This page will be used for users to request that pages falling into certain categories be protected as appropriate by a sysop without having to go through the protections page. A list of pages in the Scheduled Protections list is located here.
Protection Scheduling
Protection Scheduling requests should be requested in the same general format as Deletions. Votes will occur in the same general manner, and like deletion scheduling requests will be voted on for two (2) weeks, as judged by the initial datestamp. Valid votes are:
- Yea - Approval of Schedule Request
- Nay - Disapproval of Schedule Request
Remember that votes must be signed and datestamped (use ~~~~)
After the two weeks are up, if the page has reached at least a 50% majority in favour it is added to the Scheduled list. If the vote fails, it will be cycled as unsuccessful. The closed request can then get shifted to the Archive.
Scheduling requests under consideration
This wiki is now on read only mode. |
With the closure of the game, the Urban Dead wiki is now read-only. If you need to make further changes to the wiki, please follow our Support guidelines. |
Recent Requests
For older cases, please see the archive.
Scheduled Protections
- Inactive Open Discussions - Open Discussions that have had had no discussion for 6 months will be protected. Approved 17 Sept 2018.
- Administrative Templates - Templates with administrative only purposes which have been categorized as such in the Administration Templates category. Approved 24 May 2011.
- Closed Polls - Polls which are held through UDWiki:Poll and have been concluded. Conclusion is defined as the point at which the author of the poll posts their conclusions. The talk page of the poll remains unprotected. Abandoned or withdrawn polls can be protected without the need for author conclusions. Approved 16 March 2011.
- Historical Events - Events which are voted Historical are to be protected on sight. Their talk pages should stay unprotected. Approved 12 August 2009.
- Administration archives - Archives of the administration pages will be protected upon creation. Approved 15 November 2007
- Spamminated and Removed Suggestion Pages - Individual suggestion pages that were spamminated or removed from voting. Approved 3 June 2007.
Suggestion Day Page Protection - Each Suggestion day vote page will be protected after its given voting period, and after the intro template has been replaced. Approved 11 Dec 2005.Suggestion Day Pages are no longer an active system.- Policy Discussion Protection - Polices on policy discussion for which voting has ended, and their talk pages, will be protected. Approved 23 Aug 2006.
- Historical Groups Protection - Groups that are listed in Category:Historical Groups. Their talk pages should stay unprotected. Approved 8 Sept 2006., Ammended 14 May 2019.
- Suggestions Archives Protection -
The suggestions archives of undecided, peer rejected (after voting for the days have closed) and the previous days archives. Approved 8 Sept 2006.Suggestions that have finished voting and been archived. Revised due to Suggestion system changes. - Banned Users Protection - Users who have been banned should have their user pages, user talk pages, and any subpages of their user pages or user talk pages protected for the duration of their bans. For example, a user banned for 24 hours would have his or her pages protected for 24 hours, and a user banned permanently would have his or her pages protected permanently. Approved 11 Sept 2006.