Talk:The Coram News Network

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Hey, buddy


What you tryin' to pull, musclin' in on our market? We're the authority 'round here. People trust us for their news. And we don't take kindly to breather media outlets like yours. Sure, you claim impartiality, but the Herald an' Sun is the only true neutral party. We report, the readers decide. Its a no-spine zone, or whatever ya call it. So here's the deal, buddy. You're gonna walk away from this here propaganda rag, and leave fair and balanced reporting to the experts. We wouldn't want anyone to have an accident, now would we? --VVV RPMBG 01:09, 19 March 2011 (UTC)

You may have a fancy-schmany, well written, quasi -*cough*-regularly update publication, but we've got something you do not. We've got an EBS *GASP*. Oh and probably one of them there fancy pages eventually. To be completely honest, though its more about a bunch of CORAM folks becoming bored and wanting to experience the wider world. Don't be surprised if we switch to death culting to do a piece on AH at some point. ~Vsig.png 02:04, 19 March 2011