User:Billy K
Billy K [1]
It started in Pimbank, after crawling out of my cellar hoping the walking dead had been cleansed from my beloved city. Seeing chaos and death walk the streets i fled to Tynte Mall and there sought shelter in the hallowed halls of Bradbury library. For months i struggled aiding my fellows and learning how to adapt as a lone survivor collecting the skills and equipment that would help me so well later...
I had seen on my frequent trips to the Mall that evil was wrought not just by the mindless zombies but also by deranged survivors, no where was safe or sacred. I awoke on a frosty morning on the 3rd of March 2007 to see lying with us in Bradbury an infamous murderer known as Zugbar. Rage filled me and i lashed out as he slept shooting bullet after bullet into his corpse as my companions stared in horror...
...I fled but something had changed, i had found my calling, to seek out and slay man and woman alike. Accidents have happened and on at least one occasion i have slain someone not wholly guilty so like my prey i to bear the mark of Cain ( I am wary as i have heard reports of an old fireman i once worked with commiting murders in Malton. I am sure it is just conjecture and nothing else, Tee Hee!)...
Most Killed Strangerer x 4 Kaiser33 x 4 skowt x 3 Mark Brandon Read x 5 KyIe the Feared x 3 Captain Cleanoff x 4 FrankVitchard x 4
Total Kill Count Murderers killed = 166
Wow, due to the large number of murderers and ne'er do wells executed by yours truely the list is too big to place on here. I have the info. though and will keep the kill count updated every few days!
15th to the 17th of March - Begin bounty-hunting full-time with a series of kills in Havercroft during the first Malton Murder Awards taking out Franz Molotov and Flogging Molly as well as other's
21st of April to the 4th of May -Playing hide and seek with Red Rum's The Stalkers, got whooped quite a bit but managed to kill more often than be killed in Pitneybank
22nd to the 26th of May - Participated in Battle Royale in Dulston, got knocked out * Sigh *
12th to the 15th of June - Head on down to Wyke Hills to aid T.A.R and allies against PKer's
10th to the 24th of August - Brutally murder 15+ PKer's infesting Dulston in an orgy of violence
2nd of September to the 11th of October - Don's stetson, gun-belt and tin star and begins enforcing the rule of law in Pitneybank as sheriff of Giddings
14th of October to present - Got bored, wandered around a bit, bumped into Leighton Kru and have decided to follow them around a bit ( 5 x Kru kills so far ) There mum's remind me of a garden centre what with all the hoe's :0)
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Bounty Hunter |
This User or Group hunts and kills PKers. |
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