Winter Company
Group Numbers:
Lithedarkangel (UBCS Leader), Posydon (Company CO)
Containment of the virus, similar to that in Raccoon City
Recruitment Policy:
Must already be a member of the UBCS
Squad Leaders:
Company CO: Posydon
2IC: Imthatguy
General Info
We are the U.B.C.S.' first fully operational squad. We work alongside the other teams to preserve the survivor way of life and the continuation of the human race. Formerly known as Alpha, and Bravo team, Winter Company is the product when the aforementioned Teams merged.
Winter Company is based out of East Becktown in northwest Malton, but frequently works outside of the suburb. If you would like to work with us, get in touch on the UBCS forum early so we know to expect you.
Past/Current Operations
Operation: Power of Friendship
This was a joint Operation with Fox Company in which we built on Winter Companies success in Dakerstown with both companies working together and the aid of the Army Control Corps who were also working in the suburb the place was soon well on its way to being green and we decided to go for something more challenging...
Operation: Marxists Liberation
Working with the FUACK Winter Company attempted to reclaim Darkerstown and while initially slowed by the low survivor population and high repair costs we soon had most of the major resource points up and secured most of the suburb.
Operation Final Judgement
First operation under their new commander took place in Judgewood which was in a bad way at the time with few buildings up and running working with the local group Judgewood Vector Control winter company soon had the suburb back on its feet however it was not to last Shadow Company soon had the suburb on its knees winter company withdrew to Quarlesbank to restock before their next operation.
Operation: Return
Lord K our company commander asked the company move to Molebank the home of his first group the Bampfyld Arms, the home of the first group of his first character where he would resign his command and Winter Company would elect a new leader. After the party and the speeches winter company selected their new leader Posydon.
Lord K gone but never forgotten...
Operation: Zed Shearing
Shearbank and Stickling Mall was the target for this operation initially the suburb was reclaimed quickly however a fierce battle soon broke out with the undeadites for the suburb. sadly Shearbank was soon over run and winter company withdrew to Yagoton which was then hit by the RRF. after being scattered to several different suburbs the company regrouped in once again in Shearbank and began to reclaim the suburb in the wake of the horde things this time made more difficult by the snow trails which made hiding in the limited number of safe houses dangerous however winter company soon had the suburb well on its way to being safe however Lord K had some news...
Operation: Haven of Havercroft
Havercroft one of the key suburbs in the northwest was being completely mauled by the undead hordes. Lord K planned to land on this ruined suburb using Ketchelbank as a sleep point. The southern part of Richmond Hills was also restored by the company members. The Mall was restored as other TRP in the suburb. However after some time zombies decided to put a fight and the suburb became dangerous again. Time to move…
Operation: kNights in St. Jude's
Winter goes back to Molebank to assist 10mfH and KoSJ in defending Molebank and St. Jude's Cathedral from the Undeadites in the area. This was without argue the longest operation winter company ever had, starting in the first days of November 09 and ending the first days of the next month (December 09), long battle with the undeads to keep the suburb safe for survivors, unluckily zombies have another idea for what is safe…
Operation: Iron Chipmunk
This operation took place in Eastonwood the aim was to reclaim the suburb the task was complicated by the presence of the MOB in the area the operation began on Oct 5 2009 and ended on Oct 31 2009 and was a success
Operation: Whack-a-Mole
This operation took place in molebank which at the time was suffering from a zerger with a fecal fixation the purpose was to replace any "poop" themed graffiti you find with advertisements for Lord K's latest endorsed product, Zombegone. "Zombegone: Kills. Zeds. Dead...Again". Working with 10mfH and ENVY we also tried to reclaim the suburb this operation lasted almost a month
Operation: Gordian Not
The location for the next operation was Reganbank in an attempt to end our confrontation with the Dead Bunnies by simply moving away and ignoring them little resistance was met and the operation was over in just over a week
Operation Descending to Catacomb
Descending to Catacomb was the farthest excursion the UBCS has ever embarked on. Quarlesbank was the target. Calvert was up within the first few days of the op. Most of our opposition came from the group "Shadow Company." We met up with our allies, the DEM here, and with our vast numbers, we recovered the suburb in a few weeks. Commander Lord K showed his skill, leading in territory unknown to the UBCS.
We thought this was the farthest we would be going in the near future...
...Lord K had other plans.
Older operations are moved to archive. Archive page can be found here.
'Supported Policies / Groups'
PK Reporting
This User or Group supports PK Reporting. Don't let Player Killers get away with murder. Report them on the Rogues Gallery.
Short-wave Radio Info
This group or location has a dedicated radio frequency.
Frequency: 26.94 MHz
Transmitter Coordinates: Undisclosed Locations
This group is an ally of FOXHOUND and recieves the benefits of their friendship and protection.
Dulston Alliance (Allied)
The U.B.C.S. is a staunch supporter of the Dulston Alliance.
Under His Gaze
This group is an Ally of the Imperium of Man and enjoys the rights, privileges, and protections as such