User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Epi1WoodparkinglotSTAY

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a clearing
a clearing
a clearing
a dirt road
a parking lot
a dirt road
a clearing
a lake
You are the Protagonist. You have 30 Hit Points and 5 Experience Points. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are in a parking lot before a building with a radio tower. A fence with a small gate blocks the way. Wires are interlaced with the mesh of the gate. Beyond the fence is a grassy clearing, recently mowed.

A sign reads CAUTION: ELECTRIFIED and below that Use phone for entry. Beside the fence on a wooden pole is a phone, a small camera pointed at it from above.

You say, "I need a place to stay." You hear a clicking, revolving, turning noise on the other end. After a pause, a clear voice speaks.

The buzzing ceases with a pop.

Since your last turn:
Someone says "Come in." (4 seconds ago)
Possible actions:
Open the gate "Wait--Who are you?"
You carry only a whistle, a bent knife and a smashed radio. It has been a long ride. Your blue jeans are shredded; the T-shirt, stretched 2 sizes larger, is more red than white, and your shoes are unaccounted for. Overtop it all you wear a yellow rain jacket. Perched atop your head is a crumpled paper party hat.
