The Scarlet Lantern
The Scarlet Lantern (or "Lanthorn") is a tight-knit group of intrepid survivors dedicated to spreading beams of hope to the darkest corners of Malton. Originally based in Scarletwood, TSL has relocated to south Pegton, where it is pledged to defending its neighborhood, reviving willing zeds, and enforcing the Sacred Ground Policy.
Its secret Doctrines are known to only a few of the professed members surviving from the Before Time. Also known as the "Long-Long-Ago," the Before Time is not usually mentioned in polite conversation with Lanternites. Veterans of the group (who can sometimes be identified by their use of the archaic "lanthorn" spelling) have trained to interact normally with outsiders. These hardy souls must keep safe the Doctrines ... and yet draw ever more survivors into the Lanternlight.
Leader: Morrick the Mender.
Known members: CthuluZombie, Frisman, Gary Gaetti, Grumblegrudge, Hilaire de Poitiers, Kinkade Mills, Officer Skinker, Scarlett Swift, Zullin.
Seek out a member for more information.
Tiny URL for recruitment:
21 December 2008: Winter has come. I'm trying to spread some cheer with a bunch of new lights. --Zullin 13:51, 21 December 2008 (UTC)
8 August 2008: Giddings Mall has re-opened for business in the last few days. Resupplying there before heading back to Pegton. --Zullin 17:46, 8 August 2008 (BST)
20 May 2008: Pegton is pretty safe at the moment; lots of lit buildings and happy survivors. We'll try to make it last. --Zullin 20:08, 20 May 2008 (BST)
11 March 2008: Pegton's in flux right now. I'm resupplying at Mitchem Mall, which is well-defended. --Zullin 15:53, 11 March 2008 (UTC)
1 January 2008: Pegton has been pretty much wasted by the Big Bash 2. I'm working out of Giddings right now, trying to help stem the tide. --Zullin 11:25, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
29 September 2007: Pegton's in sorry shape these days, with many of our major buildings infested, but hope springs eternal. I'm holed up in the NW section of town, working on establishing a foothold so we can take back Rowcliffe. Rowcliffe is the key to the suburb. --Zullin 22:17, 29 November 2007 (UTC)
27th September 2007: And here I thought we were doing so well! HQ got broken into by an infected survivor called Red Rackham, who PKed little Jerjerrod before shooting at me then dying and attacking me as a zombie! =( Now headquarters is overrun with smelly zombies again...and the lights were so pretty too! I'm at Youngan Boulevard, (85,56) if any Lanternites are out there, please help! Scarlett swift 15:05, 26 September 2007 (BST)
22 September 2007: I'm going to attempt to bring Pegton's phone tower back up and running, as soon as I get some AP back - I have the generator and fuel all ready to go! It seems, a couple of our members are zombified right now - maybe we need to specify our own, private revive point in Pegton, so I can get to you guys and revive! Youngan Boulevard is next to the Paviour Building, diagonally to the north (85,56) or there is the cemetary next door - but that is often quite populated. I hope to see you all soon though! Scarlett swift 04:04, 22 September 2007 (BST)
15 September 2007: Hoping that lots of Pegton refugees are safe in Mitchem -- I holed up there for a while, but was killed by the notorious I'm Alan Partridge. The Scarlet light burns bright with hope for most, but for him, there is only fiery pain. --Zullin 00:26, 16 September 2007 (BST)
10 September 2007: Returned to base to find it ruined. Cleared a solitary zed out (good night, Restax), repaired the damage, and restored the 'cades. Word has it that the Rowcliffe building fell to a large zed horde recently -- planning to fight my way north and see what I can do. --Zullin 03:21, 11 September 2007 (BST)
15 August 2007: Installed a radio transmitter at base, which will make it easier for us to be part of the pulse of Pegton. There are a few zeds in town -- 20 outside of the police department -- but things are otherwise survivor friendly from what I've seen. --Zullin 02:08, 16 August 2007 (BST)
5 August 2007: Holed up in the Rowcliffe Building with some other stalwarts. We're trying to hold against the 18 zeds just outside -- there are as many more within a block of here. But they fear the Scarlet light! --Zullin 18:13, 5 August 2007 (BST)
30 July 2007: Back in Pegton to help with the clearing and rebuilding effort. Big queue (23 zeds) at the revive point at (87,57). Hoping to bring some of them back soon. --Zullin 16:36, 30 July 2007 (BST)
27 July 2007: From our temporary home in Giddings, we've been hearing reports that parts of Pegton are being retaken. I plan to head back there soon and help with the reconstruction effort. St. Matthew's Hospital Staff have been very helpful in the last few days, so I may head there first -- they're a brave bunch. --Zullin 17:23, 27 July 2007 (BST)
21 July 2007: Giddings Mall is our current fallback point from the destruction ravaging Pegton. Dozens of zeds are waiting to be revived at Walrond Square, but the queue seems to be moving rapidly, thank goodness. --Zullin 18:38, 21 July 2007 (BST)
20 July 2007: I made my way to Giddings Mall from HQ - the whole area between is infested with zombies, and there are many survivors at immediate risk of being eaten! Pegton is in bad shape alright... Scarlett swift 04:34, 20 July 2007 (BST)
17 July 2007: Pegton is being hit hard; I was killed defending St. Matthew's. Praying to St. Martin. --Zullin 22:01, 17 July 2007 (BST)
9 July 2007: Our Illumination grows daily. We are concentrating on building our presence; soon, the scarlet light will shine throughout Malton. --Zullin 19:09, 9 July 2007 (BST)
6 July 2007: The Lantern is re-establishing its Pegton presence after a long hiatus. There are a few groups of zeds in the area, but the tide is turning. --Zullin 23:21, 6 July 2007 (BST)
4 July 2007: I just came back from Mitchem Mall to find our base ransacked and full of zombies! The whole area has suffered badly, with most of the buildings around wide open, and zombies all around. I'm hiding in the Paviour Building nearby....I might need help to take back the base! Scarlett swift 10:40, 4 July 2007 (BST)
1 July 2007: I'm at the base, waiting for Zullin and any others out there to return as well. I'm trying to keep the zombies out of our area - i've killed two already, and chased off others! So far, the barricades are very heavy, and we have a visitor staying in our HQ. That's all to report for now! Scarlett swift 16:29, 1 July 2007 (BST)
21 June 2007: I've been around Caiger Mall recently. Everyone looks great in their new duds. --Zullin 23:10, 21 June 2007 (BST)
4 March 2007: I'm mostly in Vinetown or Houldenbank these days. Killed gravebait the gKer and pKer today. Impressed with the job the Black Berets have been doing in the area. Keep the faith. --Zullin 14:24, 4 March 2007 (UTC)
26 January 2007: Many of our members have deserted, though the fight continues. I'm mostly to be found around Mitchem Mall these days. Few zeds in the area. --Zullin 18:45, 26 January 2007 (UTC)
16 August 2006: Still picking up the pieces after the Big Bash and associates beat the stuffing out of our suburb a week or so ago. Pray to St. Martin. --Zullin 15:44, 16 August 2006 (BST)
22 June 2006: Getting boring in Pegton, but thas o.k. Damn rotters keep showing up in our graveyard, which causes us to kill innocent zeds higher on the stack. But oh well. --Grumblegrudge 20:31, 22 June 2006 (BST)
7 June 2006: Just saw 21 zeds outside St. Siricus's, with several more scattered around the area. I keep running in and rebarricading the area, and I notice that others are doing the same. NecroTech building is still powered down. Pray to St. Martin. --Zullin 20:31, 7 June 2006 (BST)
5 June 2006: There's a fair-sized group of zeds near the middle of Pegton -- in the area with the phone mast and St. Siricus's. Their plans are unknown. I've been keeping my radio tuned to 26.17; chatter has died down after the initial rush. Keep your powder dry. --Zullin 19:07, 5 June 2006 (BST)
16 May 2006: Only small groups of zeds remain in our neighborhood. No sustained attacks on buildings; our revive point at the cemetery is only thinly populated. --Zullin 01:43, 19 May 2006 (BST)
11 May 2006: The neighborhood appears to have been mostly retaken from the zed menace. We have revived many of our allies, and we have received word that Mitchem Mall, to the south, is back in survivor hands. The wind is changing. --Zullin 19:38, 11 May 2006 (BST)
5 May 2006: Many of our members have been revived, and we are now turning our attention to reviving our friends and neighbors in south Pegton. We hope to be back up to full strength shortly, Mender willing. --Zullin 15:57, 5 May 2006 (BST)
3 May 2006: The Lantern-light wavered only briefly before the onslaught of the zed gale. We are moving together again. If you have called upon us for aid, do not lose hope! for we hear your cries, and will answer as soon as we may. --Zullin 21:18, 3 May 2006 (BST)
2 May 2006: A dark day. Lantern headquarters was overrun by the zed infestation; our home has been ransacked and many of our members slain. Revives may be delayed as we piece things back together, but piece them we shall! Those who escaped the storm prowl the streets even now, searching, searching for those who yearn to be brought back to the light. --Zullin 21:18, 3 May 2006 (BST)
"Soon the men of the column began to see that though the scarlet line was slender, it was very rigid and exact." -Kinglake: Invasion of the Crimea, vol. iii. p. 455.
"The last muleteer gained the pass, and the last of the pack-animals. And there in the cave mouth waiting for them was the Tall Man, and in his hand was a lantern. As he entered, Connaught saw that the lantern's infernal beams colored even the moon an incarnadine scarlet." -Montvictor: The Tale of the Harmas, p. 266.
"To make this mental shift or slide is to come to be in a different condition of illumination, so that one's sensory 'inputs' -- experiences, ideas, or thoughts -- approach the 'scarlet ideal' proposed in the works of D. D. Lorcasa. When the Montvictorian attains this condition, the result precludes yet (paradoxically) enables what is commonly thought of as 'death.'" -Nigeaf: Ineluctable Modality, p. xi.
"An infected wind weeps in our garden; / Before our house, a scarlet lantern glows; / Death's silver razors play, like fiddle bows, / White music on the throats of pious calves." -Manger.
"Truth indeed came once into the world, clad in shining raiment of scarlet, and was a perfect shape most glorious to look on: but straight arose a wicked race of deceivers, who as that story goes of the AEgyptian Typhon with his conspirators, how they dealt with the good Osiris, took the virgin Truth, hewd her lovely form into a thousand peeces, and scatter'd them to the four winds. From that time ever since, the sad friends of Truth, such as durst appear, imitating the careful search that Isis made for the mangl'd body of Osiris, went up and down gathering up limb by limb still as they could find them. We have not yet found them all, brave ones, nor shall ever doe, till the Tall Man's coming; he shall bring together every joynt and member, and shall mould them into an immortall feature of lovelines and perfection." -Milton: Areopagitica, Seydon manuscript.
"A studious blind Man, who had mightily beat his Head about visible Objects, and made use of the explication of his Books and Friends, to understand those names of Light, and Colours, which often came in his way; brugg'd one day, That he now understood what Scarlet signified. Upon which his Friend demanding, what Scarlet was? the blind Man answered, It was like the Sound of a Trumpet." -Locke: Human Understanding, Chap. IV.
" 'What is scarlet?' 'The scarlet of the maples can shake me like the cry of bugles going by,' the old man quoted. 'It's red,' Edwin answered the question. 'And you don't know it because you come from the Chauffeur Tribe. They never did know nothing, none of them. Scarlet is red—I know that.' 'Red is red, ain't it?' Hare-Lip grumbled. 'Then what's the good of gettin' cocky and calling it scarlet?' 'Granser, what for do you always say so much what nobody knows?' he asked. 'Scarlet ain't anything, but red is red. Why don't you say red, then?' 'Red is not the right word,' was the reply. 'The plague was scarlet. The whole face and body turned scarlet in a hour's time. Don't I know? Didn't I see enough of it? And I am telling you it was scarlet because-well, because it was scarlet. There is no other word for it.' " -London: "The Scarlet Plague," London Magazine 28 (June 1912): 513-40.
"Such an interview, perhaps, would have been more terrible than even to meet him as she now did, with the hot mid-day sun burning down upon her face, and lighting up its shame; with the scarlet token of infamy on her breast; with the sin-born infant in her arms; with a whole people, drawn forth as to a festival, staring at the features that should have been seen only in the quiet gleam of the fireside, in the happy shadow of a home, or beneath a matronly veil at church. Dreadful as it was, she was conscious of a shelter in the presence of these thousand witnesses." -Hawthorne, "The Recognition."
"There's the scarlet thread of murder running through the colourless skein of life, and our duty is to unravel it, and isolate it, and expose every inch of it." -Conan Doyle: A Study In Scarlet, Chap. 2.
"Et venite et arguite me dicit Dominus si fuerint peccata vestra ut coccinum quasi nix dealbabuntur et si fuerint rubra quasi vermiculus velut lana erunt." -Vulgate: Isaiah 1.18.
"This whole City is almost a purple Island, scarletted and redded with the bloud of Martyrs." -Jackson: Evangelical Temper.
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