forum - If your suburb hasn't been posted already then post a topic with your suburb as title, and lodge a Situation Report along with an assessment of survivor strengths and what you need from Extinction in terms of backup. Also lodge a request for any intel about your suburb and its vicinity.

4. As soon as possible post X:00 and target coordination on the Operations forum and in local Extinction profiles.

5. Organise Spec Ops if available.

6. Secondary Targets - Ransack nearest barricaded Factories and Auto Repair if the NT defense is stubborn and prolonged. Depending on your situation this can include Hospitals, Police Departments and Revive Points for Survivors.

7. Recruitment - Post information on other zombie/survivor forums in order to expand Extinction network and your own troop numbers. Look for recruitment and other appropriate forums.

Recruitment poster.

If you're flamed for zerging feel free to send them to Extinction Department of Internal Affairs.

8. Repeat above as necessary until all Survivors are cleansed or escaped.


1. Identify your own regular UD session times: Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, Night, Pre-dawn.

2. Post your GMT attack times in your profile and the Operations forum.

3. Develop your Extinction coordination tactics to suit your needs.


1. Be prepared for troop losses as ferals leave

2. Spec Ops makes NT Operational Command HQ to prepare for possible survivor counter attack

3. Recon Secondary Targets for barricading and ransack all Resource Buildings to suppress revival.

4. Post defence updates to Operations forum and gather intel.

5. Graffiti Revive Points to disperse any Mrh? mobs. Tag your CHQ. Deface as much Survivor graffiti as possible.

6. Declare your Suburb an Extinction Zone.

Forum discussions on advanced tactics

Here's a rough copy and paste culled from the forums on possible advanced tactics for Extinction members. Was a good brainstorming session, whatever's mine in there is copyright free.

--Zeug 08:03, 12 April 2007 (BST)

it's not so much about inhabiting every NT in Malton but rather identifying the strategic NT's belonging to strong survivor groups and taking those down. The Mall Tours will do the rest.

The DHPD really do need their NT's otherwise they have to vacate to adjacent burbs and regroup, which must put a strain on their coordination efforts. If Extinction is going to work we need to set a precedent by demonstrating the concept in action. We need to take the DHPD down for the count and suppress their revival efforts and that means making the Bascombe and Dury into Extinction strongholds, with the entirety of both suburbs declared "Survivor Free Zones" under Zombie Law and Order.

for those interested in coordinated "special operations". Within Extinction we could have a Special Operations Command for those players interested in real time coordinated attack and defence. That's the gameplay I'm interested in, actually meeting up with a small dedicated squad online and coordinating real time via chat.

Even if you're only hitting a factory or a hospital in a region that is currently "salted", getting everyone together makes the game more interesting and fun, and also allows for greatly increased efficiency. With a group of three zombies working together, it is virtually guaranteed that any barricaded building can be opened and at least one survivor will perish. Often the results will be better.

The same three zombies operating on their own could each waste all their AP smashing on the barricades, with the humans inside spending only a few AP in between each attack to repair them. They'd also each need to spend a number of AP selecting a target, whereas a group working together requires only one "scout".

resource buildings should remain generator-free, both by revived zombies and by keeping factories and auto shops ransacked.

The AP benefit humans receive when resource building is powered can be very large if there are a lot of humans. Each human saves many AP with the increased search success rate, and they only had to spend a relatively small amount of AP setting up the generator in the first place.

Smashing the generator (or, better still, preventing humans from getting them in the first place) requires far fewer AP and yields a large return on the investment.

So then for a suburb wide attack, using X:00 for the mass and chat for specialist squads, the primary targets would be the barricaded NT's. Which also means that single NT burbs like Peddlesden and Dunell Hills, unfortunately for the DHPD, are the most vulnerable. Once the NT is taken and held secure as an Extinction Command HQ then we can expand the target list and secure the entire suburb.

Secondary targets are the factories and auto repairs which should be targeted for ransacking. Cool, so we can add hospitals and PD's as preferred zombie sleep overs in lieu of a nearby NT. If any are barricaded they can be reported to Spec Ops Command and a siege started. I'd also suggest revive points need to be regularly cleansed of survivors and the Mrh? cows ordered to move out of the suburb.

Tertiary targets would be any other barricaded building whatsoever.

The Spec Ops groups can use the NT as Extinction Command HQ to deal with survivor counter attacks and also follow up with regular suppression sweeps of the above targets until revival ceases and the Mrh? cows disperse. At which point the suburb is declared an Extinction Survivor Free Zone on the wiki page and we move on to the next survivor group concentration and strategic NT.

If there are a lot of survivors, these targets are very imporant, and are usually easier to take than the other resource buildings, but it's situational.

When a suburb has been completely beaten down, for example, the humans won't be going for luxuries like electricity, they'll be trying to secure FAKs and (if they aren't clear on how to spend their AP properly) weapons in the PDs. If the hospitals and PDs are locked down, wandering humans won't stay in the burb at all, so the dead zone increases.

Whenever possible, humans should be infected. This has a compounded effect, as revived humans must spend more AP trying to find healing and will increase the chance that any found humans will be wounded and more easily flipped back to the grey side.

In an area with a deep human infrastructure, this is less effective, but if we're concentrating on kicking humans when they're down, infection is extremely important.

Tactical commanders could read the suburb map for the current operation and put a target list together and maybe even work out a tour route. Then just publish the target coordinates alongside the GMT attack times for an Extinction R&R Tour (recon and ransack). Anyone want to take on R&R Command and become a tour guide?

I think we should enforce a zero tolerance policy regarding revival within any Extinction Command Zone as it is a militarily offensive act and counter to the fundamental goal of Extinction. How about an Extinction Biological Warfare Corps? From what you're saying we could scatter the Mrh?s by setting infected zombies on them.

Totally agreed, and barricading should be outlawed throughout the Command Zone. The only barricaded building should be the official Extinction Harmanz Corps Command HQ. I like the idea of combat revived troops being able to continue fighting so they can gain body building, flak jackets and other useful survivor skils. What's a good resource building for a safe house and what would they need? A generator?

On CR: Trying to survive in a zombie hot zone burns a lot of AP. Once you get Bodybuilding and a flak jacket, there's not much reason to go human again. If I get revived, I'll go on a generator smashing run, but I usually end the day as a zombie again. Running around and hiding is AP-inefficient. One of the most valuable things a revived zombie can do is scout inside barricaded buildings to look for the meatiest targets. Once a target is found, it's generally better to attack as a zombie than a human, unless you've previously spent many AP gathering ammo and have all the firearm skills.

Extinction Harmanz Corps - Tagger To be used in profiles?

if we stay put in the NT, supress all survivor relief efforts and make it clear to the Mrh?s they're not going to revive they'll disperse. Strategic boredom can be an Extinction Weapon of Mass Distraction

outlaw all survivor graffiti in the Command Zones and start a graffiti tagging war!

on infection: it's possible to infect zombies and for specific instances such as killing someone without infecting them and then being attacked by them the next day. While it's not worth killing them again, it can be worth a few AP to make up for not infecting them the previous day. But there's no real way to handle it systematically, unless people share links for humans they killed without infecting them

on graffiti: Cleaning out reassuring survivor messages can do much to foster the demise of a suburb. People hang around when things look comfortable and get nervous when all the messages are threatening. It's a lot of work to collect spray cans and search out messages to remove, but if that's something that interests a given player, they should be encouraged, because it is helpful. The Tagging skill is helpful in this regard, but it is still an AP-intensive activity.

psych warfare: Well the first rule of psychological warfare stipulates that enemy protestations of moral superiority and public denials of wrongdoing are of course ... propaganda. And propaganda (public information management) may be either true or false, it's hard to tell cos propaganda is necessarily agnostic with respect to the truth. The real question is how effective is it?

I wasn't really arguing with them, it was just an opportunity to flame up a forum thread with lots of info and links back to Extinction. On the net if you want to increase traffic to a site one basic method is to find any forum or blog or myspace, whatever, where you can post the brand name, some info and as many external links back as possible, from as many different IP's as possible.

That's how you make networks in the web, and if we can expand the Extinction network we boost the inbound traffic and membership.

Parachuting: Once you get revived, you wait until you have a full amount of APs, then stand up as a human. First, you want to make sure that you're infected. (You might already be infected upon standing up, but if not, you can just walk into a group of zombies and politely ask one to infect you. :) ) Then, you enter your target building and spend APs causing havoc (by PKing or GKing) until you die from your infection. After that, you immediately stand back up as a zombie inside the building before anyone has a chance to dump your body... and you continue to attack as a zed! :D

The net effect is that you "paradropped" into a building as a zombie, thereby bypassing its barricades. It helps to have Free Running as a human, so you can get into heavily barricaded buildings. Also having offensive survivor skills and weapons is very useful. I think that owning an axe and possessing the Hand To Hand Combat and Axe Proficiency skills is your best bet.

summarize Extinction Tactics then from what we've got so far:

Within a distributed command structure you're responsible for your own suburb Command Zone. Whereabouts are you? You could for instance start a new topic under operations, give it your suburb name, then write a situational report detailing your current target and requests for backup as well as survivor numbers and profiles of the leaders. That way the zombie hordes can move there if they're in the vicinity.

Primary target is the NT you want to make your Command HQ. From what Trent Rott's been saying if they've got generators running and are always stocked up then maybe you could send out a recon squad to check the nearest factories and auto repair shops and shut those down.

It all depends on your recruitment numbers for your siege and whether you've got some members who might be into the more coordinated chat squads. For those you're welcome to use Extinction Special Operations Command mailing list to organise a squad meetup and use chat to do real time recon and assaults. It's fun but needs a squad leader to organize it for your Command Zone.

That's just for the elite few though, that's why it's "Special Operations", organize everyone else using X:00 and suburb target coordinates posted here on the forum and in your profile.

Once the NT's taken then it's up to you to hold it as your very own Command HQ against counter attack, which is what Peddlesden and Dunell Hills Commands are attempting to do at the moment. But most of your ferals are going to just melt away so it'll be up to you and your organizational skills to keep the NT Command HQ and then spread your control into the suburb. Factories and auto repair, hospitals and PD's should all be taken down. Any barricading anywhere within your Command Zone is a criminal act under Zombie Law and Order and you should not tolerate it.

Once you've cleansed the survivor resistance and suppressed their revival efforts then your Mrh? cow mobs should start dispersing. If possible get an Extinction Harmanz Tagger to remove the revive point and other graffiti. By that point you should be able to declare your suburb an official Extinction Zone and move on to the next survivor stronghold and its NT's.

If you're a human and you have the capability to kill zombies, what you really should be doing is looking through the neighborhood and finding (non-Extinction!) humans to kill or smashing generators that would otherwise be inaccessible to zombies. It's not efficient to smash barricades as a human, but it's still a better pasttime than killing cows.

If the burb is so absolutely and completely dead that there are no hiding humans and no barricades, then it certainly doesn't hurt to attack the cows, but it's not generally recommended.

standing in front of a horde and asking them to eat you in the name of gaining XP is only recommended if there is nothing else for the zombies to do in the burb (which is unlikely if you just got revived). Otherwise a zombie will waste all their AP killing you, when they could be doing something that would help the cause.

If you find yourself alive and you don't want to be, just find a tall building and jump out the window. (This is why Free Running is a recommended skill for all zombies.)

Like so many things, it depends on the situation. Right now, it sounds like you're in siege mode, and your priorities are different. Once an NT falls, you move into maintenance mode, wherein you sometimes have to actually expend energy to find things to do.

One strong point, however, is that, even if you're in siege mode, and you have a large number of people sleeping outside, it's extremely difficult to gain ground. If you can't get into an NT, try the nearest resource building. It's likely to have a lower population and be easier to clear. With a large percentage of the zombie force sleeping in that building, you actually become a serious problem, as opposed to minor nuisance that just boils down to humans making sure all three of their dedicated barricaders are checking in regularly.

Our strategies need to be flexible. The goal is to take all the NTs, but that doesn't require us to bang our heads up against an indestructible wall if it's clear that we mathematically have no chance.

ESS Policy Advisory - Standard Operating Procedure:

In military orders it's generally the case that each Command is responsible for its own theatre of operations, however that is defined by Supreme Command and its delegated authority down the ranks through Commanders, Officers, NCO's and Cannon Fodder.

So if you're in the SE Zone then that would be your field of operations as that is what you're already doing. Supreme Commander Dr'Brainz is ultimately responsible for Strategic Command and Extinction coordination across Malton, and also for NW Malton and so on down through the ranks to the Cannon Fodder responsible for whatever suburb Command Zone they're in.

In effect everyone is a Commander, right down to the lowest ranks and youngest zombies, as everyone is responsible for their own operations and owes allegiance to a Superior Command Zone ... except for the Supreme Commander of course, who usually has to bargain one way or another with the extremely rich and powerful.

Identify allied and enemy GMT attack times as we're all online at different times of the day: I also see a lot of activity around -4 GMT arvo/evening-ish? Just guessing, I'm +8 GMT. Do they co-ordinate their attacks and when's the peak activity - maybe early morn US time before work/study then sporadic through the day with peak around evening US time? -5 to -3 GMT?

we need a few low level cannon fodder grunts like me to burn our AP's breaking the barricade and keeping it open and maybe take the first volley of headshots, followed by as many higher level elite Extinction troopers to go in, wreak havoc and drag the wounded out to a waiting ravenous horde ... that's so Aztec it's creepy :)

And maybe some Extinction engineers to take out the generator while we're at it.

psych warfare - recruitment: And yes, a good crowd outside the Bascombe but Extinction needs more recruits inside to make it a home base for Peddlesden operations. Hmmm ... who's up for a recruitment campaign amongst the PKer and zombie groups? Anyone got a list of potential forums? Voluntary standing armies stand or fall on their recruitment numbers, just ask the Pentagon.

How's this for starters:

Image link -

Intel: Extinction Special Operations Command requests all available intel on current positions of any and all survivor and zombie DHPD in the wider Peddlesden and Dunell Hills Command Zones and adjacent suburbs.

To aid this intelligence gathering could we set up an "Intel" forum for reporting enemy sightings, barricading, large DHPD and allied zombie Mrh? cow mobs and so on? An organized Intel structure is critical for any military operation. It's called "operational awareness" and is generally only limited by the organizational capacity of the practitioners and ultimately the available technology.

We could also add a supplemental order and forum link to the Player Conduct Policy requiring all ranks to report any relevant info to the forum. Once the social network of informants spreads out we could go massive. Sweep it all up. Things related and not. Eventually we will need total information awareness of the entire Malton theater of operations to fulfill the goal of total zombie domination.

Standing Orders is all most Extinction troops and allies need to do the mass loose coordination thing. They'll be the bulk of the army, hard to control and hard to keep focused.

Boot Camp is for those who like what they've seen and want to put more effort into their gameplay.

Then comes Advanced Tactics for those few who get even further into the whole idea of sieging and then defending NT's, salting the land and becoming part of the command force.

Last is Special Operations Command for the elite few that might be into the real time squads where you email one another to meet up online at a certain location and time then use chat to coordinate an assault in real time.

E-SS Policy Advisory - On Classified and De-classified Information Re Special Operations Command

A distinction should be made between "public" and "classified" policy. Classified information should not be disseminated publicly and represents "operational" policy, communicated in private. Public policy should be considered a function of the Extinction Psychological Warfare Department and includes all forms of public discussion such as the forums and any communication with lower level Extinction members and other allies/enemies. It's how the US executive and Military/Intelligence branches work, the same as all modern fully industrialized nations, especially in time of war.