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I browse the Suggestions page frequently. I vote "Kill" on most suggestions, because most suggestions just won't work. I only "Spam" a suggestion when I think it is complete garbage. Once in a while, I do actually vote "Keep".

Though I'm not a member, I strongly support the WCDZ. However, I feel it is not enough to make zombies want to quit the game; you need to make all players, including humans, want to throw their hands up and walk away in defeat. In a game where you can never completely eradicate your opponents, the only way to win is to frustrate them into quitting; as the only player left, you would win by default.

I don't get along with hypocrites or liars, so if you're like Amazing (meaning you break the rules, whine other people are doing the same thing and delete their comments for it, then deny you deleted the comments), expect me to hate you.

My Group

Currently groupless. I used to be part of the Cool Guy Crew, but since I quit the KoL chapter, I don't have access to their forums. Fight on guys!

In Game

Here is my main character's profile. Asrathe is a confirmed survivor (though I buy him zombie skills for the bragging rights). When he dies, he heads straight for the nearest revive point. While alive, he switches between all the survivor roles (barricader, zombie slayer, revive artist, doctor, scout, and Phone Mast maintainer). Asrathe does not PK unless retaliating for an earlier attack. He has been known to ZK while zombified. His weapon of choice is the Pistol.

My alternate character is Loanne. Loanne is currently without a group, and plays mostly defensive/supportive roles (doctor, barricader, revive artist). She fights for whichever side she happens to be on at the moment, and has no preference for either. Loanne does not PK unless attacked first, and rarely ZKs. As a human, her favorite weapon is the Shotgun.

I have an ungrouped zombie alt as well, though I won't link his profile. He's a maxed zombie, complete with Brain Rot.