The Original Cobra/The Coil

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Our orders in Malton
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The Original Cobra Forum

- [Main Cobra Wiki page]

Contact our staff:
- Annabell Leigh
- Jim Lockwood

COBRA accepts applicants for membership who:

  • Are willing to partake in player killing.
  • Are willing and able to communicate outside of Urban Dead.
  • Are willing to have a good time, all the time.
  • Are not extras from Jem or My Little Pony.

If you think you qualify, leave us a message here or here

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The Coil

The Coil is introduced as a Scientology-style cult run by Stephen Minasian (AKA Serpentor); it claims to offer wisdom and improvement for its members and runs drug rehab and famine relief organisations, while bringing in vast sums of money from its followers. However, some of those followers have disappeared under strange circumstances, and there's hints of human sacrifice and intimidation of opponents.

Rather than being a splinter faction from Cobra, the Coil here is part of Cobra's wider organisation. Assignments with the Coil are punishment for Cobra soldiers who have failed on other assignments, and they may be brainwashed by the cult.

The secret beliefs of the Coil is that there is a celestial serpent-being that brings order, and its chosen avatar on Earth, Gol Lobulas, once ruled a great paradise called Cobra-La, but human arrogance and ignorance forced the Serpent underground and ruined humanity with disharmony and individuality. However, champions of the Serpent have arisen to try and reverse this. (The enemy here are viewed as philosophers and scientists, and the champions great dictators like Napoleon and Ghenghis Khan.) Serpentor, the Final Disciple touched by Gol Lobulas himself, combines all the best traits from these past champions.

Venomous Maximus works at recruiting specific individuals for the Coil/Cobra, using both diplomacy and psychological torture.

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Yeah, My Little Pony just got fucked by the 80s.