The Saffyn Museum

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The Saffyn Museum
No data since 2020.
--VVV RPMBG 03:07, 3 August 2024 (UTC)
the Saffyn Museum

Wyke Hills [59,90]

Whetcombe Park
(West Grayside)
Bythesea Auto Repair
(West Grayside)
the Wicklen Monument
(East Grayside)
the Cosway Hotel the Saffyn Museum Collinns Road
Marston Auto Repair Bignal Drive Beck Road Railway Station

Basic Info:

  • Museums have a wide range of different collections and exhibitions, although previously they were not lootable. Nowadays, different decorative items may be found there.
  • Generally, the descriptions found in Museums fall along the lines of "…currently displaying a(n) exhibition/installation/collection of _____________"
  • Museums can be barricaded normally.
Center of Learning Center Of Learning
This location qualifies as a Center of Learning & is considered a neutral zone for all the supporters of this policy. According to the policy, libraries, schools, zoos, and museums in the city of Malton are considered safe places. No survivor in one of these locations may be killed for any reason unless that survivor is a specified enemy.


"You are standing outside the Saffyn Museum, a tall yellow-stone building with smoke drifting from its roof."

"You are inside the Saffyn Museum, currently displaying an exhibition of scientific history."

The Saffyn Museum is a Scientific History Museum in Wyke Hills with the coordinates of [59,90].

While the building itself is only about three stories tall, it contains several wings and in its center, hosts a huge hall with a giant, hanging diorama of the sun and all its orbiting planets--at least, those discovered before the turn of the millennium.

Since the quarantine went into effect, the Saffyn Museum has seen relatively little battle. Survivors place little value in it because its wide, echoing hallways are difficult to heat during the winter, and are rather uncomfortable unless outside bedding can be brought in. Zombies place little value in it because the first-floor windows are all but non-existent, and the rotating door towards the front can be easily barricaded. Planks and ropes have been set up towards the north--or the 'back'--entrance for survivors to climb inside, but few rarely stay for more than a couple of nights.

For this reason, the Saffyn Museum remains in relatively good condition.


A photo of the reanimated artifact.

Although West Grayside, Wyke Hills and the surrounding areas are relatively poor suburbs, hosting the West Grayside barrios, a number of warehouses and factories, and many low-level buildings, the Saffyn Museum has provided a point of enlightenment and learning for over six decades. The Museum caters mostly towards scientific discoveries and historical appreciation, and remnants of permanent installations aimed towards teaching children can still be found.

In 1984, the Saffyn began to accumulate dinosaur fossils, in order to appeal more to the easily bored children of Wyke Hills. Within months, one of the primary additions, a large pterodactyl, was found to contain trace amounts of DNA. Necrotech soon purchased the rights to it, and scientists from the Needs Building began to collect it. However, for the sake of publicity, the owner of the museum demanded that all work be done on site, so that any discoveries made would be done in what would quickly become a very famous building. What experiments were performed is still a mystery, but it is generally believed that it included genetic cloning. However, after two years of work, something went horribly wrong (or so it is hoped), and on what looked to be a normal day, a mutant pterodactyl with a four meter wingspan came flying out of the laboratory. It quickly killed three schoolchildren on a field trip from Sharpe Library, eating one alive, before being shot down by security. To this day, Necrotech denies to have any relation to the incident, and there has been virtually no press coverage, denying the building any of its sought-after publicity.

Barricading Policy

Since the Saffyn Museum is located near to a revive point at the Wicklen Monument, it is to be kept at Very Strongly Barricaded unless the suburb is under heavy attack.