User:A Helpful Little Gnome/NoteBookBack1

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the Portman Building
the Richard Building
a carpark
street (blocked)
the Harewood Library
the Margesson Building
You are the Stranger. You have 32 Hit Points and 1 Experience Point. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are on a street. Grass pokes up between cracks as usual, and near the end at a bend is a characteristic road-block of cars, cement blocks and dead buses.

Somebody has spraypainted the only safe place left is Latrobe onto a wall. It is a forward message.

You close the notebook. You feel disturbed by the pertinent accuracy of it. Being that you appear to be in some section of the city well endowed with mostly tall buildings and mostly large structures––and of the older variety, with many external embellishments and designs to grab hold of, instead of the shear glass and box-shape of modern constructions––you decide to climb a building.*

Possible actions:
Which one, exactly?
You carry a knife; a journal and a notebook; a bloodied radio and a flare gun. You have a shotgun (2), a pistol (12) and three spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome

 * It has been far too lucky to have spent the last while entering buildings without a care to what dead things lurk inside: and upon finding that no dead things lurk inside, except for the small portion of dead things that really are dead, you find your confidence enlarged and disproportionate to sensible reality. This confidence becomes carelessness, becomes panic, when luck becomes that sensible reality.