The Forsaken

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The Forsaken


The Forsaken
Abbreviation: TF
Group Numbers: 4
Leadership: Group vote
Goals: Pro-survivor
Recruitment Policy: open recruiting

Who we are.

The Forsaken is a small, mobile group of survivor who take on the task of jumping into the most hostile of zones and retaking Tactical Resource Points from zed hands. We welcome anyone who is pro-survivor and we even have reformed PKers among us. If you are a PKer who has outgrown murder you are welcome to join us!

The original group of Forsaken members disbanded on 6-15-2010. We have taken up the banner.

We take on nuisance Pkers and the nastier zombie hordes & ferals, and pledge to defend other survivors as best as we can by killing them where ever and when ever we find them!

We have had no permanent base of operations, preferring to operate throughout Malton, restoring malls and resource buildings in the areas we pass through.

Policies & Goals

Our policies are simple. Be loyal to your comrades, the group & our allies. Kill lots of zombies.

Recognizing the need for an organized resistance to the zombie menace, our goals are to rebuild & repair the areas we pass through, helping survivors as best as we can.

Multiple characters, zerging, spying, PK'ing, GK'ing, or actions detrimental to the group as a whole will not be tolerated. Firing squads for poor behavior are not out of the question...

After all, this is UD, and death is not forever.

So lock & load. It's always a bumpy ride in Malton!



Entry into The Forsaken is easy: Visit us on our forum (see contact link), find us and request to join in game, or we may find you worthy and ask if you're interested. Entry is open to players of any class and level, even if you've had a "tainted" past. We believe in giving people a second chance; we are The Forsaken after all! Good luck.


Revive Requests

If you see us in your area and need revived, you can request a revive here:

Also, we are reviving people as we find them. Maybe you'll get lucky!


Friends & Allies

South Paynterton Aces

Skynet Defense Network

New Cannonball Republic

Creedy Defense Force



Philosophe Knights

Inglorious Bastards of Malton

LUEshi's Rangers

The Dead

Individuals, Kill on Sight




Christopher Destatte

Supported Policies

Revive.gif Revivification Requests
Undead? Want to breathe again?
Make a Revivification Request! (Dead Link)
Rat-ah-tat-tat.jpg Rat Tactics
Survive. Revive. Thrive.
Sgpicon1.gif Sacred Ground Policy Supporter
This user or group supports the Sacred Ground Policy and acknowledges that all Cemeteries in the city of Malton are considered Revivification Points.
Ubpicon1.gif Uniform Barricading Policy Supporter
This User or Group supports the Uniform Barricading Policy by actively maintaining barricades according to local plan or UBP standard.
Handinhanddp1.png Pay It Forward Supporter
This User or Group Pays It Forward.
Get a revive, give a revive.
River.gif River Tactics Supporter
This User or Group supports River Tactics.

Changes to UD that we support

The addition of rifles. It could go something like this:

Rifles: With all of the military activity throughout the city, US M4 and British IW rifles have become common in the hands of survivors.

Locations found: Forts, Police Stations, Mall Gun Stores.



Magazine-10 rounds (weight-2)

Skills Tree:

Military Skills (75 xp), All others (100 xp)

Rifle Training (An extra +25% to hit with a rifle.)

Advanced Rifle Training (An extra +10% to hit.)

The addition of pump shotguns, holding a magzine of 5. No additional skills needed.

The addition of vehicles.

Searching outside of various buildings could produce a repairible vehicle, such as a police car outside of a police station, a fire truck at a fire station, a lorry at a warehouse, a Humvee or Land Rover at a fort Ect. A survivor would have to spend (X)AP to get it running, and so much to keep it running, which would continue to increase in amount the longer the vehicle was in operation. Zombies could also damage or destroy a vehicle, should they find it abandoned outside or while in operation. Vehicles could travel at rate of 1 block per turn for 1 AP, but would protect occupants until ruined. Vehicles could have a set amount of points similar to buildings to repair or destroy.

Skills tree:

Construction Subs-skill

Repair Vehicles (player can reapair/ maintain vehicles.)

The addition of Storehouses or Supply Dumps.

A player could designate a building (or veichle) as a storage location, which would collect any items dropped by the character. The bonus would be that other characters who search that location wwould be able to find these items as well. If the structure becomes ruined, all items stored there will become ruined and lost as well. This will allow group supply dumps.


After designating a building (or vehicle) as a storage location, any items dropped by the player could be retrieved by the player. If the building becomes ruined, all items will become ruined and lost as well.

Skills tree:

Shopping sus-skill:

Supply Dump (A player may designate a building where dropped items can be retrieved by the player or other players unless the location becomes ruined.)