The Noakes Arms
The Noakes Arms |
the Noakes Arms
Mornington [16, 64]
Basic Info:
The Noakes Arms
Originally built and owned by Jim Noakes before the outbreak, and was a local watering hole for many residents who would bring the whole family down for a light meal and pleasant company. Alas, things are not quite the same at the ol' pub anymore. Jim Noakes is nowhere to be seen, and zombies roam the streets. Some residents have turned the pub into a safehouse and try to restore a little bit of normality for their fellow Mornington residents in troubled times.
It is also rumored that the Order of the Black Rose uses the Noakes Arms as one of their safehouses.
The Noakes Arms was the birthplace of the Order of the Black Rose. Founded by Maverick Farrant, the pub served as an initial base of operations until the group set up safehouses in other suburbs as well.
Barricade Policy
As per Mornington's Barricade Policy, the Noakes Arms should be extremely heavily barricaded at all times.
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