Template talk:CZGOM
Woot! free template courtesy of Danalov of the Manbagz Zahmbahz. Place this in your page if your group believes in Barhah, or Ridleybank as the Zombie Homeland. Keep Shambling, Zahmbahz.--Danalov 23:54, 23 February 2007 (UTC)
If you can coordinate 10,000+ zombie players you are (Insert Deity of your choice)
Apologies if there are significantly more/less than 10,000 zombie players. I am all for this plan if enough people believe that can pull it off (I disbelieve one singularity would be able to do it, but I'd be pleasantly surprised). It's amazing seeing small groups sprouting up, looking at all the machinations it takes for large groups coordinate amongst themselves, but for everyone to work together, even if it was for a day, would truly be a sight to see. Bystander 21:54, 30 July 2008 (BST)
The Dead had 1,500 coordinated zombies. That close enough?--– Nubis NWO 22:19, 30 July 2008 (BST)
But that was from their own forums, which I have no experience with so I am not qualified to say they had their own hurdles to jump through. But then there are the thousands that were already in Malton with their own groups and sub-groups which would be difficult to integrate. Bystander 16:11, 25 August 2008 (BST)