The Randoms/Alpha Squad

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This is a page from prior to Operation:Metamorphosis when the squad system was replaced by Factions. However, its wiki page is preserved due to it's significance in Randoms history. Please do not edit this page without good reason.

The Randoms - Alpha Squad
Abbreviation: None, we are too awesome to have one.
Group Numbers: 16
Leadership: Lieutenant Mithos Yggdrasill
Goals: Offer help to the Citizens of Malton
Recruitment Policy: Open to anyone who's mad enough to join
Contact: Post any comments and join requests on our Forum [1]. We're always up for a chat in our IRC, currently, #randoms


Alpha Squad is one of the main squads of The Randoms. They operate out of Alpha Sector (surprise surprise), a picture of which has been provided in the group box. Because of the incredible talents of Alpha Squad members, it is the calmest and safest sector.

Alpha was formed when the Randoms moved from the old division format to the current squad format; the first squad leader was the esteemed Cheeseman Muncher. Other past squad leads include the sage Shinosa, GBald81, MeKillPie, Ed Deepneau and Maho Tsukai. The current leader is Mithos Yggdrasill, who claims to be female despite the fact that there are no girls on the internet.

Alpha has been widely publicized as a nice, peaceful place, so much that it has been turned into a resort. Visitors are welcome to come and stay in this peaceful retreat, away from the hordes of ravenous zombies and annoying trenchcoaters. It's full of wonderful locals, and the facilities are maintained by a committed crew of..... a few people.

Disappearances & Phenomenon

Alpha members have an ability like no other squad--the ability to disappear for no reason, or just hide for long periods of time with out any communication. Many Alpharians are quiet; this is likely part of the reason why they go missing so often. Alpharians also have an amazing ability to make other things disappear or just go unnoticed. Because of this, when a rare Alpharian is sighted many a creature is filled with fear, awe, amazement as well as craziness and tiredness.

The exact cause of this bizarre nature is unknown, though some say it is because of an ancient curse on one of their temples, Tinney Bank. Legend has it that once, some young teenagers were playing monopoly in it overnight (their adding skills weren't that good so it took a while). The next day when other people came over for a game, they found nothing. The disappearance caused many locals to become paranoid, panicked, and crazed, especially the parents of the missing kids, who kept saying that the kids were alive and had come home that night. They even made clones of their children and claimed that they were the kids. Obviously no one believed them. Why does that make the new recruits go away? We don't know. They don't even go into Tinney. Maybe it was just aliens. All we truly know is that there are only two commonly seen Alpharians: Da Ninja, head of advertising for the Alpha Resort, and the squad leader and head Grammar Nazi, Mithos Yggdrasill him/her/itself. Rumor has it other Alpharians can be seen on the streets of Malton, though no one knows where they are.

Alpha resort Brochure page 1
Alpha resort Brochure page 2
Alpha resort Brochure page 3
Alpha resort Brochure page 4