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Feel the need to explain my post. I'm no net guru, but i think when a computer pings a Server that counts as one hit. now, if i do one thing, costing one AP, that hits the server one time. Now, if i do many things, costing me 10 AP, and i hit one button, dosen't that ping the server one time? Now, with the 160 pings a day, that allows for a tiny bit over three characters. (50 AP * 3) Now, with this skill along with the mutipull search skill in place, if i run my three characters, and find that i still have enough pings to run a forth character, then by god i'm going to run a forth character.--Spellbinder 02:18, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

I think the point is to increase the variable that counts the server hits artificially for each AP spent in this fashion beyond the first. Sounds ok, as long as people don't start whining that they underestimated the APs it would take to reload, and got stranded in the street. And as long as the code is made so you don't end up with negative APs, like when you stand up for 10 AP when you have less than 10 - McArrowni 17:41, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)
I sorta get what your saying Spellbinder but its not that I'm trying to ursurp the 160 ping rule (besides it does nothign to deter the people out there with dial-up). If it bothers you, im sure you could write into the code a way to ping the server for each item reloaded. I don't think we will need to worry about the negative AP. I would probably just code this skill to stop if you still have ammo and yet no AP. --Vellin 21:01, 11 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Flavor Text

Heh, someone suggested this get a vote thats better then Keep. However, considering the positive responce, i'm pretty sure this is going to get a much much higher honor then one super high vote. it will be going into the peer reviewed page, where as the rest of this crap will be slumming in the gutter.--Spellbinder 20:49, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Yeah, just a little bit of exaggeration there. It should still go through the two-week period, just like every other suggestion. Though actually, it would be nice if there was some way to push a suggestion through more quickly if it's one of those suggestion types that is near impossible not to like. Unfortunately, I don't think there's really a fair way to do it. --Lucero Capell 20:53, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Thanks guys, I'm really glad everybody dug this idea. It just occurred to me because I've been a first-person shooter player since frickin' Castle Wolfenstein 3D came out, and one of the things I always remember about getting killed or killing someone in multiplayer fps games is you almost always got told who killed you and how they did it, and I've seen it in some text-based rpg games too. I just figured it would fit.--Skullhunter 22:14, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Name Unspecified


I feel that this suggestion makes actual real-life sense. If you are in a desereted parking lot, you could stow yourself under or behind a car or debris. From FAR AWAY (as in, surrounding blocks) you would be unseen. When someone comes CLOSE to you (as in, they come to the same block as you) they would spot you because they're right nearby, and you'd be visible right away in the block listing. Moving while Camoflaged is admittedly questionable. -- Amazing 21:35, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

I admit, yes it does make sense in real life. however... what does that have to do with this game? we basicly allready have that in free runing. you "hide" in the building, and you sneek you way thru buildings. in game, there SHOULD NOT be a way to do this outside a building. i meen i UNDERSTAND where the idea comes from, and all that, but as a skill set this is a bad idea.--Spellbinder 23:03, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

I think, from what I gather from other messages of his, that what SpellBinder is trying to say is, this game thrives on vulnerabilities, even, and one might argue especially, small ones. Humans can effectively hide like this by entering any building. They are only denied this when they end up outside, from lack of AP to reach a building or from meeting too many heavily barricaded buildings. This nearly takes away this vulnerability. These situations are also the ones newbie zombies thrive on for xp, because they can't open doors yet. And someone with this skill is immune to them if they do not happen to move on his square... with their 2AP movement... McArrowni 23:19, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)


Be an absolutly great way to proclame your victory. every time you slaughter a survivor, you could "tag" the building/block with blood. (this is an RP suggestion, not a suggestion for the skill)--Spellbinder 20:51, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Yea zombies learned to read that makes sense. Go watch some zombie movies their not writing operas and engineering skyscrapers then think about what you said since the idea is a waste and not based on any logic at all. 02:33, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)

  • Actually, my nameless friend, zombies DO know how to read in Urban dead. I'm pretty sure it's in the FAQ or something. McArrowni 02:47, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)
  • Indeed, McArrowni's correct, but it's beside the point. (but he IS correct.) Defiling doesn't mention reading or writing at all. I am tempted to make a comment about not being able to read and thusly missing the point of my suggestion.. but I won't. Heh heh. -- Amazing 05:41, 12 Nov 2005 (GMT)

I myself like the idea of Memories of Life-enabled zombies being clever enough to temporarily smear gore all over any game-important graffiti they see. Perhaps a percentage of the characters of the current graffiti could be changed to spaces. They could use it repeatedly to completely annihilate a message. Jad Tannus 10:40, 23 Dec 2005 (GMT)

Crossbow and Arrows


The first person commented saying my suggestion is unrealistic since the item will have to run on power which cant be found after the zombie invasion. This would be a valid argument, except we already have GPS units, phones, and DNA extractors that must run on magic pixie dust sincethey last forever. The first vote kind of makes me worry that I didn't explain myself enough since none of his arguments reflect real problems (except the one above kind of). --Zaruthustra 05:19, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Hurray for good votes. I was a bit worried after that first guy. Question though, is this feasible in regards to server load and coding complexity? I tried to keep it simple so it didn't overstep the boundries inherent in the game. --Zaruthustra 21:43, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)


Free Running


Ear Shot

Feign Death

I thought the idea was good too, but-- If you can do this, what's to stop you from doing this every time you go offline so that no one can attack you? You end up with everyone being on the ground when they are offline, so no one can attack anyone any more. I think this would work fine if it was 50AP to use... but then, no one would use it. Shadowstar 19:52, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Re-read it. Note that there are caveats stating that equivalent counter-skills (detection and attacking) would need to be created. Of course, there is no precedent on the suggestions page for creating a small library of related skills. --Squashua 20:00, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)
I did read it. It hurts newbs most because of that. A newb with no ability to see these zombies can go around just about forever looking for zombies. This is the same argument if the skill was on the human side, which it could easily be: humans can pretend to be dead too. Imagine getting into a building with your horde and everyone was down. As a newb, you don't have the skills to see or kill them, even though you know those bodies are all alive. --Shadowstar 20:08, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)
This is not about newbs. Keep in mind that there are zombie "newbs" made every day. Heck, both my level 9/11 characters got zombified last week; I still can't get them up even one zombie level because of all the headshots. It would have been easier had my guys kicked the bucket with experience tacked on. Feign Death (an easy "hide") would be the first Zombie Skill I'd buy. The newbs will have to take on the zombie newbs that don't have Feign Death or will have to acquire experience like I did; using MedKits (or other means) to build up until they can properly assault. This is not an easy game and it shouldn't be learning curved towards some players because they're new to it. --Squashua 20:22, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)
Shadowstar covered the newb part of the argument pretty well, i think. here's the other part, this is a game. In movies, we also have fire/machine guns/armys/cars/rocket launchers/and when zombies lose there heads they are down permenitly. In this type of a game, you just can't have everything. Trying to shove every zombie movie up the crack of Urban dead just isen't going to work!--Spellbinder 20:34, 9 Nov 2005 (GMT)


Death Knell

  • Since it can't be used as a weapon, it will be better than flare, because it will indicate only one thing: "Something's going down here!" Should be a subskill of Death Rattle, if not already. --Dickie Fux 18:11, 21 Nov 2005 (GMT)

Brass Knuckles


"Ace" Skills

NEWSFLASH! THIS JUST IN: There are two skills that already mess with AP, albeit in a cost-to-perform-action-X manner, and not an affects-the-total-number-of-AP-a-person-has manner: Lurching Gait (reduces AP cost for zombie movement) and Ankle Grab (reduces AP cost for standing). Why shouldn't there be counters to them that temporarily neutralize them? Key word here being temporarily . . . --John Taggart 18:02, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)

  • Both lurching gait and ankle grab were based on horrible design decisions. Originally, all zombies moved 1 squared per AP and stood up using 1 AP (unless my memory is going.) The AP penalties and skills to counter them were added later. But yeah, the whole "AP are sacred" thing is pretty stupid. (Feel free to delete/move this if it should be in discussion)--Milo 18:25, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)
    • It was me who started the don't mess with APs thing, but I think it's gone a bit misunderstood - or maybe I wasn't too clear, my fault. What I meant in reality is what is stated above in the Bad Suggestions mock-up: don't do anything that can increase your daily APs over 50, and don't overkill cutting others APs. There have been some proposals like the Paralytic Bite or the aforementioned Sever, affecting APs but in a mannered way, which IMO are perfectly ok. --Seagull Flock 19:46, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)
      • Then perhaps that ought to be in the Suggestion Guidelines for all to see, Seagull. The way things are now, anything someone says that involves AP (whether it temporarily neutralizes AP-cost-reducing skills - such as the way Sever temporarily neutralizes Lurching Gait - or not) gets trashed lmost as soon as it's posted. P.S. - As I've said before, these Ace Skills ideas are good starting points, but A) they need a bit of work and B) should be a followup to another skill (such as some form of weapon specialization, to represent A: a character's preference for a particular weapon and B: the fact that they've become so skilled with that weapon that they can do damage that most people can't.) --John Taggart 20:00, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)
        • The problem with Ace skills it it puts multiple skills that all either have problems or might cause problems, at least in many voter's perspective, in the same suggestion. And, we are supposed to vote on the suggestion as is, not what we want it to be (unless the suggestion is intentionally left open enough). Also, weren't we supposed to have only one skill per suggestion? McArrowni 22:32, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)
          • Points taken; however, I personally feel it would be useful to debate the merits of a class of Ace Skills, with the examples presented (such as Sever and Both Barrels) being used to illustrate possible implementations of an Ace Skill for a certain class of weapon. Also, the Ace Skill examples mentioned are so similar it makes sense (at least to me) to lump them all together under one heading for purposes of discussion. (N.B.: These Ace Skills were not my idea, although they did inspire me to post a skill that could be used as a prerequisite for the Ace Skills, should they be accepted.) --John Taggart 22:52, 10 Nov 2005 (GMT)