The humanity doctrine
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The Humanity Doctrine{The status quo}The zombies are constantly on the offensive due to their independence of location, an attribute in sharp contrast to humans’ extreme reliance on buildings. The majority of zombie conquests are not the slaughter of humans but the destruction of generators and ransacking of important buildings, radically decreasing the value of a suburb to humans and causing them to run to a suburb that has more value to them. [Proof that this is true] Look around you. Ninety five percent of the human groups are built around defending a location. Humans don’t attack. Have you ever heard of a human siege? Look at it logically. In order for humans to be successful, the buildings in their suburb must be zombie free, barricaded and powered. However, it takes powered buildings to get what is needed to kill zombies and you can not power buildings until the zombies have been cleared. [Proof that this is bad] If humans can not attack, they can not win. Their inability to attack let the zombies control much of the game, setting the time and place of the fighting to the humans’ disadvantage. The humans are favored in game because they are constantly on the defensive. However, these advantages are poorly used due to poor human organization and strategy. The AP imbalances in barricades and revives syringes favors humans. Yet both these advantages are poorly used. Most humans use guns due to their XP benefits, however they are incredibly ineffective. Revives are many times better. [Proof that humans do this] Again look around you. Humans gather in malls not NTs. Very few humans start as scientists. When you are a zombie, you are shot much more often than you are revived. Humans almost never use revives and when they do, it is not as a weapon, but to help group members. [Proof that revives are better] It is simple fact that HUMANS CAN’T WIN WITH JUST GUNS. They can force zombies to retreat, but they can not increase their numbers or decrease zombie numbers. Furthermore, it takes ~42 AP (the measure of all things in game) to find ammo (in a powered mall) and kill a zombie (50 flack jacket.) A revive can do much better than kill the same zombie, in about 20 AP. Humans using guns are actually less good than max zombies who can kill a 50 flack jacked in about 32 AP. Humans also generally stay in resource buildings due to their need for equipment. This partially eliminates their barricade advantages. [Proof that this is bad] Staying many to a building allows zombies to center their attacks on resource buildings and break one barricade instead of many. This human strategy fails to use barricades to their potential, as you can not barricade passed a point. There is no advantage to having more than a few humans. However, zombies focusing on a building do gain an advantage as they can enter and prevent humans from rebuilding. [Proof that humans do this] If you have played the game, you know this is true. Malls have hundreds of people. While buildings only a few blocks away have a few. PD and hospitals are crowded while schools and libraries lie empty. Humans, being poorly set up for attack, often chose not to attack but hide in their safe houses. This causes the game to become stagnate and humans to become bored and sometimes crazy. This cause people to turn to PKing. [Proof] Notice that there are very few ZKers. This is because zombies are on the attack. They have a clear goal and a clear way to achieve it. Humans do not have this, so they get bored. Ask any PKer why he is PKing. It is because there is nothing to do. (As a philosophe knight I speak with authority) {The plan}In order for humanity to win it must make certain changes in strategy. Here is what humans should do: I)go to a safe suburb and get (1) Crowbar (1)DNA Extractor (1) Flack jacket (1) Fire ax (1) Pistol ~(4) pistol clips ~(12) FAKs ~(30) revive syringes [note]Depending on how safe the suburb we are working on is at first we will need lot of syringes and later more FAKs [Why?] Crowbar to get inside. Flack jacket stops PKers. Fire axe is better than a gun and is a flexible item. Pistol and pistol clips to kill rotters (one pistol and pistol clips is the best way to carry ammo). FKA is a human AP imbalance and you will get hurt. Revive syringes, think of this like 30 more humans and 30 less zombies. II) Once equipped humans will enter a zombie suburb and(in order of importance): 1) If out if ammo go to a safe suburb and reload [Why] reloading out of town gives the zombies no place to attack and allows humans to continue the attack no matter what the zombies do. It also takes away the AP mismatch in Gking and the power of their ability to ransack. and allow humans to make the best use of baricades 2) Divide evenly through safe buildings(buildings with no zombies and some barricades) [why] If we are evenly spread throughout a suburb the zombies have to brake many barricades instead of one, allowing us to take best advantage of the AP mismatch in barricades. In addition it does not allow zombies to center their attack and in doing so decrease the area they much conquer. 3) Revive HS members 4) build barricades of cleared (a building without zombies) buildings 5) revive zombies inside unsafe buildings (focusing on one building at a time) [why] revives are by far the best weapon and very effective at clearing buildings 6) revive zombies outside of buildings [note] we will revive people who are most likely to be real people before we revive real zombie III) Once a suburb is safe, generators will be set up and we will move on to the next zombie suburb. {advantages}ADVANTAGE ONE: BARRICADES Zombies destroy suburbs in two ways 1) Zombies win by destroying generators and ransacking buildings. Basically taking advantage of their own AP mismatches and destroying the source of the humans advantages. 2) Zombies win by braking the barricades in the centers where humans stay. This is not zombie strategy but bad human strategy. To stop the zombies from ransacking and braking generator humans all stay in reassures buildings. However this gives zombies 4 times the people for 1 forth the barricades. This strategy avoids both. Because we reload out of town the zombies do not gain anything form ransacking and Gking. This in turn allows the humans to speared through out the suburb because they no longer need to defend reasons buildings. ADVANTAGE TWO: REVIVES Revives are a simple AP unbalance that we are taking advantage of. Revives are more then two times are good as guns and one and a half time as good as zombie claws. Humans could win with just revives even with out barricades. Q and AWouldn’t revived zombies PK? Yes, some zombie will do their best to kill humans. However most zombies best will not be very good as they will not have skills or ammo. The best they can hope for is a zombie who can use a fire ax. a fire ax will kill a human in about 50 AP we can revive that human in about 20 AP. Let them PK their little harts out. Wouldn’t revived zombies GK? If they can find a generator they can kill it. However, as we reload out of suburb I don’t think they will be able to find one. Wouldn’t revived zombies RK? Again if they can find a radio they can kill it we will not be bring them in. Wouldn’t revived zombies Spy? The fact is spies do very little real damage. They can find weak points. However weak point will not be a big deal when we are evenly dived. As no building is worth much to us and no building should be weak. Wouldn’t revived zombies destroy barricades? Yes, however they will brake them at a slower rate then zombie’s brake them and a much slower rate then we make them. So let them hammer away. The truth is that zombies can not win this strategy has been built to give the zombies no way to win. Wouldn’t revived zombies just kill themselves? Jumping from a window is probable the best thing a zombie can do. However reviving is still the best way to attack. Because it allows you to move zombies outside in the most AP effective way and wastes more zombie AP then shooting the zombies. wouldn't revived zombie just go standout side and be eaten? If I revive a zombie in side it takes 20 AP to revive him and find a syringe and maybe 40 more to build the barricades. The zombies have to use 21 AP to get the revived zombie back on his feat and 68 to smash the barricades. We will win because zombies our using more AP then we are.
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This page design was greatly influenced by the designs of Sirens. Thank you. Other influencing figures include Italo Calvino and Rembrandt. |