Group Numbers:
Lady Cheetara
To defend the weak from evil with our agility and muscles. ;)
Recruitment Policy:
All survivors accepted at any level, request to join at our forum
Our History
We are the Thundercats, a team of catlike creatures from Thundera. We were forced out of our homeland to flee to a safer place. However, our fleet was attacked by our enemies, the Zombies of Plun-Darr, who destroyed all crafts save for the flagship containing the young Lord of the Thundercats, Lion-O, his protectors, and the mystical Eye of Thundera, the source of the ThunderCats' power, embedded in the hilt of the legendary Sword of Omens. Although the Zombies damaged the flagship, they were driven back by the power of the Eye, and Lion-O's elderly guardian, Jaga, piloted the ship to the safety of the world of Malton, but perished in the process.
Together, the ThunderCats and the friendly natives of Malton constructed the "Cat's Lair" their new home and headquarters, but before long, the Zombies tracked them down to Malton. The intrusion of these two alien races upon the world did not go unnoticed, however - the demonic, mummified sorcerer, Mumm-Ra, recruited the Zombies to aid him in his campaign to acquire the Eye of Thundera and destroy the ThunderCats so that his evil might continue to hold sway over Malton.
Our Mission Statement
To provide absolute protection to all humans by attacking the zombies with force unknown to human kind. We promise to watch after the weak first and foremost without ever leaving anyone behind.
Our missions are thoroughly planned out to save the greatest amount of humans possible from the evil in this world.
The Thundercats promise to uphold integrity and be unified as one team, with one main purpose as long as we shall live.
We are a friendly feline group who will absolutely welcome anyone with open paws, all humans may have an alliance with us if they hold integrity and their purpose is to defend against evil. All humans are welcomed to our forums to communicate with us and seek revives. We will always look out for the interests of others and seek to help anyone in need from revives to healing to barricading. Our members sometimes will team up while at other times are on there own, we are open to whatever a member wants to do as long as it doesn't break our polices. Our forum is a fun place to chit chat at and play games, please come visit us.
Recruitment Policy
We welcome all feline friends and humans with various skill levels to join our Thundercats group! As Thundercats we've been so thankful for the hospitality we've seen from your world. When we first arrived many cats helped us build our lair and show us around. So if your interested in having friendly teammates that are highly skilled in quickly killing off zeds with their agility and power unknown to humankind then this is the group for you!
All we ask of you is that you do your best to rid this world of evil and protect the innocent. You must show integrity and make sure to work together as a team. When you first come to our forum please introduce yourself and get to know your team. Before you can be a confirmed member or leader you must prove to us you have what it takes. We are a tight group that has no desire for people who are not friendly.
If you are a low level player when you arrive we will do our best to help you level up. We will show you around the area we cats play in so that you can find the skills you need to assist us on our greater missions. So please come join up with the Thundercats and to learn more visit us here:
ThunderCat Leaders
- 1. Lady Cheetara: Leader of the ThunderCats
- 2. Rum Tum Tugger: Global Moderator and Assistant
- 3. Stiff Kittens: Forum Moderator
News and Events
- Sept.30, 2008- The Thundercats are currently searching the Malton area for a place to setup their lair and in the process making themselves known. We just arrived in Malton and are recruiting new members so if you are interested please see our forum.
- Oct.7, 2008- Thundercats have begun training, we are sharpening our skills; Cheetara has learned to become faster and move between buildings with ease. All ThunderCats have begun weight training, we gotta keep them muscles big! hehe You can see our improvements by visiting our recruitment ad here.
- Oct. 13,2008- We've been prowling around Buttonville and have decided to keep this place our home. However some of us our alley cats and really like to wander, so you'll pry see us about Malton in the next few months saying hi and getting to know the locale, helping out where we can.
- Oct. 18, 2008- Cheetara had fun along with her other cats partying it up in the local Club! We enjoyed drinks and hot tubing with the Night Ravers and The Randoms. It was so much fun and Cheetara made some lovely new friends!! Plus celebrated her birthday in style.
- Nov. 11, Nov. 23 2008 ThunderCats are heading towards the northwest corners of Buttonville and over to Wyke Hills to help push the zeds back. We are keeping the borders secure, anyone interested in joining us is welcome. We have moved back into Buttonville, currently 18 zeds outside Tebbet Building. We are trying to keep the zeds away, we will use all our might and speed. We have hospitals in near downs to help the wounded, if like to strategize with us please come chat with us on our forum, all other survivor groups welcomed.
- Nov. 28, 2008 The ThunderCats home in south Buttonville was overtaken by zeds, Cheetara and Rum Tum Tugger were eaten alive. Poor cats, we will be heading more to the west now most likely to join with our allies the Regulators Alliance to hopefully keep the zeds from pushing much to the west. Today is a sad day.. no more hot tubbing in the home of the ThunderCats, but we will get it back, one day we will rebuild our home.
- Jan. 07,2009 Our home is once again safe, many buildings lit by Christmas lights and cats roaming pretty safely on the streets. We have heard numerous helicopters flying by, and found plenty of supply crates in the streets. The Christmas lights must have attracted some help for the holidays.

Theme Song
- Have FUN!: Yeah that's right its a policy, a very sacred one. We are here to have fun and enjoy this game. I do not want any political drama or strict orders. Its a democracy not a dictatorship.
- Support Your Team: Always watch out for other team members around your area, be sure to stay in touch and make sure they are not under attack or in need.
- Be on Alert: Watch the zombie numbers in your area and especially at our headquarters. We must keep Malton safe, so be on alert on the movements of zombie hordes.
- Provide First Aid: Try to keep a FAK for your own emergency use. When you can keep a few kits on hand to aid survivors especially curing infections. In the future we may have a doctor in our midst and this will be their main objective.
- Watch those Barricades: This is an important safety feature against evil, keep designated safe houses at VSB that become over barricaded, many of our members are new without free running. We must have entry points into safe houses, especially police stations and hospitals. If the suburb is under attack bringing these up to EHB is okay with us. Also we follow the barricade plans of each suburb.
- Respect Sacred Ground: We support the Sacred Ground Policy, and members must consider cemeteries functional Revivification Points, no zombies at these locations should be attacked. Please be careful with who you revive though, if its a known zombie horde leave them alone. You may seek revive requests here at our forum.
- No Zerging: Zerging means using 2 or more alts to perform any task, please keep alts in different suburbs and leading completely separate lives. Having more alts is completely fine, just don't kill any Thundercats with your zombie or PKer alts.
- No PKing: Only kill PKers, GKers, PROVEN zombie spies, and anyone that's a general threat to the survivor side, and our area. Never kill a fellow group member, or ally. If there is a problem, bring it to the attention of the group, and we'll first seek a diplomatic solution to the problem.
- Play NICE!: While playful banter with enemies is encouraged, remember that this is a game. Our enemies are here to have a good time just as well as we are. Be sportsmanlike in your actions. Anyone found breaking this rule will be punished.