User:A Helpful Little Gnome/Ve2R

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Black River
Black Bridge
11 zombies
Black River
Black River
Black Bridge
1 human
39 zombies
Black River
26 zombies
the Burchell Arms
You are the Stranger. You have 32 Hit Points and 1 Experience Point. You have ? Action Points remaining.

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You are on Black Bridge, a recently constructed suspension bridge. Broken concrete barriers create winding paths over the solid pavement. Blood trails flow parallel across the bridge. Also here is Axel (12HP).

Somebody has spraypainted THE LUCKY FALL, TO SALVATION onto a slab of concrete.

There are two large vehicles here.

There is a large mob of zombies here.

There are three dead bodies here.

You run the way opposite to the dead that give chase, bringing you to the side of the bridge and to the rushing of Black River below. You see Axel bumble his way out of the fallen transit bus, and then there is look of horror on your face as Axel is immediately pounced upon by a zombie. It rips into Axel's arm, reaching to bone as he tries to swing at the thing with his axe.

You can do nothing as the zombie sinks its grotesque maw into Axel's neck. He tries to at least manage a gurgle, but even that is too difficult as his juggler is torn out.

Since your last turn:
Axel emerges from the wreckage, gunshot wound to his arm, axe dragging with limp grip. (10 seconds ago)
Another loud groaning is heard all around. (8 seconds ago)
Axel tries to speak in his daze, but is stilled by a zombie pouncing on his arm. (4 seconds ago)
Axel spazzes uselessly as he is devoured. (1 second ago)
Possible actions:
Fend off Axel's attacker
You carry a knife, a journal and a bloodied radio. You have a pistol (8) and three spare magazines inside your vest pouches. You are wearing a tactical vest, blue jeans, a white T-shirt and a pair of shoes.

User:A Helpful Little Gnome