UDWiki:Administration/Sysop Archives

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Administration » Sysop Archives

Administration Services

Sysop List (Check) | Guidelines | Policies (Discussion) | Promotions (Bureaucrat) | Re-Evaluations

Deletions (Scheduling) | Speedy Deletions | Undeletions | Vandal Banning (Bots) | Vandal Data (De-Escalations)

Protections (Scheduling) | Move Requests | Arbitration | Misconduct | Demotions | Discussion | Sysop Archives

Browse the Sysop Archives
Bureaucrat Promotions | Demotions | Misconduct (TBD) | Promotions | Re-Evaluations
2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025

The following page acts as an archive for all matters related to sysops or people who have applied to become a sysop. Almost all of the relevant, existing archives have been migrated to this system, with the exception of the Misconduct archives, which remain to be done.

Current Sysops

Former Sysops

Other Applicants


By anyone

  1. Create redlinks for the relevant cases on every sysop's page, that way it's easier for sysops to know where to move pages
  2. Use the user rights log to look up dates for undocumented promotions/demotions, especially for early wiki history


  • Create a new page for every single case, then copy the content over (breadcrumb variables are either "Ruled" or "Ruled Not", depending on how the verdict went)
  • List any pages here that have talk pages, that way they can be addressed with a proper admin-move that will preserve the talk page's history
  1. A Helpful Little Gnome
  2. Aichon
  3. Amazing
  4. Axe Hack
  5. BobHammero
  6. Boxy
  7. Conndraka
  8. Cyberbob240
  9. DanceDanceRevolution
  10. Gage
  11. Grim s
  12. Hagnat
  13. J3D
  14. Jedaz
  15. Karek
  16. Karlsbad
  17. Krazy Monkey
  18. LibrarianBrent
  19. Matthew Fahrenheit
  20. Misanthropy
  21. MisterGame
  22. Nubis
  23. Odd Starter
  24. Revenant
  25. Rosslessness
  26. SA-TA-EK-Rumisiel
  27. Spiderzed
  28. Suicidalangel
  29. The General
  30. Thari
  31. Vantar
  32. Vapor
  33. Vista
  34. Xoid
  35. Yonnua Koponen
  36. Zaruthustra
  37. Zombie slay3r

By sysops


  1. If the pages were copied rather than admin-moved, change them to be redirects to the new page
  2. If the old archive had multiple cases, redirect it to the sysop's archive page instead of the page for the cases