Talk:Holy Church of Malton

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Feel free to join our arguments and discussions, but please don't alter posts you haven't written yourself.

Theological dispute

The recently established Church of New Eden has added to the religious diversity of Malton City. Even though some see it as little more than a death cult (something they have more or less admitted to), it still represents a potential threat to our Devine Plan. We need however not worry, as their so called "teachings" are but simple facts, disguised as hocus pocus in CAPITAL LETTERS, and are so far not in direct conflict with our Holy Mission. After all, no matter the outcome, Malton could do with a bit of theological controversy. Still, it's alarming how they encourage surrender of our Humanity, given to us in God's own image. Also, their entire philosophy acts as a haven for "player killers", which is in direct conflict with the 6th Commandment and good moral in general. I would very much like opinions as to how we should approach the matter. - Grimm Sept 29th 00:30 CET

There is a snake in paradise. It has stolen the name of a holy Chuch, and I tell you brethern, thou shall be aware of false teachings. For the Lord has put it uppon us to be the teachers, and Guides for the lost city of Malton. (And although I'm dead at the moment.) I feel this intrusion on the territory of the church as a spear in my side. I feel my blood go cold, my spine go weak, and my hate take flight. Brethren, be aware.
- Heathkliff, Preacher of the Holy Church of Malton

The name of God will not be Spat upon by these infidels! This shall not go unreckoned! - danielhalamit, Preacher of the Holy Church of Malton

Amen, Brother Anthony! In the name of God, we shall educate these dissident preachers. -- Grimm Oct 12th etc


Hmm, I actually theorized something like this group would be made, but it was a much more extremists group. -Lightman

Oh, we have ideas, including various subdivisions of more or less sinister nature. It's all within the Devine Plan. Anyway, I for one hope to see more religious controversy in the apparently God-forsaken city of Malton, so if you wish to start a rivaling extremist group, you have my blessing. - Grimm

Praise be! I thought I was alone on my Holy Quest! I am but a poor lost soul who found God after the outbreak, but I have become The Almighty Saviour, bringing righteous justice to those in the suburb of Molebank and especially those that would intrude into St Jude's Cathedral. For those that ask for it, and if God has deemed fit to bless me with a healing syringe, then I will resurrect them and bring them back to the fold of the church. May I join your Holy Crusade? - The Almighty Saviour

Hallelujah! Indeed you may, fierce Brother! Just send an e-mail to the Holy Church, stating your name and business, and you shall be given a Mentor and a Mission. - Grimm

Lord, hear our prayers! For the Holy Church's own spiritual guide, the Reverend Gordon Finck himself, has fallen victim to the great Possession! Truely, this is a dark day for Believers all over Malton City. We pray to you, God Allmighty and His Holy Church, that you may send a blessing and cure our great, yet humble usher, the vanguard in our Holy Quest to restore Faith in this fallen city. The Reverend was overwhelmed and caught the curse while performing exorcism on the damned in the south-east parts of Crowbank, and was last seen in a most unchristian manner outside Farbrother Cinema in this area. Please save his soul. Amen. -- the Congregation of St Louis' Church, Pennville

Membership Request

Hello! I am Byrant Dilstar (former head of the DUFP) and I've been very intrested in what you do. I'd like to become a member. -User:Lightman

My name's Bullet Tooth Tony, and I want to because a man of God in the Holy Church of Malton, so that I may spread His word to the fighting masses. I sent and email to the contact adress some time ago, but I've yet to recieve a reply, so I decided to ask here, too. My email is, so I'd like to get some information.

For The Emperor!

Be it known, The Cathedral of St. Jude is no longer under the Aegis of the catholics, 'The Temple of Our Martyred Lady' will not be defiled by those with no faith in the Emperor. We are The Imperium, all who oppose His will, beware. Imperitor Dominus Omni Astera!

Your faith is misguided, for it is only when you realize that the many disparate "gods" of 'Earth' are but skewed visions of the Glorious Emperor of Mankind that you shall be saved by his Grace! The Shield of Faith is naught but rotten wood when Faith is misdirected or untrue! This 'Church of Malton' is but a heretical offshoot of the Cult of the Emperor, convert, or retribution is nigh! - Brother-Captain Alex Molsov