The Fortress/Law

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Fortress Law

Alt Usage

1) The Fortress accepts only one UD character per player.
2) You may use other characters (alt's) in Urban Dead, but not on behalf of The Fortress. They should lead completely separate existences within the game.

Zerg Law

1) The Fortress does not condone the act of zerging. As such, its members are strictly forbidden to participate in such acts. The Fortress is firmly against assisting those who participate in such acts.

PK Law

1) The Fortress is a pro-survivor group, and does not PK. Its members are forbidden from PKing other survivors, unless avenging an act of PK upon a Fortress member under strictly defined and regulated conditions.
2) The Fortress will not knowingly instigate a PK war or join into the PK wars of other groups.

Undeath Policy

1) The Fortress is a pro-survivor group that fights zombies. It is not in the spirit of The Fortress to play as a zombie. The first priority after being killed is to get revived.

Revivification Law

1) The Fortress supports the Sacred Ground Policy.
2) The Fortress does not knowingly revive PKers or zergers.

Radio Policy

1) No information broadcast on a radio is an official Fortress announcement. All official announcements will be made on the Wiki or Forums.
2) With the exception of recruitment speeches, Fortress members do not use radios to communicate in game.