Talk:Humanity's Saviors
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A division of the Philosophy Knights, eh? I suppose I should appologize to Noc, then. Look at it this went out with a bit of humor: You say "GOD THAT WAS ANNOYING!! LIKE A DRILL IN MY BRAIN!" to the fifty people nearest to you. --SirensT RR 03:24, 24 January 2007 (UTC)
- …its ok I can't see that you could have done me any harm, if anything you will draw attention to what I said and it saved me the AP of jumping out a window. I also must say I almost decided to kill you instead of talking. Noc 22:58, 24 January 2007 (UTC)
- I concur with your ideals and applaud you for your efforts (particularly the smart usage of AP). ACRID has set similar standards for itself. I/we consider you allies and friends. If there is ever anything you need, contact us and we will strive to assist you. -Ablesentinel 17:14, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
- Thank you for the support. I would encourage you to put the HS revive priority box on your main page. Also your revive priority has been changed to 4.3 (a very good grade) because of your support. I’m working on an allies page and you will be given recognition when it is done. It would invite a diplomat to my forum but I don’t know who he would talk too.Noc 19:01, 24 February 2007 (UTC)
- Can I ask you to right a paragraph about describing your group, to put on my allies page, it would look something like this:
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.
text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text text.
Noc 20:47, 25 February 2007 (UTC)
Further Congruousness from Beerhah
Ahoy there. From the looks of it, you are an excellent group. I thought you might be interested in something that's being developed over at It involves combat reviving, which you are already doing, and a novel concept for getting more people to adopt your tactics. Check it out - and please consider adding this template to your group page to show your support
Combat Revive Any Person | |
Oh, C.R.A.P.!
Yet another proud supporter of the Malton Zombie Recycling Program |
--Giles Sednik 05:53, 22 April 2008 (BST)
Greetings from a TNT07 member
- Hi, I'm actually one of Tour Necrotech's tour guides. TNT07 already practices many of the policies espoused by Humanity's Saviors, or thier own similar policies. The only major difference I see is that TNT07 prefers RESCUE to leaving banks open as revive points, as churches work better for the purpose, and that TNT07 also would likely enact a barricade policy that included some VSB buildings (banks, perhaps) for newbies to refuge in. Both are fairly moot points, as the fact that we attempt to clear revive points in hot zones means we do not have the luxury of designating opur own revive points and barricade policies are more along the lines of "why can't I find ANY barricaded buildings"?
- I'd like to explore the potential for an informal or even operational alliance between our groups, or maybe switching my own group membership if I find TNT07 unwilling / unable to ever achieve the progressive agenda of revive-oriented / AP efficient tactics I'm trying to push them towards. I also feel that both groups could eventually go farther in their goals if the groups were (very) large; for example, I would like to see PKing completely de-criminalized, and instead make it required that all individuals "earn" their revives, at a cost that factored in past behavior; PKing would not be a crime, but WOULD make it more expensive to earn a revive. This would mean that those wishing to punish PKers could do so by killing them, at the expense of simply earning a revive at the cost required by this single killing. The PKer, with a presumably much darker record, would then have to work much harder to earn their revive, and thus could repay their debt to society.
- --S.WiersctdpNTmapx:oo 18:52, 7 April 2007 (BST)
- HS has made small changes to its revive polices (changing banks to churches + adding entry points) so we now basically support RESCUE.
- Alliance offer:
- Condition
- Neither group can perform a action that would be considered harmful by the other group
- Neither group can fail to provide any of the benefits it promises the other group
- advantages
- HS will increase your revive priority
- HS will do all in it power to harm those who have harmed you
- HS will update you on its activities every Monday
- HS will give you all information you wish about HS
- HS would love to have a member who understand the value of AP. Keep in mind in join HS you will be one of three members. We are a very small team. However because of this you will have a very large say in our polices and actions.
- Response / Counter Points
- Requested Conditions
- I'm not sure what would be harmful to HS, and I can not speak for other members actions. TNT07 is not a hierarchical group. If the harm you are worried about is bounty hunting, I can say that I have a bounty on my head, as do several other members, and nobody has made any effort to claim them.
- TNT07 as a group has never made any promises to anybody. To our own selves we have promised to work to fulfil TNT07's ends, and not to work counter to those ends. From what I've seen, all members have made all possible efforts to keep this vow. Individual members have met variable success in these efforts, but all seem open to advice, even advice that runs counter to their previous habits.
- Proposed Advantages:
- TNT07 does not yet have a ranked revive system. I have put forth a small discussion on such a thing, but its at best a suggestion / explanation of my personal guidelines.
- I (and afaik other members) have no desire to see anybody harmed. Our only enemies are zombies who would kill us, who can not really be "harmed" in any meaningful sense, only stopped in their efforts by a rejuvenated population and the barricades that population will build.
- Hard to judge the value of. Currently our activities are as open as our members care to make them; by viewing our forum, you know what any of our members does.
- I don't really want sensitive information; I'm more interested in an exchange of technical and tactical knowledge and experience.
- Perhaps the simplest option would be for me to extend an potential for HS to operate alongside TNT07 (or vice versa) at some point. TNT07 is effectively a collection of independent elements, anarchic in nature for security purposes if not by choice, so there is nothing to stop you from doing this if you wish. The benefit I see in this is as simple as bringing life to the area we work in, and the tactical and strategic learning that will result.
- We are currently operating in Roywood, with a focus on getting the revive line there cleared. Its a limited goal; a tight focus helps maximize our impact. After that we may re-claim one of Roywod's NT buildings, and then we will probably move on.
- You can see this info and more at our forums.
- TNT07 is not a small group; we are on the stats page with 20 members. I am not TNT07's official voice; I am in fact one of the more iconoclastic members, influential more through sheer volume, action, and ability than by position. As a note of history, the group was founded by several DHPD members who wished to emulate (in reverse) the impact of the Mall Tour. I served at Strickling for some time as one of the Mall Tour's inner council, and still hold my position there. So as you can imagine, the group is not "tight knit" in any sense except our commitment to the cause. It works amazingly well despite (or maybe because) of this diversity in backgrounds and methods, and part of my aim in contacting you was to enhance that base of knowledge.
- --S.WiersctdpNTmapx:oo 22:29, 7 April 2007 (BST)
- Because of the nature of your group it seems best to not state any real terms and just treat each other how we would treat a friend. The info about your activities is very helpful (and I would ask you to inform me if and when your operation changes) and your point about working together is very similar to my views. However HS can not work with you yet as it is working on getting members.Noc 01:31, 10 April 2007 (BST)
- As are we; revivification in general is a frustratingly unpopular cause. Really, there should be a needle in every hand! When you add in the fact that TNT07 has been targeting some of Maltons worst areas (burb in the NW) - well, most people get frustrated and give up after dying a few times. I can see why, too. I;ve managed to stay alive a week, but its been a brutal challenge. --S.WiersctdpNTmapx:oo 03:52, 10 April 2007 (BST)
- part of the HS forum is set up for diplomats to report what their groups are doing. I would ask you to come report what you are doing there whenever you change activities or need help. I have done my best to make it clear even if checked rarely and want as many groups present as possible.Noc 20:30, 16 April 2007 (BST)
- As are we; revivification in general is a frustratingly unpopular cause. Really, there should be a needle in every hand! When you add in the fact that TNT07 has been targeting some of Maltons worst areas (burb in the NW) - well, most people get frustrated and give up after dying a few times. I can see why, too. I;ve managed to stay alive a week, but its been a brutal challenge. --S.WiersctdpNTmapx:oo 03:52, 10 April 2007 (BST)
- Because of the nature of your group it seems best to not state any real terms and just treat each other how we would treat a friend. The info about your activities is very helpful (and I would ask you to inform me if and when your operation changes) and your point about working together is very similar to my views. However HS can not work with you yet as it is working on getting members.Noc 01:31, 10 April 2007 (BST)
very knowable smart players?
is that even a word?----Sexualharrison MR• ה •T
16:45, 2 August 2007 (BST)
- yeah, actually it is... it means being subject to, available to knowledge; able to be known. it's used in philosophy, but maybe not much anywhere else.
- it is not at all synonymous with "knowledgable"... --WanYao 11:00, 5 August 2007 (BST)
- you mean knowledgeable? still what a crappy verb. oh and please sign your posts so I know whom I'm speaking with. ----Sexualharrison MR• ה •T
17:55, 6 August 2007 (BST)
- you mean knowledgeable? still what a crappy verb. oh and please sign your posts so I know whom I'm speaking with. ----Sexualharrison MR• ה •T
- both spellings are correct, look it up. and, i did sign my post. i sign all my posts. but i use something called PARAGRAPHS. that's where you... oh, nevermind... look that up, too...
- oh, yeah, and both words are adjectives, not verbs, btw. look up the difference sometime. --WanYao 04:48, 7 August 2007 (BST)
Your Rating System
I've noticed your ratings posted on a few groups' talk pages around town... They are, however, quite mysterious. Perhaps I am missing something, but it's not clear how these numbers are arrived at. What are the criteria? How are groups rated within each criterion? What does a specific rating mean? Is a 3.7 quite satisfactory? or kinda of mediocre? What about a 4.2 ? Who has the highest rating, who the lowest, what is the average? Etc. etc. etc.
In the interest of scholarship and the dissemination of knowledge, I believe it is essential that you make your methodology public. --WanYao 11:13, 5 August 2007 (BST)
- it about effective AP use. barricades and revives are human AP slants (it take more AP for the zombies to undo them then for the humans to do them). its main advantage is it lets you know what groups are more important to help and which ones one should join. for this reason we have included some things about group organization. to be fair we do not know much about most groups we rate (other then what the wiki tells me)so if you are unhappy with your rating and wish to give us more info we will be happy to listen. unfortunately some very small percent of groups are rated.
- the system goes form zero to five, 3 is unknown human and 2 is unknown zombie. 4.5 (To The) Four Winds got the highest. most group get about a 3.0-3.4... but thats cause most groups suck. i would be happy with a 3.7(what group got a 3.7?)
- Noc 19:49, 1 September 2007 (BST)
- PS: DEM sucks
- Loool, yup, the DEM does suck... I was just curious how you arrived at the numbers. That helps some, thanks. Now I would expect that figuring out how much a group deals with revives isn't hard -- but their efficiency in and dedication to barricading... that would hard to know, I'd think... What might be useful is "field research"... If an HS member were or two were in an area, just seeing how a suburb holds up to sustained zombie pressure... Does a tiny group actually manage to hold on to safehouses in spite of being under a lot of pressure? Does a group with big numbers still routinely get their butts kicked and their suburbs go to ruin? Telling signs.... And I don't know who hot a 3.7, if anyone, I might have made that number up as an example. :) --WanYao 01:11, 4 September 2007 (BST)
- ...sorry took me a long time to replay... but what you say is true it is very hard to good a group is... all we really have to go off is what they say they do... and what they say they want to do...Noc 03:41, 5 February 2008 (UTC)
The Big Prick is in Dakerstown...
... and needs some help. Are you available? Asheets 22:36, 1 December 2008 (UTC)