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NecroTranq Syringe

Timestamp: 18:50, 4 October 2006 (BST)
Type: New Weapon.
Scope: Humans.
Description: In attempting to capture and study zombie specimens, NecroTech scientists have had some limited success in developing a zombie tranquiliser.
  • Prerequisites: Lab Experience (but see below)
  • Base accuracy: 15%
  • Maximum accuracy: 30% (with Hand-to-Hand Combat)
  • Capacity: 1-use weapon (once a successful attack is carried out, the syringe is damaged beyond use)
  • Inventory: 1 space
  • Locations: NecroTech Building (2%; taken from DNA Extractor)
  • Effect: If it hits a zombie, that zombie takes 1HP damage and (if the attacker has Lab Experience) is infected with NecroTranq. It loses 1HP per AP (not including speaking) until it next gains HP from any source. If the syringe hits a human, they take 1HP damage and there is no further effect.
  • Disclaimer: Yes, this is the survivor equivalent of Infectious Bite.
Edit: I pulled this out because the Kill voters made a really good point - it would hurt newb zombies the most. Tut. Thing is, I think the weapon is a really cool idea. On the first draft, I had it nerf Lurching Gait till the zombie gained HP - so it only effected experienced zoms - but I figured nerfing LG would be highly spammable. Anyone got a better idea for how this could work? --Funt Solo 02:04, 5 October 2006 (BST)

Keep Votes

  1. Keep - Kind of cool, being able to poison zombies. But unlike infectious bite it should end when the zombie dies once (not carry over to next "life".) the reason I actually consider this balanced, noone can use it unless they have Lab Experience. If you re-post this sucker.. maybe make it lose 1 Life per 2 AP spent. Good one Funt, science characters have a new chemical weapon. (Note ~ as a "bonus" could you make this "cure" a zombie of infection... so being killed by this won't be so bad? In a way... it's chemical composition destroys zombie infection.) --MrAushvitz 20:11, 4 October 2006 (BST)
  2. Keep - Screw the newb zombies. Newb survivors deal with this problem. Youronlyfriend 02:41, 5 October 2006 (BST)

Kill Votes
Against Votes here

  1. Kill - For a zombie without digestion, this would be very frustrating. They'd just keep losing health until they die, and there'd be nothing they could do about it. --Toejam 19:04, 4 October 2006 (BST)
    • Re - Very good point I hadn't thought of - anyone got a solution? --Funt Solo 19:15, 4 October 2006 (BST)
  2. Kill - I agree with the above post and seing as I can't sign under your comment Funt Solo, I'll write here. YT thought orginally with this that as it says until it next gains HP from any source would mean that when it dies it gains its full hp so that would cancel the infection. Might make it a bit worthless of survivors shooting at zeds with this though. I assume that if you miss with the dart you lose it like a flare gun? --MarieThe Grove 19:20, 4 October 2006 (BST)
    • Re - No, you don't lose the dart until a successful hit. --Funt Solo 19:47, 4 October 2006 (BST)
  3. Think of the newbs! - Once a poor newb zombie gets hit with this they cant heal themselves, then die and have to pay 10 AP to stand up! Bottom line: think of the newbs.--Mr yawn 20:13, 4 October 2006 (BST)
  4. Kill - Let zombies keep their Infectious Bite. --Nob666 20:35, 4 October 2006 (BST)

Spam/Dupe Votes
The problem with this is... nobody cares. Humans do not care about killing zombies slowly. Humans care about killing zombies quickly(to clear safehouses), or making zombies not able to attack (to keep them out of safehouses). What WOULD be useful is a syringe that instantly knocked zombies over to hurl them out of doors quickly.. but that would be spammed to utter oblivion. --Gene Splicer 19:38, 5 October 2006 (BST)