Talk:Roach Klip Expeditionary Force
Wanna Talk? Complaint? Discrepancy? Question? They Go Here, Or On Our Forum. We Prefer Forum For Anything Lengthy. The Link Is On the Main Page.
Always good to have more help keeping up the good fight! Hope to see you folks around, I'll buy the beer! :D --Aphaythea 00:59, 3 January 2012 (UTC)
- Always good to be noticed! Thanks for the encouragement, been taking care of Sepp Blatter for the suburb lately. Killed him three times over the past week, he even reported me to the RG for it. I'm kind of proud, and I've always got a stash of my special stuff somewhere nearby, maybe we can share a bit sometime, hmm? -- MSilva 06:04, 4 January 2012 (UTC)
Great Suburb Group Massacre 2013
I'm a volunteer helping to do some janitorial work on the suburb pages of the wiki. As part of that, we're double-checking in which suburbs each group is active. Currently, you're listed in one or more suburbs, in addition to using a radio frequency. If you would like to continue being listed, then please respond within the next month with the radio frequency you are using and a list of every suburb where you are currently active. If we don't hear back from you or we can't get the information we need, we'll be removing you from the lists, but you're welcome to re-add yourself later. If you have any questions, feel free to visit our informational page. Thanks. --
FoD PK Praise Rando! 13:12, 25 October 2013 (BST)