Bloody Green Boyz
Group Numbers:
Unknown(Estimated in the 40s)
Zheke, Rachael, Mackenzie, Mitch
Run our "legitimate business" ventures on the streets of Malton while helping our fellow survivors. We supply revive and other, wanted goods.
Recruitment Policy:
New members are required only to pick up a dog tattoo at their nearest tattoo parlor and add our group and their new tattoo to their profile. Proceed to find us in the northern hemisphere of the city so we can add you to our member roster on this page. Zombie members need only to place the experimental collar on in their profile and find us.(NOTE: We only take civilian and zombie members, we are a strictly refugee and rag tag group and don't have any trained personnel above and beyond your typical civilian.)
BGZ Forum
The Bloody Green Boyz
The Bloody Green Boyz were a drug cartel before the outbreak in Malton, now they're turning their efforts to previous clients and survivors of the outbreak, supplying aid and syringes to fellow survivors. The dog tattoo worn by members symbolizes the pack mentality they share and surprising efficiency at working as a unit to take down their adversaries with the cold merciless disposition a pack displays towards its prey. Drug peddling wasn't the only aspiration of the Bloody Green Boyz however, distribution, manufacturing, and replication of highly dangerous and experimental electronics and weaponry was a particularly favorite hobby of their ringleader, Zheke, of particular note was the prototype of a still very experimental and mostly untested "mind control collar", allowing a person absolute reign over the subject's actions, ranging from a fully functioning human being to a long deceased corpse. The collars went missing from one of the Bloody Green Boyz warehouses days before the outbreak. Occasionally, one can see some of these collars on some of the local zombie population, but one must wonder if there's mind control at work, is it the Bloody Green Boyz behind the strings...or the zombies?
Rachael, Love interest of Zheke and Second Officer of the Bloody Green Boyz
Rachael Carter
Character class:
Favorite equipment:
Pistols, and her boomstick.
Character profile:
Urban Dead profile
Current status:
Character group:
Character stats:
Level 8
no journal for Rachael Carter
Not long after the outbreak Rachael met up with the Crime Boss Zheke of the Bloody Green Boyz, and quickly they became an inseparable pair. While others may not have seen what lay beneath the logical, cold and calculating exterior, time itself had proven to her that regardless of how he looked at outsiders in his life, he did not share this view of people with those close to him. Once things in Malton had gone to hell, she followed him and his gang without question, and while more empathetic than her dearest, she never hesitated when dealing with any potential threat to their associates with zero tolerance.
The X-Files
This User believes that the truth is out there.
... Wha?
This user just doesn't care.
Music Lover
This user likes music.
Ia! Ia! Cthulhu fhtagn!
In his house at R'lyeh, Rachael's Turkey Sandwich waits dreaming.
Pulp Fiction
Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker. Say what one more goddamn time.
Roleplaying Notice
Notice: This User or Group enjoys the RPG aspect of MMORPGs, the category of games that Urban Dead falls into. As such, there is probably quite a bit of roleplaying and/or creative writing on this page and in said User/Group's in-game actions. In other words, if you think the difference between IC and OOC is "One has an 'I' and the other has two 'O's," buzz off.
Life Cultist
We will bring vengeance even after death.
This user or group supports Mob Tactics.
This user is a consumer, and is probably off looting a mall somewhere.
Proud To Be Alive
This user is a survivor and proud of it.
Fire is Pretty
Rachael thinks that fire is pretty.
no, seriusly. wut? reelly, WUT? OMG WTF IZ iT?! orly?! lololololmaozedong
Trigger Happy
Rachael has guns. Do not cross them.
Code Stealer
This user is a wiki code stealer, and probably stealing your sidebar while you read this.