UDWiki:Administration/Sysop Archives/DanceDanceRevolution/2012-12-23 Promotion

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This page is an archive of DanceDanceRevolution's Promotions candidacy, which was withdrawn. If you wish to speak with this candidate, please use their Talk page.


I'm DDR, merry christmas. I think you all suck.

I'm applying for sysop cause I said I would half-heatedly. Do I want to? Eh. Am I needed? Eh. Could I do the job? Eh, who couldn't?

Since I'm in the "spotlight" I might as well have a quick whinge about, while I like this place, I've begun to strongly dislike the people. In the years I was an op I commonly heard talk about how the wiki was a self-gratifying, shut-off wankfest where newcomers were treated like crap and people just sucked each other off. As one of the suckers, I never thought it true. But in the recent months my opinion has changed. Most of my examples revolve conveniently around Peralta. A newcomer joins the community, does great stuff and what? The thick walls of spooge covering him from the 'inner circles' of the wiki drives him away as the remaining UDWiki community treat him like a sack of shit and desecrate his corpse for any remaining semblance of dignity they can strip from him. He co-organises a whole event? Everyone blames him for it for not being token. Personally attack him until he claims responsibility, apologises to everyone and starts his entire character roleplaying from scratch. He helps out and applies for sysop? Community dances on his bid, fucking everything about and asking irrelevant questions, then answering irrelevant questions with more irrelevant answers and rendering his hard work at trying to make this place decent completely irrelevant. He withdraws? Make long wank speeches about how it's his fault and not everyone for treating him like shit.

Never seen the wiki so effectively eradicate one user who worked so hard, and over just one month. Good work guys.

Nevertheless, if I passed this I would probably actually come around here some time. And if you like doozies like the "roleplaying dumb" saga, I couldn't deny that my increased, drunken involvement in this 'community' would probably harbor more embarassing doozies like that. Whatever, I'm keen. Oh, or if you like watching someone stretching their authority to treat new, hard working users nice rather than like a spastic, I guess I'd do that too. Or going on big tantrums and yelling at Axe Hack until the sun goes down. Whatever alt he's behind. Oh, Karek too. Oh and I wouldn't delete the wiki. You all know me, too much of a wussy do-gooder, it ain't my style.

So whatever. A ZOMBIE ANT 11:15, 23 December 2012 (UTC)

  • He's a cunt every once in awhile, looking at our past history on here shows that pretty well. But then again, out of the current team, all have them have been cocks at some point or another, barring Shorts and Spidey, and that might simply be because of my lack of interaction with them. DDR usually does a bit of work when he can and while we may not always agree on things, he usually does pretty good representing the other side in our debates. UNTIL HE PLUGS HIS EARS LIKE A LITTLE GIRL WITH HIS SHITTY HIPSTER STACHE AND LOOKING LIKE HOUSE.--SA 11:42, 23 December 2012 (UTC)
  • Question What the fuck is SA on about? --Ross Less Ness Enter Stranger... 16:06, 23 December 2012 (UTC)
    Dunno. I assumed he was just being SA. A ZOMBIE ANT 01:32, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
  • Question You told us a lot about what the current team does wrong. What you haven't told us: What is it that you would do right that the current team doesn't? -- Spiderzed 16:39, 23 December 2012 (UTC)
    I was referencing the community more than the op team, but I'll have a crack at your Q anyway. Firstly, I'd be active. Actually, that's a lie. But I'd at least try. The wiki news page at the front still says "no news" 2 days after SA nominated himself for sysop. I have no doubt some of the ops (and users, no doubt) would have seen that. However, where users can get away with ignoring that stuff, being a sysop doesn't give one a license to pass on tasks onto regular users. Sysops are bound to maintaining this place in a decent fashion. I also wouldn't circumvent the sysop guidelines that have kept us in place for 5 years, only to permaban some little idiot on the wiki. And I certainly wouldn't defend the action in misconduct. Oh, and if someone drastically changes a protected page, or system message, for the worse, I wouldn't wait until the wiki cracked a shit and the editing user left before changing it back. I would have reverted it back to the proper revision straight off the bat and worked it from there. A ZOMBIE ANT 01:32, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
    I'm assuming that the gist of it is that he won't behave like a monumental cunt, like some did on Peralta's bid. --Papa Moloch 01:47, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
    I was going to wait to see how long it'd take these guys to update that. Good job at ruining it :/ --SA 10:12, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
    If you are aware that promotion bids come with a news entry, and if you state that you wouldn't circumvent sys-op guidelines - then how can it be someone else's fault that there isn't a news entry yet? -- Spiderzed 11:08, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
    Hmm. I hope this isn't a trick question, because I don't see how sysop guidelines come into play here. If so I'll probably make a right butt of myself. Anyway, I don't like the word 'fault', as the example we are talking to isn't an instance where I would lay fault or blame on anyone, it's simply an example where I think the standard of the wiki may have fallen, and it would be a goal of mine to work towards making that standard a bit higher. Other than that, I think I could imagine where you are going with these line of questions- especially thinking that I'm targetting sysops more than just the community in general. If it's along the lines of whether I'll add anything to the team. Honestly? Probably not. Does the team need me? Hell no. There's no drama around here and the workload is minimal, there's no way I'm going to paint that in a different light. The only potential change is that you will have noticed I spend a lot of time here complaining. As a guy who tries to at least have a bit of integrity at times, I'd probably try and actually get off my arse and help rather than just complaining about everything. Maybe. A ZOMBIE ANT 11:24, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
    The problem I have here is that promotion bids have been accompanied since who-knows-when by a news entry. At the same time, your USP has been that you know the WIKI LAW, and will be there to enforce it no matter what, and to be active. Such an old-timer with such a stance missing to do such a trivial piece of janitorial work, yet accusing the team of slacking is puzzling, to say the least. -- Spiderzed 20:59, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
  • Used to do a whole bunch of stuff. If we've baited him in to a more prolonged period of doing things it could be a good thing to have him on the team.--Shortround }.{ My Contributions 19:50, 23 December 2012 (UTC)
    Vouch - After reading his response to Spiderzed, I have a lot of hope that DDR will bring a hell of a lot back to the wiki if we make him a sysop. I've looked over some of his stuff from the past couple of years and I for one would get more active again if we had somebody like this pushing us a bit more.--Shortround }.{ My Contributions 20:26, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
  • Vouch But I sure hope the "wouldn't delete the wiki" is just a hollow campaign promise. --K 19:56, 23 December 2012 (UTC)
    Trust me, I have little interest in becoming a sysop just to do something that gets reversed in 2 minutes, and gets me banned, that's a certain guarantee. As I said above, while I complain about the people a bit, I do really like this place. A ZOMBIE ANT 01:32, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
  • Vouch - Good in the past. No reason to believe that he wouldn't be in the future. --Papa Moloch 01:47, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
  • Fuck him in his stupid moustached face When I fall, I'll weep for happiness 03:31, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
  • against no thanks you had your shot. too much bad blood. and knowing DDR he will probably somehow convince his two pet monsters to come back into full activity. I prefer DDR being off on the side lines where i can just ignore his walls of text when he throws his little tantrums and decides something needs attention. no fuck this guy in his stupid well used asshole. --User:Sexualharrison11:31, 24 December 2012
  • Strong Against - User failed to jerk me off with his bid intro. I cannot in good faith vouch. ~Vsig.png 19:49, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
  • Against Go do something more productive with your life, honest advice. Go volunteer at your local church or animal shelter, learn a new language, join a political party, frankly anything remotely helpful to society. You're too old to waste your free-time on a near dead wiki about a near dead game. --Thadeous Oakley Talk 20:05, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
    In all seriousness (although I was serious in this comment), if you really want it, then go for it, I guess it would live the place up a bit. --Thadeous Oakley Talk 21:43, 24 December 2012 (UTC)
  • Weak Vouch, weak because you seem not to truly desire the job, and because I'm cynical about how one op can radically change the attitude of the wiki team. Good luck though. Bob Moncrief EBDW! 01:20, 25 December 2012 (UTC)

Withdrawn - I am appreciative of those quick supports I received, but nothing can change the fact that I am not prepared to be a sysop, never was, and any promise to achieve activity is an insult to the unsubstantiated promises by sysops that I rarely supported myself. Sorry guys. A ZOMBIE ANT 12:29, 25 December 2012 (UTC)