Godly Malton fireman, loyal member of the MRH. Currently level 41
Fire Fighter
This user is a Firefighter and is probably off chopping up a zombie with their axe.
Eldredix The Randoms.
A world-weary lean man dressed in a ripped and stained lab coat from civilisation long gone. Carries only a worn-out black medical bag that carries all his wordly possessions.
Currently level 41
19/9/06 Eldredix promoted to Major in the Randoms.
01/9/06 Eldredix blasts a few lethal holes in George Castanza. Castanza downed in the Ruxton Museum, Wyke Hills
27/8/06 B D McSkeets is back and has PKed The Randoms Commander Cheesemn Muncher. McSkeets is now KOS for all Randoms members.
20/7/06 Eldredix becomes leader of Echo Squad in The Randoms Command and Structure reshuffle
17/6/06 A situation involving legal bounty hunting by Eldredix against known Pker B D Mcskeets arose. The situation has been resolved and all is calm. In other news this kill has made Mcskeets give up his actions in Wyke Hills.
03/01/07 Eldredix is promoted to Colonel.
28/02/07 Echo is merged with Alpha squad.
03/04/07 Eldredix is promoted to General.
Alpha Squad

Leader: MeKillPie
Current Members: Eldredix (Retired from command of Echo, handed to MKP) SergPires Camping Eddy Acidskie Jwalls McConahey Darene(inactive) Some others, always changing
A Llama of the guarding kind, slightly reformed zombie. Regularly spits on other llamas.
Currently level: 39
Guard Llama
This user obeys the Llama Pantheon, protects the herd and spits at other Llamas willy nilly.
Plays drums in 3 bands, all in disarray
NHL fan, particularly the New Jersey Devils
Into metal, hard rock, punk and a little bit of indie and hip-hop
Likes to party
Fan of Kevin Smith movies, Peep Show and Curb Your Enthusiasm
Holds socialist views without being a scum-sucking-hippie-bitch
Creator of: Sportacus, Too Sexy, EmoKids, Castanza and Guard Llama templates.
Drop in on my talk page anytime ^^